>meme that is constantly spewed of Islam being a "religion of peace"?
Which meme? The fact that "religion of peace" is used ironically by people who know nothing about Islam?
>neo liberal progressive Muslims
wtf does that even mean? shut up.
> have come across a few violent passages in the Quran
> they completely dismiss it.
No, we don't. We don't view the Quran like a list of rules. it's a contextual, historical text. The violent texts in the Quran are texts that arose when the Meccan pagans declared a war of extermination against the Muslims. The Muslims allied with 2 pagan tribes, and 2 Jewish tribes in Medina (one Jewish tribe betrayed the alliance) and the Muslims were told the defend themselves against the Meccans.
>going on about how Islam should never be altered,
Not true. There are 4 major schools of thought, and a bunch of different sects. And only 1 major school of thought says it shouldn't be altered. and even then, they say the QURAN shouldn't be altered. Islam not being altered would mean we should be living life like tribal Arabs in 650, not using any technology or speaking a different language. It's more complicated than your psuedo-intellectualism.
>said act is immediately labelled as "not a true Muslim"
This was a crazy guy who happened to be Muslim. Most Muslims haven't shot up gay clubs. a vast majority, actually. Muslims have lived in the US for decades, in large communities. New York has more gays and Muslims condensed side by side, and shit like this didn't happen there. but by your shitty logic, it should've already happened several times.
My opinion is this is much more complicated and people are varied and do shitty things all the time, inside and outside of Islam. Islam isn't a monolith. It's extremely different from mosque to mosque, community to community. It's a fluid religion, and has fit very well into western society. If anything, this shooter did something very American.