What do you think of "The White Death"?
What do you think of "The White Death"?
It was a lot quicker than "The Black Death".
fucking hacker
Well that's not him, that's a Swedish Volunteer.
camping faggot
Honestly curious, are there reasons to doubt the higher reported kill counts?
The counts of ace tankers and pilots on both sides of the war have been debunked plenty of times, but I don't recall anyone on any forum explaining how Simo's count may not be trust worthy. Is there evidence of foul play or is it all just anecdotal? If not, what conditions allowed for such an extreme kill count?
Several hundreds kills seem utterly absurd to me by any one baseline human.
[spoiler]Hate to ask for the obvious on a board that should know better, but a source alongside an answer would be nice[/spoiler]
>If not, what conditions allowed for such an extreme kill count?
1000 russian's human wave charge stumbling around in 1.5 meters thick snow on open field wearing somewhat bright clothing. repeat for 105 days straight.
Proof that you don't bully the national equivalent of an edgy loner autist
I don't even know why I thought asking a real question on here was a good idea
and i gave a real answer. that's pretty much what happened.
Plus he was a decent shot which helped
His achievements are questioned in Finnish academia with estimates varying from 542 to around 200. Most of his kills were done during the first 3 months of the war which was the period when the Russian offense was the most disorganized. Note that the 200-500 number only counts his kills as a sniper and not the kills he did with his smg.
His success can be attributed to his strategy as a sniper as well:
He didn't use a scope. Scopes could reveal your position and were inconvenient during the winter. A scope also meant the he would have had to lift his head higher.
He was a local, and knew the local woods. He arrived on his sniping spot before the sun got up, and left after the sun had went down. He packed sugar pieces and bread crumbs with him for energy.
He froze the snow under his rifle, so that it wouldn't "bounce" when he shot and kept snow in his mouth so that steam wouldn't reveal him.
He also was really short, which helped in hiding.
Manlet rage.
This is the same war where Finnish machine gunners had mental breakdowns from utterly single-sided slaughter of soviets. And soviets didn't wear snow suits like Finns.
all white people are evil
>russians used human wave
Literally eating western propaganda now.
Considering there was a fucking 14 to 1 casualty ratio its not very hard to fathom the idea that a single man could inflict such large casualties
Was white. Eventually died. Makes sense.
Soviets were just trying to reach the front through snowy woods and fields. Once the first guy got hit the rest hit the ground/took cover. Then i imagine it was like taking pot shots. Pretty easy to hit slow moving targets for hours. Then the SMG kills when they finally flanked or something.
underrated post
Only a Fin could have the autistic prowess to lie in the snow for days with no scope on his rifle and get so many kills
Okay, Ivan.
>he lived long enough to see the Soviet Union fall
im legitmatley related to him
its not hard because finns are all inbred though
More like Russian logistics were shit, making a sustained advance nearly impossible until they got their shit together later on. In the meantime, Russian troops without proper winter gear were forced to dig into fox holes and trenches and desperately try to keep warm. Meanwhile small groups of Finnish troops skirted around and penetrated disorganized Russian lines, picking them off and wiping out isolated groups.
What the fuck is wrong with his face?
Half of it was blown off by an explosive round during the war.
Half of his face was blown off by a high caliber round during the war
Russian got his jaw with an exploding bullet. And he lived through that.
Thank you captcha for reminding me to fuck a boat.
*Fennoautism intensifies*
A soldiers worst nightmare
He was a very good Snip...
Originated from the Nazis as well, getting BTFO by the Soviets so had to come up with an excuse.
Of course the fascists in the the US seized on it as well.
josef allerberger was better
The Soviets DID employ human wave attacks although it was used mostly early on in the war like at Moscow or the Rzhev battles.
Human wave attacks by penal battalions also never ceased until the war ended.
>White people
It was used,but only the case of penal units.
Yes, but there's no evidence of it taking place in Finland.
I would say that in the instances it was used - it was almost a necessity - but propaganda leads people to believe "the evil soviets hated their own people and had no regard for their lives!"
the evil soviets did hate their own people and had no regard for their lives though. That is evident from the entire history of the state.
Apart from - you know - the entire existence of the state.
>tfw idiot reactionaries actually think capitalists have their interests in mind
ok whatever you say retard
>reactionarism is somehow related to capitalism
>reactionaries are all capitalist
Well... considering the current prevailing system of economic and social organisation is capitalism - that is objectively true
Name one reactionary who says: "The characteristic that i negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society is capitalism"
Yeah, no. Reactionaries almost never hold capitalism as their main issue.
I admit I don't know shit but isn't this the situation where it makes the most sense in every way
I mean this is the war they opened by killing their own fucking army just for fun
I'm confused by your point?
Capitalism isn't absent - so why would they claim it is?
capitalism is the prevailing system - reactionaries are people who favour that system being maintained.
if you believed that the leadership of a country "killed their own army for fun" - then you need to revise your opinions about said country.
>I admit I don't know shit
>makes a claim anyways
Okay then.
Really amazing sniper. Doesn't he still have the high score?
So there's zero reason to doubt his accounts. Just "gee sounds high".
i dunno i just have a wikipedia education but this is what it says
Stalin's expectations of a quick Soviet triumph were backed up by the politician Andrei Zhdanov and military strategist Kliment Voroshilov, but other generals had their doubts. The chief of staff of the Red Army, Boris Shaposhnikov, advocated a serious buildup, extensive logistical and fire support preparations, and a rational order of battle, deploying the army's best units. Zhdanov's military commander Kirill Meretskov reported at the start of the hostilities: "The terrain of coming operations is split by lakes, rivers, swamps, and is almost entirely covered by forests ... The proper use of our forces will be difficult". However, these doubts were not reflected in his troop deployments. Meretskov announced publicly that the Finnish campaign would take at the most two weeks. Soviet soldiers had even been warned not to cross the border into Sweden by mistake.[87]
Stalin's purges had devastated the officer corps of the Red Army; those purged included three of its five marshals, 220 of its 264 division-level commanders or higher, and 36,761 officers of all ranks. Fewer than half of the officers remained in total.[88] They were commonly replaced by soldiers who were less competent but more loyal to their superiors. Furthermore, unit commanders were superseded by a political commissar, who ratified military decisions on their political merits, further complicating the Soviet chain of command.[45] This system of dual command destroyed the independence of commanding officers.[89]
Stalin: I think this should be easy.
General 1: No, it will not be easy.
Stalin: I think this will be easy.
General 2: Yes, sir. Very easy indeed sir.
How exactly is this "killing the army for fun"? Stalin was making sure his political interests were aligned with his military interests during a time of war. It wasn't wanton killing.
Not to defend the military purges though.
So it's a question of failed strategy - not motive.
Obviously no leadership wants to kill off half it's army (Stalin's purges were a different matter)
I see what you're d
these are the facts as i understand them
1. russians fucking hate russians
2. their supplies are ass
3. their leadership is shit
4. they mean to get shit done
if they're ever gonna zerg it seems like this would be the time
Yup, ±500 faggots
>1. russians fucking hate russians
Defend this point. Why would a general kill his soldiers while 10 million Germans are marching towards his capital city?
They're gonna die anyways.
rational self-disinterest. the general is also russian.
Well, at least he can then depend on his armies so they probably won't turn against him
>google "rational self-disinterest"
>this page is literally the only result
>reactionaries are people who favour that system being maintained.
That is not what reactionaries are. Reactionary means you want to return to the status quo ante - not that you want to maintain the status quo.
People like monarchists, supporters of traditional gender roles etc are reactionaries.
Yes gulag, censorship, starving and depriving people to maintain your power and mass opression of people is of very goods for you as people tovarish :))))
is that an ironic joke because he's finnish?
>yfw manlets BTFO of giants again
Oh my god, a prison system, how barbaric!!
Yes and nazi concentration camps was just "camps" where people "work" da comrade? ))))
They were though.
The inmates were largely responsible for manufactoring weapons, uniforms, and other equipment for the German military
Well quite clearly the problem that people have with them is that
1: People were imprisoned based on their race, religion etc.
2: Many of them turned into death camps
Honestly, how can you find some sort of issue with the fact that the Soviet Union imprisoned people?
the purges don't real stalin dindu nuffin
>no regard for lives
>not understanding the difference between genocide and execution of dissidents
i can't believe you are real
>XXX_Wh1t3_D3@th_XXX eliminated [USSR]D@NK_SERGEI
Tankie scum.
suomi on paras! ebin! perkele voi vittu! :DDD
Before I clicked image I thought you meant modern day Europe
OMG! He doesn't defend the murderous US regime and it's propaganda, what a scumbag!
I bet this chart is a part of Jewish conspiracy too.
The fuck does the US have anything to do with the fact that the USSR was an absolute shithole you fucking slavaboo? Holy shit you're either a rusky swallowing the Putin pill hard or some suburbanite sheltered American tween. Nobody else could be this retarded.
George "Good Shit" Wallace
No, it was because of his l33t 360noscopes. Also the fact that they died in winter.
I wish I was memeing when I said that.
Not their best song, but not a bad one at all.
Was he the deadliest manlet in history?
Not even close. 500 russians is nothing compared to 1.5 million armenians.
>inb4 "what genocide"