So just because of the titles of those doing the killing, it legitimizes it?
I'm not blaming the white man. I'm saying humanity is inherently violence. It happens within, without, before and after Islam. It'll happen until humanity goes extinct. The fact that you have this cognitive dissonance, ignoring the huge amount of death and murders committed by regimes, just because they UN gives them a different title, is stupid.
>Your laughable assertion that Islamic fundamentalism and aggression has nothing to do with Islam?
Then respond with a fact instead of just saying "LOL THAT'S WRONG". That's like saying the war that destroyed Iraq and caused all the modern issues in the Middle east was caused by freedom.
>I'm sure Omar being enraged beyond belief by the sight of two men kissing and deciding to wipe out a gay bar during Ramadan had nothing to do with his Imam calling for death to homosexuals last April.
Source? because this is the kind of shit Veeky Forums would make up. Also, yes, because if it took that long and only happened this one time, then that means there is something wrong with Omar, not Muslims.
Muslims have a lot of issues we need to fix in regards to homosexuality. But for a vast majority of us, at worst, it's "ew that shit is gross." Even the story of Sodom and Ghammorah in the Quran is about the utter hedonism of those cities, which includes homosexuality. The prophet, in regards to homosexuality, only said "don't be like the people of Sodom and Ghamorrah."
But the only reason Islam is being brought into this discussion is because of bigotry and propaganda used to further the agenda of war. No one blames Christianity when a christian shooter commits something, or nationalism or patriotism or American culture. They say it's gun control, or mental health care.
But when a human who is crazy happens to be Muslim, it's all about Islam, eh?