Okay Veeky Forums. Here's a scenario for you.
>you are given the following items
>a magic time machine
>a giant shipping crate filled with 10,000 AK-47 rifles and 5 million bullets that will spawn with you wherever the machine sends you
>a magic book that comes with the crate
>the time machine will send you, the crate and the book to a time and place in history of your choosing
>the magic book will translate itself into whatever language is written and spoken in your chosen time and place
>if you go to a time and place with no written language, the book will not exist
>the book contains knowledge of how to maintain the rifles, as well as make more rifles and bullets
>it also tells where to find the necessary materials, and the prerequisite undiscovered knowledge of ballistics, metallurgy and chemistry (etc) as of the chosen time, but only insofar as pertains to making more AK-47s and bullets
>the book cannot be destroyed
>you will gain all the knowledge in the book, including how to read and write the language it's written in
>when you go to the past, you cannot return to the present
>wherever you go, you can of course try to take over yourself, but this might not work
>when you die, you will wake up tomorrow in your house and everything will be normal
>you get a new magic book that explains how human history developed from your arrival in the past, past your death up until the year 2016 AD
When and where would you go? And why?
Okay Veeky Forums. Here's a scenario for you
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you go to the future or only past?
Sorry, forgot to clarify that. Only the past.
Give them to the Aztecs. Ensure Spain gets BTFO by crazy leopard-wearing niggers with AKs.
Romania 1916.
Rekk the Germans.
Rekk the Russians.
Rekk the Americans.
Become the gypsy world power we deserve to be.
The Vikings like 5 years before they started raiding the isles. Would be sick to introduce them to the best gun ever. Nordic master race is around the corner from that.
I would give them to Napoleon.
Give them to average people during the Great Depression.
germany and rule supreme with the kaiser and bismarck...
In the United States. Forgot to say that.
found the marxist?
Nah, just curious what would happen. I always thought a revolution or the United States just going to shit in the 30s would be cool.
I'll give it to Genghis Khan in 1206.
Also i said average people (bourgeois)
1918, Huliaipole, Ukraine.
Give 9.999 rifles to Makhno, keep one for myself, and go try to kill Stalin to fix the 20th century. Then if I get away with it, go to the US to get a patent, rake in the profits and use them to create rock n' roll.
I don't want to go to a time when those guns would have been impossible to produce, because then their existence would become a miracle and that will destroy rationalism.
If magic exists mankind shouldn't learn about it before it solved its philosophical and political issues.
. and as always, that you for shitposting on Veeky Forums
Once I travel to the past, can I then travel back to the present? Or is it only one-way
1594 Ireland
Stop the eternal anglo before it grows.
Yes, you die.
I would give the AKs with the ammo to Hitler.
I've never heard of that board before, is it new?
It's one way but after you die you wake up in your bed like nothing happened (except you get a new magic book that tells you everything that happened after you died in the alternate timeline you created)
Good choice, friend
its a good idea for qst senpai
anyways, i would give then to the incas
central american empires were assholes, incas were bready nice imo
Nothing happens. Hitler was too stupid to see how useful the STG-44 was until it was too late despite everyone else loving them.
70 million years ago.
Tame dinosaurs. Teach them to use AKs. Teach them how to survive the asteroid.
> Wake up in 2016. Dino-Empire now spans the Milky Way.
>shitty AK 47
>Not the Superior in every way FAL
Ok, I'll play along
1066 (5 years prior to Manzikert)
Use my tools of warfare to recover Sicily and Southern Italy into Byzantine hands (Fuck you Robert Guiscard de Hauteville). Gain recognition and established as a notable military officer within The Byzantine Military Ranks.
Use my standing army to reform and train for 1 year straight. After the montage of training and none stop bards playing "Push it to the limit" by Paul Engemann. Campaign to retake Dalmatia. Gaining more political influence with in the courts of Byzantium.
By now I expect it to be Manzikert time because Romanos IV is probably itching to take on Arslan Aps. End up becoming the key reason for winning the fight because Romanos was an incompetent and rash fuck. After saving Romanos' bacon implant myself with in line of succession for the Byzantine thrown (Which wouldn't be hard because of being labeled as "reclaimer of Sicily and Kebab remover of Manzikert"
From the territory gained by removing Seljuks establish client Kingdom's of Jerusalem and Armenia maintaining loyalty to Byzantium.
Continue the Purge of Islam and push into the Mamluk Empire in Egypt to recover Alexandria and possible Royal Marriage with The Kingdom of Georgia to gain succession to the Georgian Throne for a United Orthodox Christian Kingdoms.
Remove Islam from the Levant
Remove Islam from Egypt
Establish a strong and Solidly disciplined military for Byzantium not based on Mercenaries
Push the boundaries to the western ends of Persia/Iran with the boarder from Tehran to bandar e bushar.
Construct a large trade fleet to surf the Mediterranean sea
Allow free access to Jerusalem and the Levant again to Christendom
Establish a solid barrier along the Danube River to Zagreb and Rijeka.
Remove the Dual Monarchy system and establish a solid monarchy system.
>Will I succeed?
probably not but eh it would be a bold and interesting campaign to crusade on.
>use them to create rock n' roll
This man understands
>10.000 AK-47's
>a 'crate'
Id like to spawn this crate yesterday 50 meters above Kim jong Un's bedroom
But in the spirit of the game, Id also like to spawn this lot with the macedonians
To the Texans at the Alamo. I'd hand the first one personally to Colonel Travis, we'd slaughter the entire Mexican federal army with only 185 rifles. Then it's off to save the boys at Goliad and kill Santa Anna.
>just going to shit in the 30s
It did, it was called Prohibition.
Actually you'd probably be blinded, castrated, and forced to become a monk as soon as the emperor and his administrators were should that they could keep the AK train going. I'm not sure why you'd ever help those dirty Greeks.
Battle of Manzikert.
Give them to the Byzantine Empire, along with general knowledge of science and such.
I mean like complete shit. Like the whole country becomes ancap.
>Superior in every way FAL
You can't fire full automatic very well in a battle rifle outside of point blank range user
How is that complete shit? Sure it may have been better for the US to remain number 1 in the world, with a strong government and booming agriculture and industry, as actually happened, but remaining a self contained nation with strong science and defense but little government besides could've been better. What actually happened, which was that Prohibition did literally nothing except to make crime rates skyrocket and increase the power of the federal government, was about as bad as it could be short of some sort of communist revolution.
>FAL Range of Effective fire
Why the hell would you go full auto when you can reach out and touch the enemy army from that far away? Establishing a fire line of men prone, kneeling and standing will kill any army at the time charging you even on semi auto fire. Fully automatic fire is hard to control with any weapon unless it has a proper weapons mount for example like M2HB, M240, or an RPK. Hell even a bolt action rifle like the Caraco, Mauser, Mosin-Nagant, or Springfield 1903 would be a perfect battle force multiplier. The only time Full auto would be used would be ambushes and cavalry charge counters.
FNFAL > AK cheap slav shit copy of the STG44
>AK cheap slav shit copy of the STG44
Go kill yourself.
>as soon as the emperor and his administrators were should that they could keep the AK train going
the fuck is you saying?
A guy with 100 AKs could easily take on 10x the men more over the moral impact of watching your entire front lines dropping from guys who are 300m away would be terrifying.
I don't think I'd suffer the fate of Romanos IV if I performed service towards the Empire.
>implying you will be able to use the 200m difference in effective range
>implying the average combat range isn't under 200m
There's a reason why everyone switched from battle rifles to assault rifles user
you need to lurk more about the engineering of the AK 47 and its extreme similarities to the SGT44
>Actually you'd probably be blinded, castrated, and forced to become a monk as soon as the emperor and his administrators were should that they could keep the AK train going.
b-but m-muh blurple
>Looks the same
>Same mechanism
Again, kill yourself
I know why battle rifles were changed out. Thing is, the scenario I am in, that difference is unneeded.
lurk more faggot and stop derailing this thread
Aztecs, Mongols, or Gauls
Unless you with copy means "Similar design but very different design", stop spreading dissinfo.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
If the Mongols had the AK could they have conquered all of Eurasia?
Sorry, *sure* that they could keep the AK train going. How would you even conquer Sicily and south Italy? You know you do have to sleep eventually, right? Then the nearest Muslim villagers will just drop by and kill you with a pitchfork. If you have Greek peasant/military support, they'll use your guns but know very obviously from your behavior and knowledge that you're some kind of sperg (in their eyes) with no deep knowledge of their religion or culture, who for some reason wants to help them with this godlike technology. Hell, the Greeks might even kill you as some kind of sorcerer. And as soon as the government of the empire has a handle on the tech, any soldier would be glad to kill you in your sleep for a nice big bag of gold.
I didn't mean it would be complete shit by my governmental preference. I think that would be amazing. It would be complete shit for the people of the old government and authoritarians.
What I meant is things wouldn't go as planned for the government with the introduction of AKs to average people in that era.
There are no leopards in Mexico you fucker.
>triggered the biologist
or furry...dunno
but yeah he probably meant jaguars
That's a great idea, Ak-47 can be an excellent source of heat. Fag
Oh I see.
Give it to the Incas.
Atztecs were cunts!
Why not give it to muhammed then if you want widespread death and suffering?
Give the guns to Alexander and let him build the egalitarian world he envisioned. Wake up on a prosperous Martian city.
OP here, just came back to have a look at all the responses
Best one lol
You wake up at home in your bed in our timeline. You get a book that tells you how the world would be in the alternate timeline.
So you just get to read about the prosperous Martian city :^)
I also left out a crucial piece of information; the magic book makes it so you can speak the language as well as read and write it, although nobody seems to have questioned that part yet.
I guess it must have been obvious but I still forgot to say it.
Late Goryeo era, make Korea Hwan again, dominate East Asia as Tang falls, crush horseniggers, colonize Japan, acquire Korean qts.
*Didn't mean Late Goryeo. Just yeah around the fall of Tang.
Good plan, except
>Korean qts
>pre cosmetic surgery
user, I have some bad news...
I'd give it to Genghis Khan
that's why I said I probably wouldn't succeed but according to the rules, I'd wake up after my "death."
I would have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I'd give it Willy
The Romans during the reign of Augustus and when they were expanding in Germania.
>extreme similarities
The overall layout (which came from SMGs) and the intermediate cartridge?
The AK doesn't even use the same gas system.
You might be retarded.
I also need an extensive and comprehensive world history book and a lot of figures from the CDC and FBI.
I'll go back to the Civil War.
End it quickly with some expert maneuvering.
Then I would deport all the Africans back to Africa, truly freeing them.
Making sure to change the constitution banning those of African descent from American soil for all time.
With the knowledge I would give Lincoln, we would quickly annex the entire Western hemisphere an deport.
World domination would come soon after, Africa being hemmed in and whites being barred from direct contact with the natives below the Sahara and vice versa.
Give it to the Boers.
They might have conquered more but their empire would have collapsed anyways
hand them over to the greeks
You guys aren't thinking big enough with this.
Think of some group that was batshit insane, but never had a chance at success?
Like Prestor John wanting to take on all of Islam.
But even he was pretty big. What's the craziest, coolest group of like a couple hundred that you could pull together for truly wacky future?
Go back to Middle east and kill Pedo bear "prophet" muhhamed and his gang of leeches. Would save the world a lot of trouble! And then Christianity would reign supreme. World would be a much better place.
I'd go back to the culmination of the final Byzantine-Persian war in the early 7th century, hand Heraclius the rifles and watch him BTFO the Arabs and Persians both.
i'd give the rifles to Leonidas but fuck Sparta. Let Athens have them during the Sicilian Expedition. No internal Greek weakness following the Peloponnesian war and Alexander can go fuck himself too
I like you user
Oh, and the reason is I'm going to sell them with an overpriced price tag to exploit the panic buying that's happening right now because of Orlando.
Go help out the Whites in the Reds v Whites war?
Prestor John is actually a pretty awesome example.
Give them to the Saxons that were fighting against Charlemagne would be interesting
Also maybe the Huns?
Or one of the Pirate Lords of the Mediterranean during the 18th century
And they'd immediately turn around and send the guns and you off to the Parthian front.