I don't know if this is the best place to ask about this?
But why do I feel okay with eating pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, and all sorts of stuff but the Yulin festival leaves me in disgust?
Am I a hypocrite? Do I not accept cultural relativism?
I don't know if this is the best place to ask about this?
But why do I feel okay with eating pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, and all sorts of stuff but the Yulin festival leaves me in disgust?
Am I a hypocrite? Do I not accept cultural relativism?
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It's not that you don't accept cultural relativism, it's that the very culture which you are in views these acts as wrong,
You (and I for that matter) are self-aware, however you can't help but feel a bit upset about it is all.
There's nothing that makes eating a dog worse than eating a pig besides our subjective morals
I personally can't stand people eating dogs and cats, but that's totally biased and based on nothing besides muh feels
Because your culture says dog eating = bad/gross
And just because morals don't exist objectively doesn't mean you can't judge
You may be a tiny bit racist.
>not wanting to try dog
>not wanting to try cat
Chink here
Nothing wrong with hating those dog eating shits here
Even some of us find the act of eating dog appalling, maybe if they were starving it'll be fine but this is bleh
Not even my parents who was alive during the great leap forward ate dog though
Actually I wouldn't mind trying either.
I'm not sure if I'm put off at the mass slaughter of unhappy looking dogs, how 'inhumane' it seems, or if I'm just a sheepish hypocrite.
Can I righteously stand by my feels? Being a hypocrite, doesn't make me wrong I know, but if I wasn't being a hypocrite I'd feel better about it.
>I'm not sure if I'm put off at the mass slaughter of unhappy looking dogs, how 'inhumane' it seems, or if I'm just a sheepish hypocrite.
You are a sheepish hypocrite. Literally every piece of meat has had it's animal consumed in droves - outside of a once a year festival.
literally how
>Share on social media "inhumane" killing process of animals meant for food
>Ignore all the horrible shit we do to animals we eat
Nobody ignores the fact that factory farmed food is treated with less than ideal care.
Please take your persecution complex to /int/.
Isn't there like a divide in Dog-Eating in Chinkdom?
I heard Dog Eating is generally a Southern Chinese thing while it is barely done in the North.
I mean it sort of makes sense, since in bits of Southeast Asia near China like Vietnam, those Taiwanese borigines, the Hmong, and Tribes in the Philippines, Dog eating is a thing.
It's also a thing in South Korea.
Nah, they do it in the North as well.
Sauce: I've read what consists of livestock in Imperial Chinese
What is different is this: in Northern China and South Korea there is a specific breed of dog that is made livestock, one that fattens up easily (pictured, forgot the Chinese name, but in Korea its known as a Nuryeongi).
You won't fucking eat a Chow Chow or a Shih Tzu since they are pet dogs, the same way you'd eat Salmon but not a fucking Koi.
It's normal, you're used to some things, not used to others
You don't even need to look as far as China to rub up against it.
Just look at all these butthurt faggots in the comments upset by the all-American tradition of skinning and butchering rabbits
Asians eat dogs.
I've got a better subject to discuss. Do you think eating horses is ok?
>Can I righteously stand by my feels? Being a hypocrite, doesn't make me wrong I know, but if I wasn't being a hypocrite I'd feel better about it.
Personal taste isn't a problem, until you start trying to force it on others.
No one's making you eat dogs, or have gay sex.
I've become vegetarian after watching a few documentaries about animals, specifically the conditions they are put in to produce meat and leather. You are somewhat hypocritical, but we all are in some ways. It's good to be asking questions as many don't
Because dogs are humanity's friend, user. Why would you want to eat your friend?
To clarify, Southern in this case is really just Cantonese and various ethnic groups on the border with Vietnam. Northeastern Chinese (those in former Manchuria) also consume dog which isn't surprising given its close proximity to Korea.
In China, eating dog is pretty much abandoned now except for those aforementioned places and people on Chinese social media always make a big stink about the Yulin festival.
Uhm, I would eat horse, but would avoid it in general.
I am trying to get at more than personal taste though. I would like some moral justification too. Without having to go vegan.
Dogs have either evolved alongside humans or been breed on purpose for ten thousands of years, for security, hunting, or companionship. Kind of dumb to eat such a useful animals when there are different domesticated animals bred for specifically such a purpose.
There is at least one breed of dog that was selected over many generations to be good eatin', tho.
Everyone who gets bitchy over eating any kind of non-venomous animal is a pussy. Even questioning if it's ok or not is silly. There's nothing wrong in holding to token taboos of your specific culture if you fell like it, it's trying to rationalize it like OP that makes you an undesirable individual. Either you go vegan or you can't complain about muh dog eating.
Horse salami is great btw.
>When you come to think on it, eating another animal is pretty horrible
>When you come to think on it, mechanised meat production is pretty horrible
>When you come to think on it, walking round a supermarket meat isle, with all the meat vacuum packed is pretty horrific
I sometimes picture humans being put in the process and wonder if I'd notice the difference from the cuts in the shelves.
Thankfully I then have a Bacon Sandwich and forget about how weird humans are
That doesn't undo millennia of selective breeding or mutual evolution.
Dogs are companion animals, and have been for thousands of years.
Also Yulin festival is different because of the way the animals are killed.
Atleast with cows, pigs, etc they are killed relatively humanely while the dogs in Yulin are skinned and boiled alive.
Seriously fuck the mainland chinks, bunch of uncivilized cunts
This is like blasting Americans for eating grits or owning rocket launchers. Only a tiny minority actually does those things and most Chinese are opposed to the consumption of dog.
Domestication wasn't that big a thing, in the big scheme of natural history. It can be undone easily too. Dogs set free in Australia gave way to dingoes, which offer no more companionship than common wolves.
I'm pretty sure dingoes were set free thousands of years ago by the original invaders of the continent.
4000. A blink in natural history.
I've eaten horse on top of bread almost every day. It's good.
Whale steak is my favorite BBQ.
Is it really that taboo to eat horse or whale?
You're overthinking this way too much.
Types of mammals we eat daily
Types of mammals we eat in emergency
Everything else is fair game.
I don't know, I genuinely felt astonished when I saw how Americans felt eating horses was disgusting in one Veeky Forums thread several years ago. I mean, I'm not a fan of horse meat by any meant but I've never thought it was seen as wrong.
But a massive span of time in human history.
Besides that, even feral dingoes still resemble the domesticated dog, which tells you something about the impact domestication had.
I am a vegan.
You can not deny that animals are living beings that are able to conceive feelings. There is just no point to eating them when there are so many alternatives.
I can understand if you are some Inuit living where the only source of food is Seal meat. I can understand that, they have no choice, but we do. We have the choice. We as westerners (and some of you are easterners, you have the choice too.) have the choice to eat things that don't contain animal products. Next time you walk in the grocery store, compare the prices of vegetables to meat. There is just no point, just drop meat. You have a choice, the animals do not.
Why should i care? It's the law of nature. Choice? What does that matter. I enjoy meat.
Because every cat and every dog you see was meant for being loved as a pet and every pig and every cow was meant for being eaten or used for food.
Feeling like that is stupid and you should catch yourself when you notice it.
Tell me something, are you OK with the concept of someone having a pig in their house as a pet?
My friend has an awesome pet pig.
Vegetables are also living being that able to conceive feelings too, though. Why are vegans so hypocritical.
>are you OK with the concept of someone having a pig in their house as a pet?
Absolutely yes, why the fuck shouldn't i be? People are free to have any pets they want so long as its not endangered animals
I didn't ask you for a reflected and thought out answer. I asked you for a knee-jerk emotional response which is what you're doing in the case of eating dogs.
There is no proof of vegetables being able to conceive feeling.
I don't hear screaming when I mow my lawn, do you?
The only consistent and logical positions you can take on animals as a rich westerner are veganism or essentially not giving a fuck about any animal.
I'm a vegetarian, so here's my response to this moral dilemma. I'm in the same boat as you too OP. Now instead of simply being dogs, I extend that to all other animals that people regularly eat. I'm disgusted by the thought yet at the same time understand my own bias. I understand the need to eat them as a cultural thing and as a survival act.
I could point out that in today's day and age, eating meat is not required at all. But that won't sway anyone, its not simply about survival anymore, its about the right to tradition/culture/masculinity appeal/etc.
In the end, I just adopt a live and let live approach and act only in circumstances that allow me to act without recourse (extreme situations).
This is where imperalism comes into it - foreign cultures are denied their rights to tradition - while we zealously preserve ours, even though they are equally as cruel. This is the main reason I can't stand "animal rights activists" - they are trying to westernise the world with their shitty ideals.
Activists of all kinds are in the same boat. Don't just exclude the animal rights activists. All activists want change to status quo of culture/tradition/law/etc.
Well yeah, but it's not change that is necessarily bad - it's that their concept of change is bigoted and founded on principles and ideas very specific to their culture and time period - and they want to export these to all people - regardless of development, culture etc.
Though I can see your point about other activists
Eating meat eaters is gross in general
Bigoted means people who are intolerant of other's ideas/beliefs to the point of claiming superiority over others, according to the dictionary.
I don't know too much about animal rights activists, but I think their motive can be summed as "better life for animals." Is it bigoted to say that the meat farms today are causing harm to animals needlessly? Or to ask researchers to stop experimenting on animals, as they too (like humans) experience pain and suffering.
I don't think there are any rational people out there that would really argue against the reduction in suffering of animals in general or deny the sufferings of animals happening in meat factories/labs. However this doesn't translate to action because of the cost. Which is change in behavior pattern, increasing cost of food, etc. This is probably what upsets people the most, my take.
Now on to the general take of cultural imperialism, we can't simply say all cultural imperialism is bad. If a culture practices cannibalism or killing of people in their rituals, I think most people would forgo the cultural imperial guide. Onto cultural imperialism, Star Trek has the Prime Directive, similar concept.
I'm more speaking about these vicious attacks on things like whale hunting, shark fin soup, ivory hunting etc. while our institutions - far more cruel and exploitative in nature - don't attract nearly as much attention or criticism.
I'm aware that there are some vegan activists who completely oppose all animal suffering - and I don't have any issue with them - but I would say that that doesn't apply to the majority of people who support animal rights.
Oh those, extremists are extremists. I agree such people can't really fit in the world proper.
I don't see the point in sending death threats, killing people, causing property damage, etc over reduction in animal suffering. All it seem to do is create negative feedback loop. Might be well meaning initially, but if you forgo your own standard of human decency, there is no fall back.
I don't hear fish screaming either when I catch them, do you?
Dog is a shit-tier meat compared to pig, though. Outside of a survival situation, there is no reason to eat it other than being an asshole.
Because cats and dogs are companions, pets, domesticated predators, they are designed by us humans to not be used as a food source that makes using them as such repulsing
The overuse of antibiotics in the food industry will push us into a post-antibiotic age.
Pigs are awesome pets and I want one
What do you think the smell of cut grass literally is?
Humanity made canines their companions thousands of years ago. While pigs, cattle, etc were always used for food, dogs have been at our side as servants and friends since time immemorial.
It's outright betrayal to use our closest ally in the animal kingdom as food.
That implies people used dogs the same way as Prehistoric Europeans did.
Meanwhile in China you can't point out the moment where they started eating dogs. Its prehistoric as fuck for them.
>It's outright betrayal to use our closest ally in the animal kingdom as food.
Jesus the emotion in that statement.
prehistoric europe is not china
prehistoric africa is not europe
prehistoric islanders are not china
>muh euro centric
pigs are incredibly intelligent. they were taught to play video games.
pigs also realize when their friends have been killed, and see their own death coming. They are too smart to eat. cows and chickens are retarded. so they're ok to eat.
I think the specific outrage about dog consumption in western culture comes from how integrated they are into our society. We have dogs to do all manner of things from guarding our homes/livestock to escorting blind and retarded people. It's like eating a butler or a maid.
That's just it. It's a cultural thing. I wouldn't -like- to see a pig suffer, but people have done me the good of dehumanizing them to the point that they're just bacon to me in all senses when they reach my plate.
Why do we have this question so often? To grill weenies who are uncomfortable, or haven't put enough thought into it?
where in the US do people not eat grits?
Okay can I get one of the vegans here to explain something to me
How do you justify the fact that life always consumes other life? There are very few exceptions to this rule like extremophile bacteria that get all their nutrition from sulfuric vents at the bottom of the ocean. Its a law of the nature world - life eats life. Why is this necessarily a "problem" that you try to "answer" through veganism?
I'm not going to berate you for feeling upset at the thought of people eating dogs and cats, but if you're actually morally judging people for eating them rather than other animals, even if you keep it to yourself, then you're a hypocritical self-righteous cunt.
I'm not a vegan but just because something is an integral part of nature doesn't mean we shouldn't try to avoid it.
The taking of violent and cruel actions against other people is an inescapable facet of human existence but it's something people generally agree should be minimised, or something that we should try and ensure only happens to people who "deserve" it, for example.
I figure what you might've meant is actually just that the violent deaths of many animals is not really something you can realistically prevent, so they may as well die (possibly more humanely) to humans rather than to other animals, though, in which case yeah that's the best moral argument I have against Veganism too.
Many vegans are vegan for environmental or health reasons, not obsession over animal "rights."
Do you use the same argument against Islamic terrorism?
Two memes awnser this question:
>We're superior and better to the rest of nature.
>Cow farts.
I only care about sensible life. I'd eat a vegetative human for the sake of recycling.
It's uncommon, allowing horse loving women to get shocked when they discover that doesn't mean it's not eaten.
>it's natural therefore right
So you do not value human ethics? Laws? Responsibilities?
There are all artificial means created for a better society.
Unless you get your vegetables from local organic farms that keeps the use of tractors minimal, you can't be serious.
>then you're a hypocritical self-righteous cunt
I accept all of that. I just want to be morally correct too.
>law of nature
Not who you're responding to, but organic farms have significantly lower yields, and in this sense, they actually waste more resources and kill more animals.
Preserving life doesn't matter, preventing suffering matters. That being said, I think we should seriously consider whether destroying all life is the right thing to do. I think AI will be better able to continue the struggle of intelligence (if even if that is necessary). Destroying the entire universe is worth considering when we have the ability.
I think I'd probably be the cause of those weird religious rules on eating you find nowadays if I was a priest way back when. If it's got hooves, it's good to eat. I have no real reason.
there's so much anti gmo propaganda nowadays, seems so hard to make decent advances
Those animals you love so much wouldn't even be alive in the first place if it wasn't for the meat industry. Checkmate
Pigs have been bred for food for hundreds of years, dogs are bred for companionships and work. The gooks will eat anything.
>Pigs have been bred for food for hundreds of years, dogs are bred for companionships and work
So if I started breeding dogs for food it would be perfectly acceptable to eat them?
50 years from now, probably.
Is this true?
You know there are dogs bred for food and pigs bred for company, right?
Why the arbitrary 50 years?
You argument doesn't stand any ground.
Am I antisemitic for not wanting the tip of my dick chopped off?
Yes. No you do not.
And it's not cultural relativism. It's just you being hypocritical.
A dog is dumber than pigs and cows.
Yullin dogs mostly look the same (like a small yellow labrador) for a reason user.
There's no such thing as moral correctness when it comes to eating animals less self-aware than pigs.
>Nobody ignores the fact that factory farmed food is treated with less than ideal care.
Uhhh user...
>Because dogs are humanity's friend, user
Friends can be food.
Yes it does user.
How do you think breeds develop? They don't take 50,000 years. The newest breeds take about 4 generations of dog nowadays.
Nigga what?
You should see how we kill pigs here in South Texas.
When they get infected en masse, we bury them all alive in a big hole.
You would never forget the sound of that squealing.
t. user that has never tasted adrenaline
There are millions of people who do exactly what you said does not happen.
You think Mohamadou in Senegal is worrying about that?
I'm talking about the west, where being nice to your food has never been more popular.
Obviously some third world shithole isn;t going to care whether their food was free range and fed with organic grass.