the knowledgeable fashion wizard returns once again to answer all ur fashion related questions
ask me anything (about fashion)
the knowledgeable fashion wizard returns once again to answer all ur fashion related questions
ask me anything (about fashion)
how to become a fashion wizard like u sir
Why does OP keep sucking cock?
read alot and talk to other people with higher power level than u and also work in fashion related capacity
What college/career path should I take to start a collection? I'm interested in getting a fashion product development degree. Do you think it's worth it?
It depends you're going to have to give me more to work with than "i want to make clothes"
Am I doomed to fail if I kinda like this
we've had like six "art hoe" threads since tuesday this is much better
whats the deal with airline food?
Hmm how can I specify? I'm really interested in your advice. I want to found a designer line of quality clothes, and hire people to put pieces on the market. If that makes sense.
what are some good books, videos, and other resources for someone to learn about fashion in an easy way?
i'm a lawyer but work in a college town and hang with mostly indie musicians. what's a look that capture the professionalism of the former but the creative vibe of the latter?
are turtlenecks fa ?
>Fashion wizzard
>Posted a gucci pic in the previous thread
You are the worst name fag ever
what makes you think youre so superior and qualified oh wizard
I already bought these but I have no idea what to wear them with? Do cream shoes work with blue jeans and stuff?
No. They're super boring.
They're great for showing off a hot body. That's all.
the internet
didn't even choose best fit from collection mr. wizard
How much money do I need for a capsule wardrobe of medium quality (femme)
Is it stupid to get tattoos to look better
how tall are you? what's your waist size and shoe size ?
Are boat shoes Veeky Forums what do I wear to pull off wearing boat shoes on dry land?
do u agree with the "don't buy it unless u love it" mantra ? if I'm really amazing at fashion do I need to get things tailored always and/or buy expensive ?
Camp moccasins. They're literally boat shoes but for dry land.
If it's interesting, buy it and try it on with everything you own.
If it works to your satisfaction, keep it. If not, return it.
What do I wear with these?
Can I make these work
A noose
But they're over played as fuck
Nah it won't work, try white
What's the difference between fashion and clothing?
Does it matter how authentic my shirt is?
How did the jews get away with inventing fast seasonal fashion change to rob innocent goyim from their hard earned money?
theres lots of ways of doing that
if you have the money you can do that right now
books about stuff ur interested in (theres no definitive "fashion basics" book or someting just read about what youre interested in and branch out from there. showstudio panel discussions can be good and runway reviews on vogue and business of fashion are good but agian only if youre interested in it
best resource is to talk to people who are established or know what the fuck is giong on in the industry
yohji cdg homme plus suiting or paul harnden or sth lemaire really depends
they can be
wear em with some fat black corduroy trousers and burgundy socks or something also get them dirty
dont wear em with jeans
stupid question
they are some of the least fa shoes which also means they have the potential to be the most fa when recontexualized in a clever way
refer to recent gosha ss18 show, first time in a while boat shoes looked good
the only mantra u should have is one that makes the most sense and best serves your lifestyle through daily life both in appropriateness of setting and physical comfort
also that mentality can be dumb cuz you need to make alot of mistakes and sometimes be a fashion victim to learn from it and get better
and no you can look fly as fuck with the right look (hair, face, accessories etc) with some thrifted shit. like infinitely better than 90% of "fashion" peeps
sure but there isnt a styling combination i can think of where a different shoe wouldnt look better so just use those as runners
fashion has to do with the now, a reflection of where things are at and where shit might go next. clothing is just clothing can be anything
jew magic
inflatable boat, or boat on a boat trailer, get a tattoo of a boat, start boasting about you boat mid conversation, wear a swim vest or a sailor cap, carry a paddle or live saving ring.
Why does the chinese girl I like wear literally the same outfit every day
Where should I look for a wide selection of pants?
I'm usually pretty plain - coloured T / jeans
Looking to get some looser fitted cotton pants, cords, more interesting fits etc
wtc high quality socks in varieties of patterns/colours
usually just look wherever im shopping online, but would like a big ass shop
Favorite brands?
Favorite runway show or lookbook this season?
I have a maroon leather jacket. What do I wear with it?
who makes cool jewelery?
anonymous ism
funny how every time you're asked for something specific (resources, stores, etc) you deflect the question
>I have a maroon leather jacket. What do I wear with it?
your homosexuality as a badge of honor
Cartier comes to mind.
Gosha ss18, got it
how to start a conversation with a girl, she's my crush from 1st semester now i am in 3rd
help my man
Because she knows you like her and is scared to change because you might not like her if she's wearing different clothes.
any tips on how to style nike am90's essential jeans/trousers-wise? They look too clunky with skinny jeans on me...
what colorway
read a lot of what
was thinking about all white or all black, but went with black in the end, got plenty of whites already
how do i pull off shitty hip genetics as a male
by getting waist reduction surgery
Okay, I have a question. What is the definition of fashion?
Alright so i looked up gosh ss18 for inspo on boat shoes.
>socks with boat shoes
I'm a bit intimidated, can I really pull it off in q casual setting
dont have a favourite because there are alot of strong ones this season
balenciaga calvin klein loewe lutz huelle undercover y project cdg were all great
dont know alot about accessories but i like what gucci is doing alot
theyre bad questions
print material online articles etc
high waisted pants
How can I purchase pants that fit? I'm 6' 145lbs a little muscular with a 28inch waist. Pants never seem to look right on me.
>I'm new to trying to dress and style better. I want to learn now so I don't need to put too much time into it in future, just like 2 or 3 proper clothes shopping trips a year
Looking for advice and general rules so that regardless of fashion trends, season or occasion, I can make sure I pick clothes that suit me. A style can come afterwards.
I'm a m, 22, pale white (warm undertone), severe inverted triangle, which would usually be good, and is when i'm shirtless but i'm only 5"8 so it makes me look disproportionally wide at the top and means almost all clothes either aren't wide enough, or if they are, are way too long. GF wants me to hit the gym with her, so i'm likely going to get even more top heavy.
What sort of things should I look for/avoid in clothing for my bodyshape? Once again i'm more interested in general rules rather than trends, as i'm lacking direction when it comes to clothes (so things like colours, fits, assesories etc).
Hoping either wizard or an autistic Veeky Forums can go into detail and preferably explain why with things. I'm not very experienced with clothes and want to learn. Everything online is either for broad women, or it's just guys in suits.
Separate side note, light whispy light brown hair, heart shaped face, V hairline, but not receding. Any haircut ideas?
Also decent jawline, but weak beard genetics
tl;dr How to dress short inverted triangle
idk what info you need, so i'll tell you anything else you need to know
really fucking stupid questions
With a blazer they're Veeky Forums if pulled off right.
what is modern day stone island
i know nemen, deeper down?
so what makes your advice good? what do you do in life? work for ssense?
no but a competitor of ssense
farfetch? :^)
Where do I find the courge to wear my levis flannel sherpa trucker jacket? I am afraid people will make fun of me for wearing it..
dont wear it then
I don't.. But I really like it and it was kind of expensive.. There are so many things I don't wear because of fears. How do I get over them?!
you dont get over them
Thoughts on the whole hypebeast thing and trends overall?
is learning to dress appropriately for your body shape etc "fashion"? or is it just a prerequisite to learning how to be "fashionable"?
what hypebeast thing
trends are trends
i dont understand your question and even if i did i dont know why would be wondering about that
well Thanks. that was helpful
this was extremely helpful, thank you for your very factual knowledge, fashion fairy
any tips/guidelines for hot weather fashion? Just moved to florida and the no layers kills my fits.
I guess I just expected you to have an answer for every thing. a real wizard would. I've never met a real actual wizard but I imagine they would have an answer for everything. and even if they didn't I imagine they at least make one up so as to not ruin their image as a Wizard.
hey man im just a fashion guy
work out
it clearly states "fashion Wizard" in the op, just a little disappointed. maybe u should downgrade to "fashion apprentice"
Should I learn about color theory in order to dress better??
thats autistic just look at alot of outfits and pick up on combinations there
i like your responses, and am learning alot, thanks!
stupid questions get stupid answers
where can i buy rings similar to pic, cheers
How to make these work? Black pants, jeans???
these are not fashion questions
what would look worse on a "below average height" dude and should avoid those pieces?
Would "scandinavian minimalist" look okay?
(on a lets say some.. ahm... random number like... 172cm )
Im 170 171 on a good day, yes it's fine as long as you never wear low rise pants and your proportions aren't fucked up
mr wizard how did you climb up the fashion ladder
Recommend some casual trousers other than chinos please. Black ideally.
Why are they stupid? I don't have any interest in fashion and trends, but would like to dress better in general. What would you look for in clothing when dressing a short inverted triangle?
Am I approaching this wrong? Please explain
Is this the new qtddtot thread?
where do you draw the line between common fashion and fashion as art?
where does fashion fit on the hierarchy of art forms in this context?
what is your opinion on the direction fashion is heading? specifically from mid 2000's
favorite shows? why? favorite designers? why? bad designers with good shows? good designers with bad shows?
how do you feel about drug use in the industry?