Post your Historical Idols and other people you look up to.
Post your Historical Idols and other people you look up to
This cutie.
>role models
warts and all.
I wish we could throw leftist shit out of a helicopter together
Stop samefagging, you unfunny fucking mobile poster.
He chased after glory and liberty and caught them.
Hitler does have a compelling backstory.
>Born into a middle class family
>One of of six children
>a number of his siblings died when he was young
>mother died of breast cancer when he was 18
>Strived to become an artist
>Got turned down and lived as a beggar on the streets of Vienna
>After a series of events including serving in the Great War and being caught in a gas attack he became the leader of his country who lead Germany out of the depression
Not counting the geopolitical decisions and certain domestic polices he made of course
Blows righties the fuck out and doesn't afraid of anything.
The story of Captain Horatius at the gates.
>Then out spoke brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth deatj cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods."
What an analfrustrated leftist shitbag
this based motherfucker
you should change that pic desu. i can assure you no one knows what the fuck it is reffering to. how about a nice pic of that sculpture of him, his name in the pic, a cool quote, etc. as it stands now you look like a crazy cunt, but then again your fav guy was a crazy cunt himself.
Sounds super cliche but him
Or Alfred the Great, love military commanders who are also decent politicians
Subotai gets a honorable mention not for being one of the above but for taking over Hungary and Poland within 2 days of each other
> Bruno was a crazy cunt
Maybe, he had a few interestinig hunches, some of which were wrong, some of which were right, and he was into some silly occult shit, but he wasn't as bad as the corrupt institution that burned him while it was accepting indulgences from far worse people. Even the Vatican today has second thoughts that executing him was a good idea.
By the way, the pic is from the last scene of a 70s Italian movie about him. I think I chose well since it shows his execution.
I made the image ambiguous in the hopes that it spurs research. Seems like it did on your part.
One need only type the phrases in the image, or the name of the image. Call it a curiosity bonus.
As for my the nature of the image, Christians often depict Yeshua at the moment of his execution, because they see it as crucial (no pun intended) to what he did for humankind. Why can't I do the same with Giordano Bruno?
I see him as a martyr for free thought. They burned him for many things that would still qualify as heresy today, but they were also pissed that he was Copernican, thought stars were suns, and thought there were other planets orbiting other stars. On these accounts he was correct, albeit through intuition rather than experimentation.
Bruno was brave to stand up for what he believed in to the very last. He had plenty of opportunities to repent and walk away with his tail between his legs, but he refused to pretend he believed things he didn't just to appease Rome's Christian Institutions.
do you even know what you're talking about
Not really historical, but this nigger right here -
>this too shall pass
Right in the fucking feels.
>responded to being surrounded whilst surrounding a group of gauls by literally building a fort around them
>fucking and impregnating a woman who married several of her brothers
>invented the combover
Quite possibly history's greatest absolute madman
> post your his idols
> posts pic of one of greatest monsters in history
top kek