/wageslave/ here.
Who else has a comfy but constraining middle class career but no real impressive skills or enough free time to work on them?
/wageslave/ here.
Who else has a comfy but constraining middle class career but no real impressive skills or enough free time to work on them?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not enough time to work on skills
Git gud fgt
In my spare time I built a website to show off some of the data analysis I've been doing in my spare time
I'm going to present a lean production seminar to my boss, his boss, and a couple of other people in about a month that I've been preparing in my spare time
I think the argument of no free time is complete bullshit.
Time is like money and how you spend it shows your priorities.
I work 70+ hours a week and watch no TV, I don't draw a line between work and home I am always working on improving my sales and cashflow.
How many hours a week do you spend playing video games or watching TV?
There's your priorities.
To succeed you only need to be 'better than average' and a hard worker.
perspiration beats inspiration every day.
this user's got the right idea
currently working on a side project of my own that is slowly taking form.. it's nothing to brag about but it makes use of my creative skills and is infinitely more stimulating than my day job. at the end of the day it is a nice hobby that could turn into any number of opportunities in the future.
find a project you can attach yourself to, and the skills you desire will practically build themselves. it won't really feel strenuous, it will be fun and rewarding.
Comfy blue collar here hauling dirt
Any link to that site?
Fuck no, my name's on it, but I took a lot of inspiration on the data analysis side from this site
That was a starting point for data to look at, and the kinds of simple questions that could be asked
Website layout is simple, honestly I stole it from the only good page in the entire universe
Care to share any details on your project?
Might inspire others :)
I remember when I started working in high school, I always had the mentality of "try your best". Then I learned you just need to preform nominally better than your coworkers, especially in shitty jobs.
>perspiration beats inspiration
>work hard manual/mentally demanding labour 60+ hours a week
>too physically and mentally exhausted to anything but sleep and work
>le hardwork!
keep convincing yourself with your epic motivatioal posts there m8.
Not him, but I'll share mine. Not that I'm gonna show you what I do but I'll share what my opinion on this thing.
Basically, what this user said is true. You just need to find something you can be passionate about. For me, I like the idea behind motivational quotes. I know some of you might say its all a meme, but I find it quite helpful. Like for instance, when you're down or not feeling like you're seizing the day, just read some quotes from some philosophers or someone famous/successful. You'll eventually get the wisdom from it and start to take action in your day. It's kind of like what fuels your day.
So I did build an app for that. I'm just gonna tell you the general idea. Basically an app that pushes you random quotes notification whenever you're feeling down. I'm currently making money out of it although it's free. Because I do give talks to people who wanted to boost their productivity at the same time do coding (which is my hobby).
p/s not an english speaker so excuse my grammar and such.
but so much free time
but I never use it to grow as a person
only talent is music
considering using Adderall to learn programming
>using Adderall to learn programming
That's an awful idea unless you have a specific need for medication.
wow because those are hard things to do
If im not at work im makong something
Still uni student, still work retail.
Work 6 days a week on day off and before after shifts i started learning graphic design, doing freelance work for bands and local startups.
$500 a week from job
$1000/job usually take 2-3 a month tops for now.
That doesnt include meetings
I charge $500 a consultation fee so even if i don't end up doing the job i get payed $500 just for telling my client what to do.
all it takes is just making the most of what time you have.
Last week hours where slow i had 3 days off work, i made 1k going to 2 meetings. On monday i had to go to the bank for busfare then came back later that day and deposited $500 i know its not alot but for a kid in summer school,universit, with a part time job, and running his own business... You dont have an excuse
Me, kinda.
I'm basically in a sales job but I hate making hard sales. My customers love me because of it, but eventually I'll be forced out because of ever increasing quotas.
well done sir. If you dont mind me asking what are you majoring in for uni?
sorry was out on errand.
graphic design major.have been to college for business before got a diploma...seems counter-intuitive or like a regression. but like i said i started learnign it and i fell in love. with business ethic and creativity all itll take is sound decisions before i have my own design/advertsing firm and eventually can sell it and start other ventures or keep it as a pet project for fun and use it to finance other projects.
>perspiration beats inspiration
this is true. but don't be a loser and work hard for someone else. Work hard for yourself. I don't mean that in the protestant work ethic/hank hill way.
I mean that if you work hard, you should be the beneficiary of that work.
Working hard for employers is dumb as fuck and so is working lazily for yourself.
I sure love spending more than half of my day doing shit to make somebody else rich.
Fuck this gay earth, I can only hope that when I start investing this year, it works enough in the following five for me to retire back to my third world shithole.
Why don't you make a ton of music then? Why even try programming?
The whole point is that they aren't
come back with a time log. I'll bet we can find a spot.
>Mon-Fri, BS low-level office job that pays $10/hr.
>Sat, Sun, job at grocery story making $8.50/hr.
>Computer repair on the side making $80+ a job
>Still going to school and working on my certifications
There's literally no excuse to not want to constantly improve yourself OP. I'm no millionaire, but that shouldn't stop a person from trying to reach their full potential.
link us your "firm" so we can all laugh at how horrendously beta it is