anyone here visit wall street before? have u visited a broker?
Anyone here visit wall street before? have u visited a broker?
lived in the metropolitan area since i was 7, so yes. no i have not visited a specific broker yet. but if you have any questions i guess i could help
so you automatically understand stocks now that you live in the metro area?
I work for one (not in New York)
?? you asked if anyone had visited wall street, i replied yes. i said i never visited a broker and then offered any knowledge i might have had on the subject... please explain in what way i specifically said "I know about stocks, ask me what you need to know? Buddy if you arent from around here, which you probably arent, and you keep acting like that... you're gonna have a bad time
just out of curiousity does he give you advice?
I have visited wall st and rubbed that very Bulls nutsack. Never bust a broker but I retail trade online options and equities
I don't work for a single individual broker. I am a broker at a bank full of brokers
oh okay mb senpai
can you give me some advice for wanting to earn 20 dollars a day from a single stock or multiple stocks?
and thank you in advance..should've phrased my last post nicer sorry
how much money do you have to invest?
>Anonymous (ID: gRh0wu+p) 06/01/16(Wed)22:12:20 No.1280900▶
$10 is it possible?
goodnight Veeky Forums
To make 20 dollars a day?? well good luck finding any stock that will climb %200 in one day... after time goes by and you build capital, you'll start needing less and less to make 20 dollars a day. frankly youre better off pocketing the 10 dollars and using it to invest in some KNPDS and get to draining some cocks with them for 20 dollars a day
I was in NY for about a month on business in April and I went to call street and saw a bunch of idiots taking pictures next to the bulls ballsack. A whole line of people.
I also bought 1000 in stocks today from CCE, Starbucks and kmph.
Lost like five dollars so far. FML.
this shit for real? go get a job u scrub and save some money. you can't do shit with 10$, i spent more than that on lunch today
Living by Wall St means shit. It's a big boys club, you see a lot of old men and yupees wearing $10k suits and walking to and from their high rises. I have never been to a broker, and I imagined they would laugh at me if I went there to ask for advice when I don't even have enough capital for a margin account. Although I have fantasized about making friends with a Wall St broker, but I don't see that happening being that my friend circle isn't rich.
So funny. I was there last week and the line to take pictures by the nutsack was twice as long as the horns. Fucking Japanese loved the nutsacks.
Where is bear?
The actual Wall Street in NYC is for show, the floor of the NYSE is basically empty. The real Wall Street is located at data centers across the Hudson in Piscataway, NJ
I've visited.
The real action is about 20 blocks up.
KEK there is none
Sorry anons, fucked up my post
The Bull isn't actually on Wall Street. It's weird how small and insignificant the actual "Wall Street" seems when you walk through there. But I get that many people refer to Wall Street as the overall Financial District. Also If you ever visit the Bull on a weekend they're 100's of foreign tourists there taking pictures.
Went to the Citi trading floor a few times in Tribeca. Most banks are in Midtown now anyways, Wall Street is pretty empty.
yes, i worked on wall street between 2009 and 2011. its like any other place of work i guess. you get to the office, do some stuff and then leave. nothing special.
>The real Wall Street is located at data centers across the Hudson in Piscataway, NJ
Well then, senk you for letting us share you´re knowledge.
The bull has a prodigious sets of balls. I often eat lunch in the park next 2 it. I'm often diamonds watching the cute Japanese girls fondle the nuts.
Went to Deutsche Bank for a final round interview 3 years ago. Definitely the most lavish looking bank headquarter I've been to.
Park Ave is more like the real Wall street.
The real wall street is
those 2x4 panfaces are not cute.
first time on Veeky Forums and I'm dissapointed.
Idiots here still don't know that wall st. isn't even half as it were before, many have gone to NJ of those who survived and some other places.
I love this website
I was looking at their feet.
I think the bull is supposed to represent the uptrend of indexes and as a result growth of the whole economy. Bear probably would be considered a negative sign, regardless the fact that when something fucked up happen like 9/11 dem trader niggas be riding down trend, shorting and buying at cheaper prices.