What POO-grams have you code monkey'd recently?
/POO/ - Friendly POO thread
Last thread was LOO'd by Mods
wrong board? , we dont have mods
**keeps Pooing**
I work at a POO2LOO farm as a webdev and there's a few really qt girls. Any Veeky Forums tips for banging Indian qts?
Sanjai my friend!
It would appear OP sir has POO'd on the wrong board. Regardless, a quick Bing search has determined it is best to continue POOING on the LOO that is white consumerism at this time, rather than chasing Indian qts. The qts can wait my friend, but the POO cannot!!
- Abjuar Delli
Bing Marketing Executive
Abjuar my friend!
Very good to see you in this POO board. You are very correct and very smart man when you tell Sanjai to ignore the qt 3.14s. All the best with destroying the white mans nostrils with our body odors and lunch!
-Sukdeep Paytelraganishrigan
>Sanjai my friend!
>It would appear OP sir has POO'd on the wrong board. Regardless, a quick Bing search has determined it is best to continue POOING on the LOO that is white consumerism at this time, rather than chasing Indian qts. The qts can wait my friend, but the POO cannot!!
>- Abjuar Delli
>Bing Marketing Executive
My nigga
Good God it's like you name your kids by spilling a bag of Scrabble tiles on a table.
Alright you LISTEN here my friend!
Learn to spek Engg-lish, you pis'a shit!! Yu muther fucka you, I am from New Delhi you bitwch muda fucka, I will fuck yur ass you muda fucka yu. Dont yu tell me abut names; David, Clide, Greg, what is ths shit? We are name'd aftr God's yu nigga, you're named aftr fallen kings and wage peasants, do yu see my rank muther fucka? I'am Bing Marketing EXECUTIVE you pis'a shit! Lern to speak English, and take the POO to the LOO yu fucka yu. Fuck yu mother fucka.
- Dangai Loomagandi Poodaibaua
Bing Marketing Executive
Sukdeep Payelraganishrigan my dear friend!
Unfortunately I'm unable to validate your name in the Bing rewards database at this time. However, I do believe we have POO'd before in the streets New Deli before. In fact I remember quite well; medium consistency, dark-orange to light-brown, not much blood. Tis was a good POO indeed my friend! I look forward to future Bing related partnerships, please my friend, add me to your referral list at www.BingRewards.in/AbjuarDelli61
Remember fuck the LOO, and death to Jews, peace out, ni-gga
- Abjuar Delli
Bing Marketing Executive
is this supposed to be funny?
It is, if you don't like it, then I don't like you
This is fucking hillarious.
Please be respectful to your fellow POOman. Your mother should have taught you better manners.
Sanoj Vishkam
Senior Vice President of Microsoft Azure Cloud
we /pol/ now
Listen here you fucka you!
Owh-hhhha; Fuck u mothar fuckar!! I'll tell you; my mothar was choked to death while using the designated streets of New Deli, You-fucker you. Stay away from Malgudi street yu-cunt, I'll bite your fucking face off then POO on it Nigga. Learn to speak English you scat-fuckr. Take the POO to the fucking LOO and fuck your mother's asshole with it, bitch.
- Abjuar Delli out bwitch-niggaz
Mother FUCKN Bing Marketing Executive
Baby Indians
For sale
Never POO'd
>we don't have mods
stop spreading bullshit
My new platform of POO if very happy to increase profitability. Reach out to contact me for healthy poos.
Sincerely, Suchit Hehugeanblac kuoc