Will battlefield 1 be an accurate representation of world war one?

will battlefield 1 be an accurate representation of world war one?

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>65 soldiers fought in ww1
>2,000,000 americans fought in ww1
>350,000 of these were black
>most of these were in support roles only
>black americans only made up 0.5% of soldiers during ww1
>an afro american is the character on the box art
>le frenchman despite losing almost all their men during the war continues to be ignored
>is the game an accurate representation of world war one?
no, its a misrepresentation of history that will just make black Americans think they aren't only the kings of egypt but also saved europe in ww1

65 million*


No hate for blacks, but he is right


Who cares? Just as long as the protag isn't an annoying "black and proud nigguh"
No. If it is then it probably won't be very fun.

>mfw most of the games maps will take place in France but there wont be any french troops in game


I'm just going to enjoy all these rare guns being rendered in high detail.

Nobody wants to play as a coward

Honestly I just want to see British soldiers. I really wish the protag was British and that most of the characters are British. I've gotten tired of all the American action heroes and I think we'd all like to see a bit of moustached, posh accented honourable british soldiers in a game for once.

You are right.
I would love to play as a German soldier as well, they were not as evil as in ww2

>muslim women
>riding a horse
>in arabia
>for bedouin tribe
>in the 1910s
did this actually happen or is ea just trying to shoehorn some women in?
if they were gong for the shoehorning tactic they could of done what cod:finest hour did 15 years ago and made her some sniper.

How historically viable is this?

I've delt with bedouins in the past and they just seemed like any other middle eastern who treated their women like second class "citizens"

Incredibly unlikely. There's no way bedouins would let their women fight in a war.
I wouldn't say they were evil in ww2 either. Most wehrmacht soldiers were just that, soldiers; they did what they were told. It's the ss who were cunts. But yeah, I would like to play as a German as well but considering the current political climate surrounding all forms of entertainment, I doubt EA would bother taking the risk

its going to be ww2 with mustard gas.

>I wouldn't say they were evil in ww2 either. Most wehrmacht soldiers were just that, soldiers; they did what they were told. It's the ss who were cunts. But yeah, I would like to play as a German as well but considering the current political climate surrounding all forms of entertainment, I doubt EA would bother taking the risk

You are right in both points.

This whole overly pc culture we are living in is bothering me t b h.

I talked with my grandfather when I was a child and he told me about a captured wehrmacht soldier.
He was just a afraid 19 years old kid fighting for a ideology he doesn't even understand.
My grandfather was young to tho, so he was in the same situation but on the other side.

>watches Lawrence of Arabia once

Should have followed the Russians.

>get raped by German machine guns for several hours of gameplay
>get sick of this shit
>shoot your CO
>go home
>join the Bolsheviks
>get shot in the revolution

Nazi ideology ran deep in the military. A lot, if not most of these men had spent at least some of their formative years in Nazi-approved education systems. They committed their fair share of war crimes, too.

I'm not saying they were all baby eating monsters, but the Wehrmacht was far from apolitical.

Let's just be happy that ww1 is getting AAA game.

No french units from what I've seen.

So need I say more?

I'm sorry mate, this is the history board, you must obviously have clicked the wrong board.

I think you mean an AAA game is getting a WW1 reskin

It doesn't resemble World War 1 in any way except for asset models.

everyone except snipers gets automatic or semiautomatic weapons
so far no french have been seen or alluded to

these two things alone ought to answer your question

Yes, they're trying too hard

Sweden, btw...

>accurate statistical representation

>largest contributor to the allied cause in WW1
Please kill yourself before procreating you ignoramus.

It will be about as historical accurate as Battlefield 1942. Anyone bitching about this game being "historically inaccurate" or "disrespectful to history" don't really play video-games but just want to have something to bitch about since they have no idea what kind of franchise Battlefield is.

It's like bitching about the amount of violence in Quentin Tarantino movies.

>don't really play video-games


>being this afraid of people who have different views than you

The only "agenda" behind this game is EA trying to make money by not making the same WWII/modern warfare/future warfare games that we have gotten since the beginning of time

Of course.

I wonder if they'll manage to remove France from the Napoleonic Wars or maybe the Hundred Years War next.

>WWII/modern warfare/future warfare game
bf1 is just bf4: mustard gas edition

They showed a couple French soldiers in concept art and apparently they will be in a DLC

But he's right.

France is universally associated with lameness and cowardice. It would make no commercial sense to include them even if they wanted to, since nobody would want to play as them.

At this point being forgotten completely is the best possible outcome for France, it's that or being remembered as nothing but a joke.

They're fighting in their own country but they're adding them in as paid DLC? Should have expected it from EA

ie the DLC that nobody will buy.

Only by retards and memeshitters
Fair enough though, that's exactly the market for Battlefield

Kind of like adding Germany in DLC.

It's a battlefield game, so no, it wont be historically accurate.

Verdun is quite accurate. I just got 5 kills in a row with my Lee Enfield, felt bad ass as fuck, these Germans kept running through the trench at me but the man minute held them off.

Whereas Battlefield 1 literally does not have any Bolt Action rifles other than with mandatory scopes, making them Snipers. It's a reskin of BF4 with a WW1 Theme.

No one was really evil in ww1. The whole reason why ww1 isn't romanticized as much as 2 is because ww1 was a very grey war morality wise, it started because a man from a country shot an official from another, that country declares war on the country of the offending man's because there was huge tensions all over Europe at the time, and said country thought... Shit, I'm just going to call them what they are, Austria thought the man was hired by the serbian government or something, and they didn't take the chance, and declared war, Serbia had powerful allies, Austria had powerful allies and the war that resulted was politics in a textbook. Do note that I'm going off memory, that it may not have been Serbia that was the initial target, and that Austria was at the time an empire. I need to brush up on my ww1 history, and i may be entirely wrong, and my point is that ww1 was a war caused by politicians being politicians.

mad minute*

I'm probably so wrong on so many things...

If they want to show diversity, why don't they just add the austro-hungarian army?

What the fucks with BF1 and maces.

Yeah no.

Serbia was occupied by Austria, the assassin was a Serbian nationalist. Austria then accused Russia of supporting the Serbians. This would have remained a conflict between Austria and Russia, but then Germany completely chimped the fuck out and went to war with both Russia and France, invading it through neutral Belgium.

In the places they occupied (especially Belgium) the Germans massacred civilians, burned down entire towns, purposefully destroyed monuments and historical artefacts... They also started using illegal chemical weapons and flamethrowers. And yes they already couldn't stop going on about the racial superiority of Germany and its right to enslave the inferior races.

The story about how "nobody was at fault in WW1 because the true culprit was nationalism" is a myth created to aid in post-war reconciliation and European federalism.

They did...

The armies included are
- Britain
- Italy
- Germany
- Austria-Hungary
- Ottoman Empire

I dont mind it, i like the idea, however it seems a failure. They talk about melee weapons all the time but in all the gameplay ive seen one guy whack someone with an axe and it was an instant kill animation, no actual combat, even quick time combat reactions would be nice.

chink pandering is cancer

Fucking kek no
The game has literaly nothing to do with WW1 except for some assets

so, any colonial troops like the injuns?

I don't care if it's historically inaccurate, but it insults the war and everyone who fought in it.

You're on Veeky Forums not /int/ or /pol/

From what I heard there is no france but there is America
Just mental

The game fails in every single aspect to represent the war
It fails in technology depiction, gameplay and history
It's just a WWII game with WWI assets and retards like you who just said "it's just a game" are only proof that people who play video games are brain dead morons eating up shit just because it's the current shit being eaten

>no M1 Garand
>no MP40
>no nazis

it's not

You've thinking of the wrong injuns. Indians are dot while Injuns are feather

/int/ is cool with us

Excuse me, what? Are you serious? WWI game with no French troops in it must be a fucking joke. Why don't they make a WWII game if they want evil Nazis vs good Anglos,? That would make at least some sense.


I played it in the beta but didn't quite like it. Did the gameplay get better? I found it quite boring back then.

>France is universally associated with lameness and cowardice
LITERALLY only in America. Most other countries in the world know better, often through first hand experience. Not that Americans aren't in a position to know how wrong they are, but America's historical conciousness doesn't go back any further than living memory.

Wanna know what's worse? That black protagonist you see plastered everywhere? A Harlem Hellfighter. You know, that unit that was under direct orders of the French military because the Americans refused to fight side by side with an all black unit? Technically making them a French unit for the duration of the war? Even though France isn't in the fucking game?

>fails in gameplay

what was the gameplay like in ww1?

And historiography belongs on Veeky Forums.

>LITERALLY only in America. Most other countries in the world know better
Nah he's right. By now I've heard this from Poles, Russians, Croats, Hungarians, Brits, Italians, Germans, Swedes, Finns, Latin Americans... you name it.

t. French

Hold on, is it actually confirmed France isn't in the game?

That would be retarded as fuck

On /int/ I imagine? I doubt they'd have this attitude in real life, other than maybe the Brits but they made Francophobia into their national sport.

All over the internet, any imageboard, any forum, any Youtube or newspaper comment section... anywhere really.

Of course in real life foreigners never say what they really think, I assume because they don't want to get punched in the face.


WW1 for ratkids.

Aye, and american made memes are not historiography.

Yes it's confirmed to be DLC. They were lucky, Russia is not even confirmed as DLC.

Of course they are. They're what everyone in the future will remember. Just like everything we believe about Mesopotamians, Persians etc comes from ancient Greek memes.

1000 years from now France will be remembered as either that cowardly irrelevant joke country, or not at all. That's a historically interesting fact.

Other way around. Russia is confirmed DLC, France isn't.

French newspaper confirmed France as DLC. I guess both are DLC then. Funny considering the battle fought at E3 was a Franco German battle in which the Brits weren't involved.

A quick mention in the vidya section of Le Monde doesn't seem very reliable. But there was a leaked EA memo and it showed plans for future DLCs, which included Russia but no mention of France.

>Console shooter
>""""historical Accuracy""""

More like Cancerfield 1

The French DLC may come after the Russian DLC, the marketing people may have just told LeMonde's reporter about the DLC now to avoid a controversy.

Except actual historians with actual credentials, American and non-American alike, constantly combat this idea of France as a cowardly country. It's entirely popularly pushed, to justify ignoring France's valid concerns in 2003.

It'll end up much like the term "frog", which was originally applied to the Dutch. But everyone has forgotten about that. Or how prior to Bismarck the Germans were considered lazy and alcoholics.

This is literally nothing new.

You know how Germans stopped being considered lazy and alcoholic? They became the most powerful country in Europe, number one in the world in science and industry, waged two world wars, and killed 6 million Jews.

That's about the scale of accomplishment it would take for France to shake off its reputation. And it will never happen because France, like all European countries, barely even exists anymore.

The time of European nations is over, and whatever reputation they have now is what they'll be remembered as forever.

you're very retarded

Keep up the denial Pierre.

Not even French, mein Freund.

You're just obectively retarded, Go back to /b/

Yeah its definitely better now. They do have a lot of the unique guns like the MP18 SMG and the Trench Shotgun, but theyre restricted to certain classes, the majority still have rifles. The back and forth trench fighting is very intense and great. It's a game where it feels like you can get lots of kills, but you never feel like you're being killed too much either.

If you paid any attention you'd know it's true.

Look at literally any American online article in any way related to France, and in particular to French military. The comment section will be absolutely covered in nothing but surrender jokes. That's the one thing everyone thinks about when thinking of France. A handful of historians don't matter, it's popular opinions that shape the culture. And this game will teach a whole generation that WW1 was Britain vs Germany, but it's just one of many many such examples.

Unless France goes full Nazi and does something truly unforgettable, that's the image it's stuck with forever. The best it can hope for is being forgotten altogether, because the only alternative is being remembered as a pathetic joke.

not the same guy but you are wrong! The clean Wehrmacht myth is a myth. Certainly it was as a fighting force nowhere as bad as the SS and other paramilitaries but the there is plenty of blood on the hands of the regular army.

> Nazi ideology ran deep in the military

And how this make germans soldiers 'evil'?

good taste man

Pls stop brownsing Veeky Forums

>The game fails in every single aspect to represent the war
As oppose to what, Battlefield 1942 and its expansions? Vietnam? 2? You're as thick as the dick your mom's gargling on if you're expecting a battlefield game to be historically accurate.
>who just said "it's just a game"
That's not even close to what I said.

I'm not believing a random French newspaper.

>video games


Also, what is there to praise about going to war? Shits terrible.

>USA and Italy are in
>France is out

Don't worry dear customer, just buy this 40 dollar day 1 DLC and you can play as France too :^)

Does it include a zombie mode where you play a Belgian fighting endless Germans?

lmao. you're helpless