Millennials make me fucking sick. They have a "brilliant" idea and think they're just going to become entrepreneurs over night, like a fuckin Zuckerberg wannabe.
Who else is sick of this shit
Millennials make me fucking sick. They have a "brilliant" idea and think they're just going to become entrepreneurs over night, like a fuckin Zuckerberg wannabe.
Who else is sick of this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
very insightful concept
Everyone gets a trophy?
More like everyone gets ATROPHIED amirite?!?!
wow this entire board is complete shit, I'm outta here.
Good opening, garbage pitch.
This thread is worst of all.
sage in all fields
trying to be the fuckin uber of travel? come on
you can't be srs
So brave.
If I hear "disrupt" or "hustle", imma lose it
Go to bed grandpa.
Millennials are shit, but that's only because boomers and their children cucked us and fucked the economy over so that they could retire to a planned community in Arizona and watch reality television all day. It's not the millenials fault that they were raised in a shitty post capitalist economy. They do only what they can and know- to get rich you have to go for broke, because our economy is not stable enough to allow someone to work diligently for 40 years and then get a pension to live comfortably. The boomers have extracted all the wealth they can, then go and live their eat pray love fantasy while we're left holding the remains of industrial waste, cultural warfare, and government extorting.
These fb wannabe entrepreneurs are coping the best they can in a world where only money is valued. The sooner the boomers are shot in the streets and economic collapse happens, the better. Humanity will be free again.
>Need summer job
>Go to work at local factory making $14 an hour
>Work full time plus six hours overtime with benefits for a few months
>Literally no other millennials there
Shit generation.
Homie, broheme, you're the one spamming a Norwegian boatmaking log on how pathetic some obvious associate of yours is.
Take four or five steps back and realie how fucking pathetic that is.
His idea sounds dumb and barely thought out, but his energy and ambition is something for your cynical, knuckle-dragging ass to aspire to.
Best of luck with your father's auto business you high-nosed fuck.
lol holy fuck what is this fucking contest
Literally this. Most of us are just doing the best we can given the circumstances.
Bu- bu- I deserve $15 an hour for serving fast food! I only messed up 3 orders yesterday, I'm pretty good at this! It's so unfair that my brain-dead job's pay isn't enough to pay rent for my apartment in downtown San Francisco!
fuck of ya baby boomer
>boomers shot in the streets
>and economic collapse
Shooting up nursing houses full of boomers would save our country. It's really a pick-1 scenario
Is this a cringe thread?
>waaaaaah why can't I get $5k monthly for my rat infested slum shacks? Government, help meeeeeee!
> complain about inflated wages
> implying doing mindless factory work is somehow worth $15 hours and "better" than flipping burgers
Kek you only get paid that much because of unions. If it wasn't for that you'd all be replaced by spics/robots who would do your job for 1/100 of your wage and be 200% more efficient.