What is your favourite historical architectural style?




Forgot picco

I quite like Georgia houses
Dublin's particularly good for it

>I hate fun: The architectural style


>Gommieblocks in the distance



The transitional period between the Art Nouveau style and Art Deco.

You get the elaborately ornate ornamentation, but without the loathsomely organic forms of true Art Nouveau. Almost a revisiting of the older Baroque style, but with more tolerance for plain surfaces in places and no gaudy gilding.

Wow, you're right, I do hate fun.
Everything fun is worthless tbqh

inb4 brutalists show up


>organic forms

If it is not Baroque don't fix it.

>all these plebs

>all these neo-gothic and baroque wedding cakes

Sure is pleb here

Visigothic architecture then?




Who /burialmound/ here?

I agree with this desu. Classicism shits all over every other style

People like to shit on Romanesque, but I enjoy it.

Whichever style the Palais du Louvre it tied to...

Truly a shame that Mitterand deemed it fit to tarnish with that ugly pyramid. He was the true socialist incarnate: Muslim-lover, destroyer of economies, and butthurt against french culture.

Truly I hate socialists in my country. Napoleon IV and liberalism when?

Forgot my picture.

we wuz geometry nd shiet

I love the gothic style of the Milan Cathedral. There's something dark and mystical about it.

Another pic.

Recent times are part of history, so modern architectural style is also historical, by definition.

The building itself is cool but god I hate the baroque penchant for huge open spaces. Power projection my ass, it's just try hard and so gaudy.

>actually liking pic related

In it's completed state, yes.

The pyramid looks great you autist, and the Louvre needed an entrance to accommodate all its visitors.

It's called French Classical or French Baroque btw, same style as this:

Wow user, that looks aesthetic as fuck

I've always liked the faux Roman architecture built during the Third Reich, even without the /pol/ memes. It's a shame Welthauptstadt Germania was never built, it would have been truly something to see the Grosse Halle.

I want my final boss to take place here.

Moorish revival

The fact it was so popular in America is bizarre to me

Have you seen some of the stuff in Belgium? Art Nouveau went too far.

Court of justice?

I get it for the pizzazz of Atlantic City style resort towns, but that pic looks like a public building of some sort

The never existed parts.

The Chinese-Muslim fusion of roofs are pretty decent desu.







neo-classical is as shit as brutalism. get some taste


I'm a big fan of idealized renderings of pre-Christian Slavic architecture and civilization; one can imagine nothing ever really looked this way outside the realm of the imaginations of pan-Slavic fantasists but it's cool to imagine the depths of Eastern Europe as some kind of lost world


Whatever this style is, I really like it. Pretty much all types of the old style buildings of Montana are my favorites.

Whatever the fuck Barcelona is, it's god tier.

That style is called kitsch.

The famous style is called Modernism but I don't know if it can be applied to all the city or only the fancy Gaudiesque buildings.

Gothic shits all over Neo-Classical crap. Even Romanesque is infinitely more aesthetically pleasing than those shitty square boxes with fake columns.

Nah the stuff he designed is so different that it's jarring that it's next to the rest of the stuff in the city.

Actually the city is full of buildings of the same style not built by him.

Fair enough, I just think it fits in so poorly with the rest of the city which Imo is gotyay.

>loathsomely organic
kill yourself, my man those were the best bits.

If the walls aren't straight, you must hate.

Everytime I go to Baton Rouge I drive over to the Old Capitol and this one and wonder why the fuck anyone would not want to legislate in a big white castle.

Whatever this style is


I know that crying phallus is a meme and all, but damn if that isn't a huge, white set of cock and balls.

I mean sure but its kinda small. Plus Jendal can fuck Louisiana with the biggest dick in the country.

senpai...nappy iv got killed by zulus in the late 1870s

Define "historical architecture".

Architecture from before 25 years ago


Barcelona is a mix of beaux-arts and art nouveau for the most part. I don't really like the grid style though. It could have been better designed around new monuments avenues and plazzas.

>that flying boat

the original "WE WUZ"

>tilt shift

Art deco

Angkor Kwat

You want geometry? Look up Guarino Guarini.


When this baby's done, it's gonna be humankinds piece de resistance.

> When this baby's done
I would die before that and I wasn't even that old.

who /modernism/ here?

Ooh, ooh! Me!

But we can all agree that brutalism is the worst, right?

sainte chapelle is literally god tier
one of the highest achievement of western architecture


It depends I think it looks ok when immediately juxtaposed against nature (like a lot of Japanese stuff), but a lot of it's shit. Pic related, for example, is soulless asswork

Whereas this is interesting

this has quite a post-modern look, when was it built?

>When this baby's done


And this is at least a little aesthetically pleasing

It was actually built in the rise of modernism, from 1921-1939. It's the Jagiellonian Library in Poland

From the thumbnail it looks like a Mesoamerican pyramid