How come people say Nietzsche is nihilist?
Anyone who is not retarded and actually read one fucking book of his knows he is against it.
How come people say Nietzsche is nihilist?
Someone who got it
He sayed himself that his words arent for every ear
Nietzche is a nihilist in the same way that an atheist can still wish there was a god.
Bad example. Every atheist can wish for a god
Because he accepts nihilist arguments and builds his ethics/values system from there.
His philosophy is all about accepting and overcoming nihilism, not building up absolutes from first principles.
That's why even experienced philosophers have chosen to lump him with nihilists. His end philosophy isn't nihilism, but it builds of the same premise. Philosophies are often catagorized by their premises.
I've only ever heard him referred to as an existentialist by anyone I care about the opinion of.
This is why
It's something I see Christians try to say as an easy way to dismiss him. I should point out there are certain branches of theology which literally state if you do not believe in their God than you are incapable of producing anything meaningful or of valuing anything.
I'd argue he's a reluctant nihilism.
He believes in fighting nihilism but still believes in it.
No, Nietzsche is a vitalist. He sees everyone else caught in the problem of Nihilism now that their false belief of god is no longer tenable but he knows we don't have to be this way, he himself never talks about whether he sees himself as being caught up in this but it's pretty obvious that he's not. The central contention of Nietzsche's work is vitalism against the forms of valuing he sees as necessarily leading to nihilism.
And it's quite obvious that Nietzsche has his own values, he talks about them often. The main reason it's so philistine to call Nietzsche a nihilist is that his critique starts from a position that already transcends the necessity of the development of nihilism in western thought. His engagement is pedagogical for those caught in this trap.
He believes there isn't any external moral or existential truth. He suggests creating both, but he still builds from that fundamental premise.
Vitalism is nothing more than a dialectic development sublated by nihilism, whether or not Nietzsche realized it.
kek, poor friedrich
>misrepresent Christianity as nihilist
>100 years later, you get misrepresented as a nihilist
kek indeed
And here comes the resentful slave.
Nietzsche, next to Marx, is probably the most resentful of the exceptional philosophers
>Not being a resentful slave
Pick one.
Ephesians 6:5 doesn't sound resentful to me
How is a religion that longs for the next life more than it cares for this one not resentful and nihilistic?
It really says something that many of the oldest religions had no after-life what so ever and were able to find all their value on the earth. For instance the Babylonian religion and early Judaism.
"exisentialism" has little to do with Nietzsche though
This life doesn't need to end for you to experience heaven in Christianity. The "next" life life merely perfects the failings you failed to correct, but if you make enough progress, you can experience that in this life.
Nietzsche, however, has no God to enjoy his paradise in relation to, right here, right now. The fulfillment of his philosophy is heavily tied with the "new age" when humanity will accept it, in lieu of his own age, which he sees as diseased.
Early Judaism found earthly value through relationship to God.
Babylonian religion was extremely disturbed by lack of afterlife, as the Epic of Gilgamesh shows. Death was not something they affirmed to give life meaning, it was the ultimate terror.
god fucking damnit you mongoloid nigger fuck, stop trying to be a Veeky Forums "pariah of philosophy" you stupid hack
No, but you have to imagine the kind of society that Nietzsche experienced.
It wasn't a glorious Christian theocracy where everyone had a great life doing religious service.
It was a poverty-ridden shithole, that was balkanized beyond comprehension, where alcoholism was rampant, and were industrialization was in it's infancy, so the stench of coal factories and dirt was everywhere.
And meanwhile all this happens, people like you, and your ilk are saying that this world doesn't matter at all, and that nobody should care, because the next life with God is the only one that matters.
better keep replying to him
surely that will make him go away
>And meanwhile all this happens, people like you, and your ilk are saying that this world doesn't matter at all, and that nobody should care, because the next life with God is the only one that matters.
Yup, Nietzsche definitely advocated thisworldliness over otherworldiness
Christianity attaches very high value to how you live your life in this world, I don't know what you're talking about exactly. If you're saying things like having money and sex are not valued, this is true, but they aren't valued in the next world either.
No, Nietzsche loathed his world, and pined for a new world brought by the coming age.
>Christianity attaches very high value to how you live your life in this world
Yeah, but only in order to be accepted into the next, not because of some selfless love for this one.
please don't conflate yourself with the world
Stop replying to the hilarious memester Christian pseud. Just filter him and reply to the people.
Because it allows one to experience heaven (theosis) in THIS life.
What do you mean?
You've got it all wrong, my man. Christianity seeks to make people content with it, Nietzsche wanted to fight against it. That's life-affirming.
Please stop with the hilarious "I turned Nietzsche's entire philosophy around on him" as a totalizing criticism of his philosophy meme. It's worked to death and everyone who tries it comes across like an idiot. And yours isn't even as good as GK Chesterton's, who was so bad I crossed him off my to-read list.
>You've got it all wrong, my man. Christianity seeks to make people content with it, Nietzsche wanted to fight against it. That's life-affirming.
By this criterion, Marxism is life-affirming
The end game of Marxism is to make a stateless hippy society of happy people with no struggles, which is the only real problem Nietzsche has with socialism.
But Marxism is more life affirming than Christianity.
"Life-affirming" is literally just a poetic term for "exciting". Nietzsche finds war, for instance, "life-affirming", even though it is about causing as much death as possible, because he sees it as exciting.
>>b-b-better distract with a sidepoint instead of admitting I'm wrong
You are literally the dumbest person ever
Christianity, meanwhile, which identifies God with life itself, literally worships life, it doesn't come any more life-affirming than that.
Nietzsche's philosophy is nothing but a nihilist dialectic. It comes out as some sort of "cure" for nihilism, but it's just an antithesis which is sublated and makes nihilism stronger. Nietzsche waxed relativism extensively, and we've seen what the product of that is today, in art, philosophy and culture.
literally nobody cares about your sweeping broad generalizations and assault on nietzsche
*tips fedora*
Nietzsche's philosophy is grounded in broad sweeping generalizations, and they cover a lot more than a single thinker.
nobody cares about you
Nietzsche didn't think anything i read the garbages he wrote, merely a bunch of proverbs(Gay Science) and poesy(Also sprach Zarathustra) when you read actual philosophy like Aristotle, the neo platonicians(especialy elements of theology of Proclus) and the scolastiscs you can immediatly identify what is wrong with Nietzsche 'philosophical work"
Nietzsche is an absolute relativist, you can't expect him to use the same methodology employed for philosophers seeking objective truth.
Oh man this is hilarious. Do you actually read the guy's work? How did you somehow come to the conclusion life affirming=not having things die.
That's the attidue of christ-cucks who can't accept or find meaning in the reality that death and conflict are unavoidable. The point is to not whine about it but it find meaning in it. If war is envitable you are supposed to find nessiary meaning and truth in it as opposed to the Christian method which is rank up the highest body count in history and than turn around and say "Oh my isn't war terrible. When will there be peace!"
Your idea of life is an escapism. You've basically twisted the meaning so that to be dead means to actually be alive.
So what's wrong with the philosophy? You haven't stated anything other than that you do not like Nietzsche and you struggle with aphoristic writing.
>responding to master baiters
nietzsche is the most influential thinker of his age, and certainly one of the most influential ever philosophers. there's literally no point in regarding the memesters.
>Oh, a Nietzsche thread
>Ctrl+f "constantine"
>16 results
>Ok bye
Yup, exactly. I literally stopped talking about philosophy on Veeky Forums and I moved to reddit because of this shit. Can't have a discussion without people who despise the philosopher in question making up half of the thread with shitposts.
Really? It's like people here don't know how to filter.
Is there a script out there to automatically filter all trip fags?
>Your idea of life is an escapism
That's presuming materialism is to be identified with truth. It's further neglecting the fact that Nietzsche said art is better than truth, and did not consider to truth to be of any use except as a handmaiden to art.
>going to the atheist capital of the internet
Firstly, i will use Plato(pic related) to define what is philosophy i.e. a careful study "in combination with correct reasoning"
Here is the problem Nietzsche didn't offer any reasoning but merely impresive phrases he didn't argue or didn't try to defend what he believed to be true but simply wrote like a novelist while a philosophical work is philosophical because he is the result of the reason and is defended with both factual and logical proofs while Niezstche as i said above merely wrote good-looking phrases.
nobody cares what you think
the fuck? there's two of them now?
One lacks the two exclamation points
literally nobody cares
Yeah I decided to post more like my buddy here
Nietzsche never advocated nihilism.
He said that nihilism is a potential response to the realization that "god is dead", i.e., never existed.
Take a look at "gangsta" culture.
It takes life cheaply, money is a totem, sex without love. It constructs nothing, only acts as a greedy parasite.
Nietzsche predicted this.
But the man who can overcome his weaknesses, (which are anger, pity and resentment) can achieve an overcoming.
The overman.
>logical proofs and rationilism
Someone hasn't studied their Hume. Most of what people think is rational isn't.
There are patterns and reasoning in Nietzsche's work, he also did a pretty good job of breaking down the mathematical hocus pocus of crap like scholastism. If you had read through the Gay Science you should have seen this critism. The fact that you not failed to notice but than come here and tell us you have no idea what the man's points are tells us a lot more about you than he.
Stop trying to copy me asshole!
>can't dismiss my reasoning
>muh i don't care you"re wrong and you're stupid
You are acting like a teenager.
You're right, nobody can dismiss your reasoning, you're a fucking genius and your intellect is staggering.
Filters are good for nothing if half of the thread are replies to the tripfag
The existentialists took from Kierkegaard and Neitzche in a lot of ways though
This, they bait and act like cunts. I'm just shitposting now. I literally only talk about Nietzsche on reddit, Veeky Forums is dead
What you said means that nihilism subsumes vitalism, which is false.
What you meant was that vitalism is a response to nihilism which is besides the point since it was a position that existed before the problem of nihilism came on the scene and coexisted with the not yet to fail worldview of proto-nihilists. If you think Nietzsche's vitalism is his response to nihilism then you obviously haven't read Ecce Homo, but the argument itself is silly - then what does that say about every position, that it's first and foremost a response to nihilism? What about nihilism, then that's a response to nihilism too? It becomes a silly assertion.
Don't just spew combinations of words and expect to be making sense.
Oh, so you're a Heideggerian?
Thank you. Will remember to ignore next time.
Nietzsche understood the greeks much better than we do today, I'm tempted to say his ethics is a continuation of Aristotles but in the modern world.
>That's the attidue of christ-cucks who can't accept or find meaning in the reality that death and conflict are unavoidable.
Bad reader, Nietzsche didn't say they were good because they were unavoidable. The dimension of good and bad for such categories has been transcended and made irrelevant.
>sister claims your work and rewrites it so it becomes part of Nazi ideology
But neither Marx nor Nietzsche were resentful. They saw Christianity as a dying institution and sought to advocate new philosophies to take its place. Neither resented Christianity's place even though they disagreed with its morals.
Constantine. Honest question: did you ever stop and subject yourself to the necessary introspection that comes with the realization that you are, by far, the most thoroughly despised poster here? Did you actually subject yourself to some serious criticism? Don't dodge this question, please.
Orthodox shitposter namefag.
Because people are retarded.
>Because it allows one to experience heaven (theosis) in THIS life.
No, that's bullshit. At best an afterthought. The main game is turning life into a cosmic waiting room for your eternal judgement. If the goal were living a better life, all that jazz about the afterlife wouldn't even bear mention.
Nietzche was indirectly responsible for this image.
Nietzsche's philosophy did not exist before modernism outside of fashion, because it is the philosophy of the avant-garde. The ancient position was about affirming tradition and structure, not nearing it down. Nietzsche himself even admits that the people he idolizes were the ones who most revered tradition, but Nietzsche is not a traditionalist, he is a friend of the avant-garde, like his children the Futurists
Nihilism as a social tendency is not something that comes on the scene, it is a gradual growth which starts with the Freethinker's new conception of truth in the Enlightenment: truth is no longer a living being who consciously reveals himself, but an object to be denuded and enslaved by reason. Then realism appears and scoffs at the loft freethinker's idea of reason, saying the metaphysical is bunk, and we have but our senses, and it is materialist utility which is lofty. Then vitalism appeases, nauseated with the abandonment of everything beautiful and artistic about humanity for the sheer "useful" and "practical"; vitalism copes with the obvious logical conclusion of realism: if truth is purely what is sensory, then truth is purely relative, because perceptions differ, and without any higher arbitrator, no perception is any more of a truth than another, because perception and truth are made synonymous by realism. Vitalism offers an alternative to either truth or utility: "life-affirmation"--as in, excitement, whatever is most exciting is what is best. And, of course, it is only a matter of time before this leads to Destructivism, which can be caused by Destruction being seen as most exciting, or a disgust with vitalism (Dadaism, for instance, was "intellectual violence" against art in nauseated response to the artistic culture's callousness to the suffering of WWI). Nietzsche does not solve materialism's tendency to nihilism, he only aggravates it by embracing relativism. Total relativism is cancerous to art.
Constantine could you answer this annon's questions?
>Honest question: did you ever stop and subject yourself to the necessary introspection that comes with the realization that you are, by far, the most thoroughly despised poster here? Did you actually subject yourself to some serious criticism? Don't dodge this question, please.
I think I have seen you post that exact message before and no one really thought it was well written than either.
Marx didn't resent Christianity, but Nietzsche surely did. He absolutely loathed Christianity and constantly harps on it, not in cool criticism, but in words expressing a strong resentment
I know that if I were a Nietzschean and defended him and his ilk and espoused them like I do Christianity, then I would be a very popular poster.
>At best an afterthought.
wtf it's even Old Testament, that is why Moses has to wear a veil, because God's energies are radiating out of him
>Marx didn't resent Christianity, but Nietzsche surely did. He absolutely loathed Christianity and constantly harps on it, not in cool criticism, but in words expressing a strong resentment
No, not really. He tears apart its moral foundations, but he hardly resented it. He had no reason to. He considered it to be a dying institution, why would he resent something that was soon dying? He had a lot of criticism to level at it because there's a lot to criticize and because he came from a highly religious background.
>I know that if I were a Nietzschean and defended him and his ilk and espoused them like I do Christianity, then I would be a very popular poster.
You're not hated because you criticize Nietzsche. That's damn near fucking standard, and Wolfshiem does it too, without attracting nearly the hatred you receive. You're hated because you're an insufferable narcissist who distorts literally every position you've ever attempted to argue against and does nothing but nonstop fucking shitposting. You derail countless threads with your bullshit; the level of discourse in Veeky Forums would improve if you left permanently.
>wtf it's even Old Testament, that is why Moses has to wear a veil, because God's energies are radiating out of him
I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: are you fucking retarded? That had nothing to do with what I said.
How did they solve paradoxes? like the crossroad where one guys tells the truth and other lies?
nice posting, friend!
>why would he resent something that was soon dying?
Because he saw it as the vanquisher of the beautiful and noble.
>and Wolfshiem does it too, without attracting nearly the hatred you receive
I don't think he's made any threads about it though, whereas I've made several. Also he doesn't post here nearly as much as I do, if he did, he would probably attract more ire.
I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: are you fucking retarded? That had nothing to do with what I said.
It does, because you're saying theosis in *this* life is an afterthought following dwelling on the afterlife; in fact, theosis appeared much more prominently in the Torah than any discourse on the afterlife.
Semantic paradoxes?
why we have three Constantines now? I feel like Armageddon is growing close
>Because he saw it as the vanquisher of the beautiful and noble.
No, he say it as a dying institution with nihilistic belief systems. Criticism isn't the same as resentment, neither is disgust or hatred.
>I don't think he's made any threads about it though, whereas I've made several. Also he doesn't post here nearly as much as I do, if he did, he would probably attract more ire.
He has actually. And you're not helping your case one bit when your primary defense is "but I shitpost endlessly about it."
>It does, because you're saying theosis in *this* life is an afterthought following dwelling on the afterlife; in fact, theosis appeared much more prominently in the Torah than any discourse on the afterlife.
You're a fucking imbecile. Moses finding it difficult to look at God has nothing to do with whether Christianity turns life into a cosmic waiting room.
Good job mate! Continue with this fantastic posting! It's really important and you really matter!
>I'm Constantine, he's Constantine. We're all Constantine
>The unholy trinity
He's (>) like our own home-grown Jim Profit.
>Semantic paradoxes?
Logical paradoxes
I think it's hilarious that people spend so much time trying to find Nietzsche's "tragic flaw", virtually every criticism of Nietzsche ever involves him "missing" a key feature of life that makes his whole philosophy bunk
It's like they never read Nietzsche. Tragedy isn't explicable to Nietzsche; trying to contain tragedy, to make it explainable, to do what Aristotle did, is to deny that life is unsensible and often cruel, and it's weakness that makes us deny this nature of tragedy.
It's funny, it shows an inability to accept life, cruel, unpredictable, and mean, as it is from top to bottom.
hey constantine, i enjoy your posts at least