Is this a historically accurate WW1 scenario?
Is this a historically accurate WW1 scenario?
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Is it trying to be realistic? I got the impression from the trailer that it was going with a sort of "WWI on crack" schtick.
Not sure, they are not giving the impression atleast
>Is it trying to be realistic?
It's a video game, senpai.
I mean, I'm pretty sure aeroplanes and cavalry operated in the same campaigns, so it's not unfeasible to think that something like this COULD'VE happened.
Whether it actually DID or not I don't know.
given those are Italian planes shooting at Entente troops (doesn't look like any Central Powers kit) I don't think so
unless it's supposed to be blue on blue
Could be Ottoman troops
>Entente planes firing on Entente soldiers
Probably not
These fucking normies need to stop ruining my history, keep your autistic CoD weapon customization shit to modern era
Although could also be true, the gun is probably some variant of a Martini-Henry carbine
Watching the stream this is fking cringe
It's fking WW1 with modern combat tactics, and they are actually pretending it's historically accurate
>thinking video games have an accurate depiction of what really happened
This is what WW1 was really like:
is this the official e3 on Veeky Forums thread?
who ready for sony tomorrow, theyll make e3 great again
>It's fking WW1 with modern combat tactics
well strictly speaking infantry tactics for most of the war are the ones used throughout the rest of the century, allowing for obvious proliferation of automatic weaponry
Will Tom Hanks roast them again?
>no France
Not letting your men go and die for a pointless war in the Middle east turned you into surrender monkeys forever.
>Italy makes it into release
>France doesn't
The Italians were absolute shit, and there were Entente Troops operating in this theater.
So this could be a friendly fire instance.
will captain miller roast them again*
>carrying world war one
mate... the brits protected your arse more than once in that war...
>inb4 brit... I'm a belgian
These pictures are much better than actual The Onion at this point
They were absolutely pitiful in 1914, could've been done without in 1915, and only started playing a vital offensive part in 1916, the same year that the French army at Verdun literally saved the entire front.
certainly the british were absolutely key in the victory but to somehow diminish the role of france, the single biggest allied combatant in whose very country the key engagements of the entire war were fought, is beyond bizarre
You're right that France didn't carry the war alone, and that the British took up a significantly greater role in the hundred day's offensive, France was the only thing that kept the Western Front from collapsing. If France had failed at Verdun or the Marne, there wouldn't be anything for the British to bail out.
For example, the Somme Offensive (a case of the British protecting the French) was a secondary operation conceived for the sole purpose of keeping the French line at Verdun from collapsing. Ultimately, it was the British blockade that forced the Germans first to call off the Spring Offensive and then into Armistice; but if the French hadn't held on before that, the Royal Navy would never have had the chance to do so.
I'm in no way shape or form diminishing the role of the french... but come on, the guys almost had a communist revolution in their ranks because their high command was so incompetent that they bombarded their own trenches... the brits saved them at one point because the french army was collapsing... also, saying like that frenchie did that the brits were absolutely pitiful in 14 and could've been done without in 15 is even more bizarre... without the brits holding out in the western corner of belgium, the french would've been caught with their pants on their knees...