Do nonhuman animals have autonomy that needs to be respected?

Do nonhuman animals have autonomy that needs to be respected?

Is autonomy something that needs to be respected?

If you're empathetic to autonomy and life, then yes.
If you're autistic or sociopathic, then no.

It also depends on how firm the animals consciousness is. Dogs, cats, pigs, birds, cows, monkeys et cetera have relatively high levels of consciousness and don't like being hurt. However, oysters and jellyfish don't feel the same distress and don't feel pain, so if you accidentally kill one, don't feel bad (anthropomorphism takes care of this one too, since both look like alien cumshots)


Autonomy is overated, I rather respect advanced civilizations.

Ants have achieved more as a civilization than humans.

so you dont belive in evolution?

is human autonomy something that should be respected?

not him but to be fair, you could consider humans non-animals on the premise that the word "animal" was invented to refer to mobile biological organisms that are not humans. Sort of like the word "nature", specifically invented to contrast humanity. That's not what christbro is saying, though.

Do you count the number of ants or tonnage of ants compared to humans an accomplishment?

I always get visibly shaken when reading these


>find chimp with down syndrome
>le missing link!!1 xD

>Ants have achieved more as a civilization than humans.
You're an absolute fucking retard. By what criteria are you measuring the achievements of ants in comparison to humans?

Of course but not just that.

>Ants developed farming and livestock.

>Ants have division of labour and complex chemical communication.

>There's a chance that ants teach their larvae while they are on the nursery.

>Ants have nap time, they can sleep on intervals.

>Some species of ants can clone themselves.

They are just better than us at civilization, ants colonies always work.

What the hell are you talking about? We can do almost all of those plus advanced mental functions like language and writing.

But that's not the objective of a civilization.

The objective is reproduction, survival and improvement of the civilization itself.

Wich ants do better than us, with smaller brains and smaller bodies.

It's easy for us cause we are on the top of the food chain by size alone, but everything can eat an ant, but as a civilization they have developed ways to deal with every problem succesfully.

They can live among humans and expand their territories.

Ant colonies work every time, unless disturbed by an external event, but their internal social development it's optimal, human civilizations some times work, some times don't.

If we speak about civilization development, ants did better than us, with less.

>posting the edit
>"I was just pretending to be retarded"

Ants are bound to the fate of the planet
Humans have a shot at escaping it
If we're talking real long term here, humanity is going to be more successful.

God said We have dominion over the creatures of the earth
They must not matter much if God left them in our care

That's very optimistic but presently isn't true, and may never be true. It seems silly to just say "Yes but theoretically we could potentially be more successful eventually."

>humanity is going to be more successful

What if we drive ourselves to extinction one million years from now?

Ants have existed for over 100 million years already.

I love this

>St Bernard of Clairvaux
>St Francis of Assisi
>Johannes Eckhart
>Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

>Our Responsibility for the Living Environment (1986)
>Pope Francis' encyclical

god said fuck everything that isn't human tho rite?

>The objective is reproduction, survival and improvement of the civilization itself.

What do you base this on? The very fact that man is intelligent enough to be aware of this instinctive drive and understand that it's just a never-ending cycle which can only be a means to some end is already sufficient proof of humanity's superiority over every other species, and a feature that separates us from animals.

We don't respect the autonomy of fellow humans as is, if that answers your question

Did you just watch Phase IV or something?



Do poor people have autonomy that needs to be respected?

He said to each speciecs it's own
As In worry about yourself before animals

Nobody can read this with a serious face.

with rage, fear, cold or disbelief?

>implying that 27 bones of hand are not the finest instrument in the known universe

Civilization it's not an instictive drive, but an acquired taste.

Ants started as single individuals and became social with time, social behaviour was limited to reproduction and it was expanded, now their social stratification have one specific individual to take care of the reproduction.

The idea that you consider to be evidence of human superiority, could be a rather obvious conclussion for an ant.

We know nothing about the insects thought process, but they do take decisions, and forced to live in colonies and to communicate to each other, they may develop rationalitizations to justify themselves, we don't know.

What makes an ant to stay in the colony, instincts?, self preservation?

Superorganism behaviour could be the next evolutionary step, and the next step for humanity.

We already have an excesive reliance in society, and some individuals just can't survive without it.

Termites are better then ants.

Animals are meant to be eaten. Case closed.


>chick tracts

Wait your telling me that scientists don't know literally everything? Holy shit that clearly means my baseless claim is entirely true.