This is my portfolio. What about yours?
This is my portfolio. What about yours?
>all those meme stocks
Ether is a waste of money. It's going to flop as bitcoin becomes popular. MMW.
why the fuck do you have blackberry?
thanks for cde
did you catch the rip in X?
Are you holding Tvix & what is you position in Vix?
>high liquidity with tight spreads is a meme
i have a short and long call with a short put on BBRY
still trying to get hit on a put for CDE but already up 3% for the day on that position
im short a call for X
and im holding 1k tvix shares and got out of my vix cause i didn't like the set up i had
with all of these positions im only up 7 bucks for the day lol
show us your greeks
weighted to the SPY
-108 D
-10 G
26.5 T
-90 V
still working on what i should be doing with portfolio management as ive only been trading options this year, so some of these might seem a bit noob
okay im actually up 150 for the day how did i not see that
seems fine bro.
Your deltas are a little high if delta neutrality is your aim. Your theta's are nice your vega + gamma says you want a big down move
You're neutral to bearish. while collecting $26 thetas per day.
check it out
got all these same time about 2 months ago
I'm willing to sell some, already sold zynga
D-d-did I do g-good Veeky Forums?
a lot of concentrated risk
spread out (better to use options to reduce commissions)
i'd also go ahead and just manage amzn since you're in the green
essentially neutral, neat how greeks can say that
Did you fucking take a photo of your screen, you nigger?
Fuck off, my finance apps don't let me screenshots. And I'm not about to post on Veeky Forums from my work computer. Not buthurt just explaining
>all those bank stocks
??? not a sector i'd want to be in right now
>all those bank stocks
Two too many :)
i dont give a shit that interest rates could go up in june and that credit is going to be harder to come by in the future
so i sold a put of SPY at 200 when it was trading at 209.65 then it goes up to 210 and im down 15% on the position...
im pretty sure that's what i was betting on...