What are you studying, Veeky Forums?

What are you studying, Veeky Forums?
Are you satisfied with your choice?

No, i want to kill myself

That's a bad choice to be honest mate. Any retard on tumblr can be a 'journalist' nowadays and the industries response was to sink to gutter level instead of trting to elevate the product. What made you go in that direction?

International Security

Yes, Yes I am.


International Relations

Of course, everyone needs an IR analyst.

Triple major in comp-sci, pure mathematics and electrical engineering.
It's fun but I'm probably just wasting my time at uni.

Criminal Law and Justice.

Put me in the camp that wants to kill themselves.

Depressing field, working as a cop simultaneously. Planning to get out as soon as I'm finished.

History and Archaeology. Hopefully if I choose the right modules for the next year I may get awarded a Joint Honours Degree
Although I am probably going to give it a shot at getting into Graduate Medicine.

Mathematics & Economics


English Lit.

No. It feels pointless.

Bitch that is the least wasteful use of tuition money I have ever heard
Don't you fucking humble brag over here with your incredibly logical choice of studies
I bet you have a merit scholarship and volunteer on weekends too, you fucking cumrag

Open some Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums tabs and get the fuck out of here

International affairs Middle East studies concentration

I love it, it's like playing the biggest strategy game ever devised

Russian lit here

Nice trips. Get a minor in Engineering if you like math but don't love it. You could earn good money rewriting engineering reports in a large company or municipal department.

I'm studying in the UK and just finished my second year. Even if I could pursue a minor, it'd be too late. Just trying my best to get a First and then go from there.

I do not like it very much
The big bucks come too late

Chinese studies.

Yeah, I enjoy it a lot, although it can get frustrating at times.

Plus papers are just long form, dressed up memeing and shitposting. Or at least, that's the vibe I get when I write mine.

I'm wrapping up an MS in Genetics. I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Lutheran Theology.
The study is shit (hebrew & greek), but I am on the waiting list to become a pastor in the bavarian state church, so I look forward to that.

I would like to make documentaries and that kind of stuff. I think journalism can be a fun job, but im feeling like this isnt for me.
This past week i broke down and didnt go to a lot of classes and didnt do stuff i should have done and now im freaking out.

IT and Economics

Already have connections within the IT world, prospects are good. Probably going to start up my own company

Poli Sci and History. I like history, but poli sci is alright.
would've preferred to have gone to a school with a divinity school to study theology.
or better yet, one of those western canon focused schools like st. john's college in annapolis.

Studying political science feels like the most redundant thing ever.

>I am on the waiting list to become a pastor in the bavarian state church
Jesus Christ, a pastor browsing Veeky Forums. What the fuck has the world become.

>This past week i broke down and didnt go to a lot of classes and didnt do stuff i should have done and now im freaking out.
Just like me. I've been having a huge existential crisis for the past several weeks and I have a Toxicology final coming up in 4 days. Shit is fucked up pham.

Not yet a pastor.

As well, what is the problem with it?
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /adv/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, the Deutschlandfäden (and only those) on /b/ and /int/ and occasionally /r9k/ and /out/ aren't /gif/ or /s/ now are they?

Computer Science. Pretty awesome, I'm satisfied.

Linguistics. It's a growing field, I enjoy it.

I've been on a huge existencial crisis since early 2015 familia, now im getting to the lossing my fucking mind level. ;-)
Can someone please post some arguments agaisnt suicide? The best one imo is "dont be a pussy ass bitch".
Dont know who came up with that one.

Music Education. It's what i enjoy most, but i know i'll get fucked with debt, and my job will most likely be at a shitty high school somewhere.

Journalism fag here.
Keep doing god's job user, music is the only good in this mad world.

Thanks user.

systems engineering

i love it but math is putting a gigantic dildo up my ass and that is making feel like changing careers again.

What instruments did you learn while studying? I've been playing guitar for 6 years but i regret not learning something else like piano, which now i think is the best instrument to play alone and compose.

Ancient History

Just going to use it to get into Law once I graduate, useless degree unless you want to be a teacher.

History of Ideas


I've been a tuba player for about 7 years, but i've recently started studying the piano and clarinet.

>a pastor
>browsing r9k


I just started. It's alright I guess.

Law (Space Law)

Spaaaaaaace Laaaaaaaaaw

Sociology, with a minor in Philosophy.

Panicked and tacked on a second minor in Business Marketing before graduation - pivoted off of the statistics work from my Sociology coursework and am now working in Marketing Research for a Fortune 10 company.

So, everything went better than expected, but deep down, as sophomoric as it sounds, I still feel like a sell out and hope to be doing research for a think tank or policy research institution in the future.

Electrical Engineering


>Can someone please post some arguments agaisnt suicide?
My family (no pun intended). My parents would be devastated and my siblings would want to die too.

Ancient History and Medieval Studies

done Philosophy at one point

dont get me wrong its cool as fuck, but nowadays its half the fact that its leads almost nowhere and the other half is the other people that take it

History is fun

Is Rare Earth mineral extraction from asteroids a meme, in terms of legality and who can lay claim to an object in space.

compi-sci with a minor in mathematics because fuck it, it's like one more class.

That being said I always loved History, it's a pursuit I've had since I was a child. I also love learning about different religions.

user please be okay. I read somewhere suicide doesn't get rid of the pain it just puts it on another person (think of your family). I don't know about your philosophical beliefs but if you believe in just about any kind of higher power (anything from Pantheism to Monotheism) it is also generally believed that any life isn't yours to take.

Read some philosophy. Epictetus's stuff always makes me feel comfy and he was a slave at one point so he know hardship.

I posted this in the other college thread but this one seems more active so I'll repost it.

Going to double major in Econ and Mechanical Engineering or pick one (I haven't decided yet and I'm still a Freshman). Am I kidding myself if I think I can double major and double minor in History and Philosophy? I'm a pretty good student at a decently ranked state university and I'm attending the honors college and due to the way work and scholarships will work out I will have left college having made money if that helps for context

I have a genuine interest in the field, but I'm very worried that I'll end up in debt.

Why not? Job prospects are good and all of the guys I know who are doing economics really like it.

>Open some Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums tabs
An even bigger waste of time.


Public Administration
I don't know. I like the field, but I haven't been able to find any job, and I've been NEETing for some time now. I want to kill myself.

I studied geography.


I did art history and musicology. Don't know what to do now since every master focuses one just a single topic instead of something like "iconography in the middle ages"

And I recently applied for "ancient, medieval, and renaissance studies" which encompasses both history, art, literature and music of those periods, but apparently you have to specialize in the first few months.

A good reason is that life is better when lessons are learned, not surrendered to. If you learn from mistakes and unfortunate circumstances rather than being defeated, you'll be fine. Also, college is absurdly stressful and even if your life gets harder your brain will never be under as much stress as it is right now. You can do it :)

History major, double minor in religious studies and Japanese. absolutely fucking love it. want to be a professor, but the market sucks and I'll be buried in debt, so I'm not sure what to do atm. Probably get a masters in Japanese studies and do diplomacy until I can afford a doctorate

Hang in there and do a study on your favourite documentary subject later, like ancient history. Get experienced with using the software etc. And find a company to hire you.
Then again, you're going to be a slave for money in an absurd world devoid of meaning.

Erm business administration.

What about it? I'd prefer to be sought after when this is ended, and not drift into NEEThood like all the historian or philosophy majors are fated to.

Did Classics for 2 years, then I realized I'm not smart enough to go to university so I quit.

Now I am having my last summer with friends and family before I an hero.

I've been there too, my family helped me to forget about it, basically find something you really like and stick to it.

I'm an apprentice mechanic here in Canada. It's okay. I'm not a fan of the schooling portion though

History is my happy place.. podcasts while I work ftw!

These are the real questions we should be asking. The far future is near lads :^)

Thinking of majoring in Corporate Law Anyone here studying it or have any insight? Do you like it?

Yeah im not really that into the slavery thing.

Politics and History, switched to it from after realising Journalism is a total meme degree.

Going to a top uni tho so not too worried about employability.

Biomedical Engineering. Want to go into artificial organ development.
Transhumanism here we go.

Bless me nigga bless me, I need it.


I wish i was you.
Journalism is such a meme degree ffs what was i thinking.
I need to change to sociology or whatever before is too late.
Godspeed, user.

Probably gonna start studying the same at the end of the year. Any tips or advices? Is it worth it? Where did you study? Will you find a job?

Fine arts (honours)

Love the course, but the students are far left.

I've only been able to meet a few centrists, libertarians and classic Libs.

Other than that, highly interesting.

>changing from journalism to sociology

This will not solve your problems in the slightest. You need to stick with your degree to get that piece of paper. However at the same time you need to go on YouTube and learn how to do SQL, it's easy af and you can get a job out of college for 45-50k easily knowing SQL

History and English Literature. I don't attend any course for the latter, but I'm forced to take it because of my country's retarded undergrad system.

I absolutely love History though and would love to pursue a career in Academia.

Suicide is the best argument against suicide. The fact that it exists as an escape should give you the comfort you need to go on. You're not stuck here forever, it's only temporary.

A sociologist can do the job of a journalist 10 times better.
Plus i may even learn something, "studying" journalism feels like learning about people who actually learned something.

If you feel okay with making Ishmael Jewstein 3.247% more money on his tax return, then it's a great field.

Almost everyone in law agrees that public jurisprudence is a lot more interesting, varied and exciting work. The pay is just abysmal in comparison.

Switched my studies three times already, now that I'm finally happy with one (History), I'm already 22 and I'm having trouble paying the bills.

Thinking of leaving Uni. Tips?

Don't leave.

Pure math.

I'm not really satisfied. I'm going to try to do some travel and learn a few languages over the next few years after I graduate in December and try to figure out what I want to do with my life. Maybe I'll try to write a book. I'll probably go to some type of grad school after that.

I've just never really found anything that I've wanted to commit myself to for more than a few years, even completing college was a struggle. It's massively depressing because so many of my peers already have big boy jobs lined up for them and are excited to move on with their life and get houses, BMWs, dogs and wives.

me too. I like it

Law. I fell for the "get one of these degrees, jobs guaranteed" boomer meme. I tried to focus on international law so I can get something useful out of it and because I have a real knack for languages.
Since I'm attending a very hard uni I'm used to very much work for little profit, but as of last year the burden has become unbearable and I started to develop anxiety issues and depression. I decided to change to a more normal uni before giving up education and possibly life. The future looks, if not bright, at least not pitch dark

"Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively." - Based Socrates

Be the fucking best analyst/topologist/number theorist or any other -ist you can be user. Math is a wonderful field of study one of the more valuable intellectual pursuits today. I wish that I can be a mathematician but I lack the skill for it.

I decided I would never kill myself after discovering that families are made to pay for clean-up if you throw yourself under a train. The thought of such shame imposed upon a grieving family made me reconsider my choices

You are insane

Stay strong user

Eh, triple majors are a bit of overkill, but I definitely respect those studies.

Economics and Management


You sadcunts who are not happy with your studies, why don't you just quit uni and learn some casual job? We live in the a wonderfull world where you have acces to all kind of knowledge, so no one is depended from the academia. Of course if you want to develop and research you need academic career, but all you care is money and happyness.

>meme degree
What do people mean by that

>wasting my time

bruh, that is literally guaranteeing you a good as fuck job

>Biomedical Engineering

I don't even know what I want to do. I want to possibly help create bionic limbs for disabled people or help paralyzed people walk, but that's not even my biggest dream in life

Dropped out of college because I found everything aside from the resources like texts and things of that nature pretty stupid and something I could get in my own time with a bit of digging.

Probably just going to make shitty videos on youtube of stuff I find funny in history and once that fails I am simply going to shoot myself.


hi there lindy

leave immediately