Straw Poll

Hi, Veeky Forumstorians, what period/s of history interest you the most.

(After 1980 is not history, it's just a rule)

Other urls found in this thread:

August 2013 - February 2014

End of the 3rd Punic War -> Death of Julius Caesar

The First Crusade

The reign of Justinian

Alexander's Conquests

Late Anituqity and High Middle Ages.

Fall of the WRE and the Germanic Migration

Poll please?

Great strawpoll there.

The Middle Ages.
Ancient Near East.



Sorry guys, forgot the poll


Reformation and enlightenment closely followed by the ancient era

if any of you choose 1900-80 then fuck off

nice choices, user.

Does anyone here prefer to study an area of history outside of Europe?

Ancient/Medieval china/India are pretty fascinating.

More than one vote is allowed on the poll btw guys.

As Jim Morrison unironically said in the end, the west is the best, so no.

Why? I like 1900-80

Ancient era, especially Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc.
I like the feeling of smallness I get. So many generations, so much time passed.
It's kind of the same feeling I get when looking at the stars, such vastness. Though human civilization is but a blink of an eye in the universe.
Should probably stop rambling.


..also fuck you.

Redo this thread with the poll link in the OP, you faggot.


Cold War.

I voted 0-500 in lacking a better option. But the best is Late Antiquity in it's broader sense, started by the crisis of the 3rd century and finished by the islamic expansion.

shoo shoo, nomad

The 19th century, no matter the geographic location. Best period.

Stone Age to Bronze Age, Classical Greece and Late Antiquity to a lesser extent.

>even more nothing

500-1100 AD

Dutch colonial history c. 1600-1949