Is joining the military a good career alternative to standard desk-grade bullshit?
Is joining the military a good career alternative to standard desk-grade bullshit?
>He goes into the military to avoid sitting at a desk 8 hours a day.
>He spends 8 hours a day in a hot tent in the middle of a desert.
Eh, not really.
Brawling with other servicemen and blowing shit up is fun, but you don't get to spend enough time doing that.
It's mostly just boredom, salted with idiots that you have to respect ordering you around.
Or getting killed, depending.
depends which branch and which job, either or it only takes 36months of service to get them GI BILL benny's and you can also qualify for VA home loans and such.
bump im curious as well
it is standard desk-grade bullshit depending on AFSC, or MOS.
You spend your youth doing bullshit either way
one time I got really mad and slapped ((not hit, slapped)) my gf she lost her shit and was going to press charges but I told her sorry muh ptsd and then she apologized to me lol
As much as I hated it or was scared at times it was totally, completely worth it, made the best most loyal friends of my life, saw the world and changed my outlook on life.
Do it OP, people who make fun of servicemen are literal cucks.
>made the best most loyal friends of my life
Fucking this.
You're likely to get a deskjob in the military or an equally boring as hell job like gate guard. Lets top that off with a not being late policy and a no drug policy. You also have to keep up a good image for your fellow servicemen if you join so no bullshit you could pull at other jobs. It's like real life but a bit more bullshit mixed in.
>make friends for a lifetime
>dont need to buy your food or pay rent
>save up $$$$ to invest
>blow shit up
>actually learning things that might come in handy in your lifetime
idk you tell me
>associating with the white trash and inner city scum that recruiters prey on
>being a welfare queen
>still having a shitty monotonous job no matter what you choose
>with the small chance of getting killed
>signing away all your freedom for this
Only poors join the military. And they end up coming out poor anyways. Or permanently disabled in one way or another
To current military people: I know not everyone cares about this shit, but how do justify the evil that you're doing in the world. Maybe not you personally, but being a part of a machine that does great evil in the world, how do you feel about that? I'm genuinely curious. Do you feel anything?
Or do you believe you're doing good?
Shit, that makes no sense.
Since people are fallible by definition, all militaries are capable of evil.
So what you're really arguing is, why should anyone join the military, since it's capable of evil?
Then you might as well ask yourself whether militaries are necessary, because without troops, they don't exist.
Only if you get a job with computers. Do that and you'll make some decent money, good friends and get a job straight away when you get out.
I used Uncle Sam just as much as he used me. I got college payed for with a a grand and a half extra a month since I'm a full time student. Also, have a chill part time job as a lab asst. and the worse I got is a couple of nightmares once every couple of months. Still seems like a good decision to me. If it's not for you that is great. Glad you know ahead of time. Trust me, uncle sam doesn't want you either,
I mean in particular the U.S. military, and aligned 'coalition' forces waging these undeclared wars for the past 50 years, for dubious reasons, and with dubious outcomes.
I think my question is pretty direct. I do believe that militaries are less necessary than perheps ever before in history, and that in particular the U.S. military is serving interests other than those of the people of the U.S.
And I'm not saying you have to think about it on any deeper level than that. I'm just curious how you guys actually think and feel about it. I mean you know it fucks you up too, as a human being. Killing for dubious reasons, and being shot at, actual injuries, cool "explosions" too.
Not that you can't recover, you know.
Do something that translates into useful once your done.
Personally, I went in the navy as a nuke.
Requires a 6 year enlistment but the first 2 years are all in school.
Been out 12 years now, currently work for a commercial nuclear power plant as a licensed senior reactor operator(control room supervisor).
Unfortunately the status of nuclear power in the United States is fairly uncertain these days.
Plants are closing all over because federally subsidized wind farms are pushing energy prices too low to make nuclear feasible.
That coupled with the fact that the NRC is going to regulate themselves out of jobs eventually makes it questionable how long any of these plants are going to be around.
That said, the military gave me a civilian job for 10+ years and a very comfortable life for my family and I.
Just do something useful. Don't go in as a grunt and you won't come out as a grunt.
If you denied it do you think she would injure herself as proof?
It literally depends on which branch, which job, and where you're stationed.
1 dude can join and be infantry, maybe get out and be a cop or get a CDL and be blue collar for life.
Or you can apply yourself to one of the many jobs that you can leave the service and walk into a 6 figure job (medical field, air traffic control, nuclear technician etc)
You need to know that the military is what you make of it.
And it gives you training, work experience, and education.
If you join, use every benefit and perk being active duty gives you.
My dad grew up poor as shit.
He joined the Air Force to get out of his small town.
I grew up upper-middle class, because of my dad joining the military.
My dad makes 6 figures jumping out of a plane now. (sky diving)
Would join in a heartbeat but I'm Fucking pee shy and would take me forever to get through MEPS.
Have a master's and could Probs do OCS too. Fuck me.
Hey I went through MEPS and I'm piss shy.
Wasn't always, actually obtained it while on probation but that's a different story.
Anyways they give you a couple hours for a sample.
I couldn't go the first time around so I went to other stations and chugged water and when all the dudes were done they let me go back to the bathroom.
Not alone but at least there was only 1 dude there compared to the 8 or 9 waiting to piss the first time around.
>I mean in particular the U.S. military
Because that's who you're focusing on currently, but your issues (dubious reasons, dubious outcomes) affect all militaries.
Anyone who joins one has to convince themselves that said militaries' positive actions outweigh their negative ones.
Those who still serve have obviously done this, while those who haven't done it either never served, or left once their viewpoint changed.
>believing in good and evil
Fuck man
Because I'm smart enough to understand that while we are an empire, we are a relatively benevolent empire and that the alternative is either a much worse empire or a set of smaller regional powers fighting for our scraps, resulting in much worse shit. People who usually spout off about America being an evil empire are usually the least knowledgeable about international geopolitics.
Being in the military is not about your political affiliations, or about a job, it's a statement of principle. It's about saying "I'm a part of society, and I am willing to serve that society because I cannot honorably claim to be a leader within that society without exposing myself to the same risks that I will one day ask others to run". Even if you think that half or all of the current wars we fight are bloody quagmires pushed by corrupt politicians and greedy corporations that does not change the nature of service.
If you don't get that then you aren't the type of person who is fit for service.