Islam and Progressives

Why do progressives and elements of the far-left - who both pride themselves on standing up to oppressive and intolerant institutions - refuse to condemn Islam?

Surely they must realize how fundamentally Islam stands against everything they stand for? Right now they're throwing the LGBT community under a bus in a race to protect their new allies. What's going on?

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It's the progressive stack, and muslims take a higher priority than the lgbt community.

> who both pride themselves on standing up to oppressive and intolerant institutions

They dont actually do this though.
They just condemn white male institutions.
Its cultural Marxism at any cost.

It's probably the one part of the whole equation of Leftism and Cultural Marxism I can't understand.

How can you rail against white male privilege and gun ownership when someone shoots up 3 people in an abortion clinic, but when a Muslim specifically targets YOUR community and kills 50 of you, there's nothing to be done about it and it's just one wackjob, a whole coincidence?

liberalism is a mental disorder, just like theism

>liberalism is a mental disorder, just like theism


progressive here

its because even though religion is a cancer people have the right to be free and pray to god in whatever way they choose, it is only when they start advocating for the removal of the rights of others that they must be stopped

It's simple. You are assuming the political false dichotomy is true, and that all liberals subscribe to liberal values, and that mixing-and-matching values that are right for you is impossible. I'm a liberal. I would conceal and carry if I didn't occasionally feel suicidal (I haven't made an attempt, but I don't think I'm the right sort of person to be owning a gun). I believe people should have the right to protect themselves. I have difficulty people who wholeheartedly subscribe to an ideology that uses threats of eternal punishment/promises of eternal reward as a way to disseminate antiquated value systems. I don't care for the internaltional Muslim community. I don't like the rekt webms I've seen of women being beaten to death in the street for burning their own persona copies of the Quran. I don't like extremism in general. If a bunch of Muslims broke into my house wanting to kill me because I have gays in my family or because I'm a pantheist, I would gladly plug them with bullets.

I thought Ahmed the Clock kid was a manufactured outrage. I think transsexuality is frivolous and problematic, in that these people want my taxpayer dollars to go to non-essential cosmetic operations, and that they continually pretend sex isn't biological but something more like political orientation, and subject to whimsical change.

I think a lot of liberals are crazy. I think a lot of conservatives are prudes.

I still value egalitarianism. I value suffrage. I think gays should be allowed to get married, because marriage isn't an purely abrahamic sacrament, but a secular ritual engaged by all cultures. If the Church wants to say Christian gays can't get married in a Christian church, fine. But secular marriage is secular marriage.

I don't believe in condemning white males, affirmative action, or cultural marxism.

I do believe in labor unions, progressive taxes, and regulatory bodies. That is liberalism, to me.

But nowadays, if I'm not full university SJW, I'm not lib

>But nowadays, if I'm not full university SJW, I'm not lib
says who exactly

> all liberals subscribe to liberal values
before anyone says "no shit sherlock," let me correct myself. I meant:

*all liberals subscribe to *all liberal values
I don't have to be an extremist to be liberal. I'm allowed to be liberal with *some conservative values.

>Trump supporters are biggots like oh my god those rednecks shouldn't have rights
>Come on guys it is the current year, how can you say that ISlam is not the religion of peace?Terror attacks are isolated cases,I bet that you are a bigoted Trump supporter,
>you know, the crusades happen, so christianity is bad and should be remove from society
Progressives have to be physically removed,if we want to prosper

OP, with his loaded "How come liberals believe this and this at the same time" type questions.

He's clearly taking all the contradictory liberal values, constructing a stereotypical liberal, and then asking why the strawman he constructed exists.

The answer is ignore the extremists + nutcases constantly paraded around by the sensationalist media and talk to reasonable people

It is women subconsciously desiring a return to patriarchal values, to be physically and spiritually controlled, but as one cannot lose face, one covers it with ideas of religious tolerance and cosmopolitanism.

Responds to the idiot, ignores the reasonable post,
>strawman liberals I hate must be destroyed bleep blorp

I do not recall saying any of the things you're quoting. If you have to put ridiculous words in my mouth for you to win some kind of pointless argument then why are you even bothering?

Are you OP, is this all you wanted from the thread? If so I think you'd be a lot happier in /pol/.

hey what did I say that was idiotic?

>Implying that you are not the idiott

that is indeed what he was implying, do you have an argument to counter his or are you just going to mindlessly shitpost for as long as someone will reply?

Because the REAL enemies of the progressives and far-left are the rightist elements in their own society, not radical Islam. Radical Islam is opposed to those rightist segments of western society, and must therefore not be all that bad.

>refuse to condemn Islam?
Yes just condamn that eintre religion...thats not retarded and undifferenciated at all....
>Right now they're throwing the LGBT community under a bus
[citation needed]

>in a race to protect their new allies
Maybe theres a diiference between, not giving a shit about dead gays and being ok with incitement...
you can do about the LGBT community AND not wanting people to mob muslims either...

which is something that almost only Muslims do nowadays and no, that 0,001% of Christian extremist in the US doesn't count.
It's fun though, leftists are technically the staunchest opponents of religion and yet they support the accommodation of every religious bullshit if it comes from Muslims.

What do you think?

Extreme times call for extreme measures, sad to say.

If Obama wants to import third world savage, that's going to directly harm the LGBT community as well as feminists

>Right now they're throwing the LGBT community under a bus
I think he may have been referring to this

>The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition

The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of sabotage, power-plays, use of power to prevent competition, tax evasion, and other attempts by the monied oligarchy to create a non-level playing field, so that they can point and laugh from the balustrade of their high balcony and say absolute shit like "clearly because you weren't born rich and with powerful friends, you didn't work hard enough."

It is precisely the people born in the easiest positions who are constantly espousing that our society is a meritocracy when in fact it is far from it.

"Competitive" is often a code word for "ruthless and cunning" and has little to do with the merit in performing the work.

The peter principle says that the guy who's the best at his job should never get promoted, because he'd get promoted into unfamiliar territory.

Gaining power has less to do with ability, and more to do with ruthless cunning. The Ruthless and Cunning want the people struggling to believe that they're just temporarily embarassed millionaires, and that if they only suck Satan's cock harder they'll get that """deserved""" pay raise.

I work harder than a lot of my coworkers. I stay in one place because I work hard. There's no incentive to promote me into unfamiliar territory.

Also I don't go out drinking with the alcoholic bosses enough, and I'm not a part of their cadre of college buddies. I also don't pay enough lip service to trivial, traditional "fun people" interests like sports, sex, TV, and booze.

These things often play way more of a role in pay raises and promotions than actual merit does. Most of the people in power at jobs I've been at pay little attention to merit, often favoring people who simply TALK louder about how hard they work, parrot "company values" and empty corporate phrases while the hardest working, silent group trudge on depressed and overlooked.

Go on twitter, facebook or any other social media service and look at how the left is responding to this. They were rubbing their hands with glee in the thought it was a white Christian, ranting and raving against intolerant religious extremists. Now it's #notallmuslims. Again

>Yes just condamn that eintre religion...thats not retarded and undifferenciated at all....
We all know that Islam is the religion of peace dont get that nervous

godcucks need to die

More fool you then, for refusing the play the game.

Just because you lack the stomach for it does not mean that the rest of us should cease as well

being free to be stupid is a proud american tradition, just because that idiot who shot all those people in florida was a muslim does not mean that all muslims supported his actions.

I think considerably less of a person when I know they're a practicing member of their religion but I'm never going to say you shouldn't be able to do so. It's right there in the first amendment.

>Extreme times call for extreme measures
so we should mob muslims?

>They were rubbing their hands with glee in the thought it was a white Christian, ranting and raving against intolerant religious extremists.
who was? I certainly wasn't.

Where were you when based Don was correct yet again?

Nope, just putting them in a register is enough

If you are so good open your business and stop being a wagecuck.
>I deserve more than I have REEEEEEEE
>Noone values me REEEE
Protip: You are worth what other say you are worth.

>how do i statistics
well ok... no argument was made

>setting up privileges and restrictions based on religion
the very first part of the very first amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

why do you hate america?

>just putting them in a register
and waht is the purpose of that register?
whoever is on it gets certain civil liberties revoked?


in what way?

>Most terrorist organizations in the world are muslims
No wonder that people are getting dumber every year.

Liberal here, just saying that radical muslims are intolerant pieces of shit and act like literal autists.

because Islam isn't at fault.

Only idiots who know nothing about Islam try to criticize Islam. Islamic communities have flaws and problems, and these problems vary from community to community and mosque to mosque. But some neckbeard in the middle of Oklahoma doesn't know those problems.

While I love the constitution as much as you do, in times of crisis it is expedient to suspend parts of it.

And the register would simply ban them from buying guns and ingredients needed for bomb-making

I guess you've never hear Dawkins talk about Islam. He seems to think it makes Christianity look downright peachy.

This is true for Fundamentalist Islam among almost all progressives. While they tolerate the religion, they don't tolerate fundamentalist practices, like stoning women, female castration, etc. etc. But there's similar fundamentalist Christian traditions they also don't put up with.

They tolerate secular Muslims, and discourage prejudice against them.

There might be a few leftists who feel otherwise, but this is the most widely held view, so far as I can tell. You kinda have to cherry pick before you can bring yourself to believe that there's some hypocrisy in the leftist view of Islam from that perspective.

Not that there isn't a WHOLE LOTTA hypocrisy from leftist organizations on other fronts, but this is largely manufactured. Half the reason the fundamentalist of Islam hate the west so, is western leftists trying to stomp out the most egregious of their behaviors.

In any case, 25 year rule, and

>>Most terrorist organizations in the world are muslims
Well thats not what your statistic says, even if it is true.
Now, how can you draw conclusions about all 1.6 billion of them being ebol spook?

There is literally nothing wrong with committing acts of terror against the immoral, disgusting and bloated Great Satan.

>terrorist organizations

Do you not include the US and Israel and Britian in that list?

Because each one of those countries has killed more civilians than all Islamic terror groups combined.

fucking gungrabber

shall not be infringed motherfucker

This was before his identity was confirmed

>I love the constitution in times of crisis it is expedient to suspend parts of it.
Then you dont love it m8...

>And the register would simply ban them from buying guns and ingredients needed for bomb-making
So youd want to place an entire religion on the terrorist watchlist...just to be sure...its spooky times...its justified

it wouldn't be terrorism the guy was a white Christian.

Actually, Veeky Forums would turn pictures of him into hilarious memes like that asian guy or that manlet and praise him for taking down the liberal and SJW establishment.

This shooter is more /pol/ than any of you want to admit.


But there is a precedent for this, you know.

You do realize people are joking about Rogers, right autismo?

And yes, IF the guy was a white christian, but he isn't

this is /lgbt/ right now

I would wager I know more about Islam than you do. And I'm not a Yank so stop projecting

these are complaining that the term terrorism is only applied by the media to muslim extremists and not christian extremists, hardly the same thing you were saying

>we would make the terrorist into memes if he were a white christian, but hes not, so its not relevent


Didn't you know? Dawkins is a far-right fascist these days.

i always though dawkins was litteraly god

>m-muh w-white priviledge
You fuckers are so predictable

>Islam is not to fault
>Despite 80% of the world's terrorist organizations are Islamics.
You know were the goat is ahmed

No, I was pointing out that you're dragging out hypotheticals while ignoring the real situations going on.

Bataclan. Cologne. Brussels. Orlando. How much more?

>be a /pol/tard
>make a post on /lgbt/
>screenshot it
>pretend someone else wrote it and use it as an example of /lgbt/'s views

Never said that all were evil. Said that what they belive is dangerous and shouldn't be tolerated. They can behave like retards in their designated shitholes. No room for them in the west.

Those people are what you call a "vocal minority."

For every one of them there are thousands of more reasonable people waiting for the information to come in.

Just like for every mass shooter there's a million people who think murder is abhorrent.

not at all, those faggots really are this delusional

Well, it looks like they're shit-talking radical muslims for being fucktards.
Sounds good to me.

>placing cologne in the same list as mass shootings
Yo chill out...perspective man...
(also cologne was a more complex situation that "spooky brown people touching muh aryan women!11!!")

Kek. Right so people ranting about whites being terrorists before the bodies are even cold on the ground is normal behaviour? The very same people who now try to deflect away from terrorism and want to talk about gun control because the murderers skin wasn't the color they were hoping for

>accepting a shitty game that's unfair to the majority of the human population
>not trying to change it in any way

Way to be a selfish prick.

hah these guys are pretty good

>more complex situation

in what way?

>women don't want to be groped
>sandniggers proceed to grope
>dude don't need to jump to conclusions lmao

>Do you not include the US and Israel and Britian in that list?
This is why the left is such a joke.
>Some countries beat muslims in a war. This is the exact same thing,as defending woman dilapidation and the assesination of inocent civilians

Then it's the fault of the majority that they're too stupid to know the rules of the game.

And why would I want to change a system that benefits me? Seems counterproductive

You need money to open a business, turd for brains.

>Y u no participate in corrupt bullshit

Because I want things to actually be meritocratic. Instead of playing ruthless and cunning games while PRETENDING everythings meritocratic. I actually have morality, something you only have when it's convenient.

I expected shitty answers like this... but still felt the need to type.
Fuck me.


And interesting article, user.

Because regressive left is impressed by people who are able to act. Muslims act.

According to the Guardian, those liberated women with their fancy mobile phones were enraging the poor uneducated Muslims by flaunting their wealth and freedom. I wish I was making that up. Victim blaming is always wrong unless the criminal is brown

Then respond with an actual argument and not pretending you know shit. I majored in history with a focus on Islamic history, and grew up in a Muslim family with immigrant parents in the US.

You not responding with facts proves you don't know shit.

WWI and WWII and the Cold War have killed more civilians than Islamic radicalism has since the dawn of Islam.

lumping everything into a "terror group" means shit. It just means that the Imperial powers dubbed them "terrorists". The US revolutionary forces would be considered terrorists by the modern definition, which is nothing more than a propaganda term. The US in Iraq killed more civilians than all Islamic terror groups have in that same period.

Let me add to this that I do want to open a business and am saving money.

But that shouldn't be the only option. And if things were truly meritocratic, it wouldn't be the only option.

And what does morality get you? Can you bring it to the bank? Can you buy goods with it? Can it keep you warm and fed and clothed?

You cower behind you pathetic excuse of "morality" but I think the truth is that you're just weak.

I smell sour grapes

>left meme

I'm center right. I usually voter libertarian in the federal elections in the US. but please, keep assuming because I disagree with you, I'm "left".

Imperial nations are just as shitty and evil as terror groups. Sorry that it doesn't fit your agenda.

Wartorn regions end up regressing. After WWI and WWII, how many people starved to death and how much rape was abound? How many genocides happened? exactly. fuck off.

I don't know, Sustainability? A better world for your children? Not being a sociopath?

If only the cells in your body all spontaneously decided to eat each other out of a sense of Randian individuality.

Wouldn't that be a pretty sight.

>WWI and WWII and the Cold War have killed more civilians than Islamic radicalism has since the dawn of Islam.
>Putting things completly out of contest.
>Ignoring the fact that terrorism is not the same thing as a war.
>Le evil white man,totally ignoring the fact that population balloned in the industrial revolution,so more total deaths mean shit,as Islam was dominant when popularion was low,and totally did a fuckfest
Keep comparing terror attacks to wars. That way maybe you will prove yourself as a valid camdidate for goverment welfare for being an autist.

>hurr durr I can lie on the internet!
What is there to respond to? Your laughable assertion that Islamic fundamentalism and aggression has nothing to do with Islam? You're talking shit little boy. You're making the claims you provide the evidence. I'm sure Omar being enraged beyond belief by the sight of two men kissing and deciding to wipe out a gay bar during Ramadan had nothing to do with his Imam calling for death to homosexuals last April. You lying fucking cunt

Nuke Mecca and Medina, purge all Wahhabites, cover everything in pig fat and you're probably left with non-radical islamist and normal people in general.

See, all of those are valid points if I wasn't an absolute edgy cunt who believes in survival of the fittest.

And even if I change my tune and fight for your world I'd be screwing myself over because others certainly won't be joining your little revolution

True leftists like Hitchens do condemn it

Im not going to go too deep into it, arguing with a /pol/tard but here are the cornerstones.

>sandniggers proceed to grope
well yes..."sandniggers" as well as a whole lot of white guys...
and no its not a "but what about" argument, it shows that its a) a situation that developed a group dynamic, which arent honestly that rare with a fuckton of drunk men around. similar situations though smaller in scale had developed infront of football stadiums or on cityfares (who btw arent full off "sandniggers")

Its a problem with "masculinity", and yes, the muslim upbringing of some of the perpertrators certainly plays a part, but reducing it to: "ebul islam! (im a feminist when i can project my islamophobia through it!)" falls short. thats just how it is.




>You need money to open a business, turd for brains.
>What are savings
>What are loans
>What is freelancing
There hasnt been a time period in which opening a company was as easy as it is today. Even retard Pakis open grocery stores,and they were poor as shit when they came.

Freelancing is another option

Someone literally just killed 50 people because his imaginary friend that lives in the sky told him to.

Just think about that for a moment, and explain to me how that isn't a mental illness. Please, I'd love to hear how it isn't. I need a good laugh.

Hail Satan.

>Comparing wars to terrorist attacks
This shity analogy again

Sorry to burst your bubble cucky but the vast majority of the perpetrators were men of Arabian and North African descent.

And don't you think it's a bit odd that this shit didn't happen until Germany started importing shitskins?

Are you dumb? al-qaeda and isis literally declared war on the US.

So just because of the titles of those doing the killing, it legitimizes it?

I'm not blaming the white man. I'm saying humanity is inherently violence. It happens within, without, before and after Islam. It'll happen until humanity goes extinct. The fact that you have this cognitive dissonance, ignoring the huge amount of death and murders committed by regimes, just because they UN gives them a different title, is stupid.

>Your laughable assertion that Islamic fundamentalism and aggression has nothing to do with Islam?

Then respond with a fact instead of just saying "LOL THAT'S WRONG". That's like saying the war that destroyed Iraq and caused all the modern issues in the Middle east was caused by freedom.

>I'm sure Omar being enraged beyond belief by the sight of two men kissing and deciding to wipe out a gay bar during Ramadan had nothing to do with his Imam calling for death to homosexuals last April.

Source? because this is the kind of shit Veeky Forums would make up. Also, yes, because if it took that long and only happened this one time, then that means there is something wrong with Omar, not Muslims.

Muslims have a lot of issues we need to fix in regards to homosexuality. But for a vast majority of us, at worst, it's "ew that shit is gross." Even the story of Sodom and Ghammorah in the Quran is about the utter hedonism of those cities, which includes homosexuality. The prophet, in regards to homosexuality, only said "don't be like the people of Sodom and Ghamorrah."

But the only reason Islam is being brought into this discussion is because of bigotry and propaganda used to further the agenda of war. No one blames Christianity when a christian shooter commits something, or nationalism or patriotism or American culture. They say it's gun control, or mental health care.

But when a human who is crazy happens to be Muslim, it's all about Islam, eh?

>it's a bit odd that this shit didn't happen
and thats were youre wrong...

> majority of the perpetrators were men of Arabian and North African descent
umm yes...never said that wasnt the case...