How relevant are Dutch universities on a global scale?
How relevant are Dutch universities on a global scale?
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Pretty relevant.
So if colleges are usually full of drugs, how many marijuanas are there in dutch unis?
more relevant then korean, less than australian.
that should say something
How the fuck did you manage to use the correct and incorrect form of than/then within the same sentence?
absolutely noone gives a fuck about universities, especially not some obscure euro shit from a weed nation.
The Netherlands has some of the biggest businesses in the world. And they dictate whats being taught there. So the quality of education is fine.
Stuff like Shell, Unilever, Phillips, Airbus and others use the universities for easy research.
Most dutch unis are not a campus, but yea some studens smoke weed.
hahaha omfg kek
Yeah Shell is actually a huge employer of people from my university.
Relevant enough. Within Europe I'd say we have top3 universities.
I say this based on a very limited experience with EU students on Erasmus. So what do I know? Just google some uni rankings OP
Delft Hyperloop is a great example of that.
there's tipycally less dutch students that smoke weed compared to the 90% of all foreign students that do smoke weed
European universities are the shit tier universities for those who couldn't make it to UK or Scandi Unis
If I remember correctly the current CEO of Royal Dutch Shell studied Chemical Engineering at TU Delft. He makes about 10-20 million a year.
so what?
In general the Dutch universities are only slightly relevant on a global scale, but there are some exceptions to this.
Think about:
-Wageningen university, with its great influence on agricultural science
-TU Delft has a great reputation on engineering and technical studies.
-Utrecht University is the best in Veterinary medicine on continental Europe and among the best in the world
-Rotterdam ESE/RSM offers great masters in economics, business, finance and especially management.
I might have forgotten some. There are a couple of universities with excellent rankings in psychology and communication 'science' and other bullshit, but I don't feel like it's worth mentioning.
We also have great education on tax, because The Netherlands is one of the most important countries for tax evasion with trillions of dollars flowing through the country annually.
Don't forget almost all Dutch universities are public and working with small budgets for many courses, while retaining very low admission requirements and tuition, which causes many (weak) students to get in. Higher education tends to become mediocre with our system and it actually did. Things are slowly changing though. It's remarkable the Dutch universities still have a decent reputation and are even among the best in some subjects.
Solange die uni bei dir nen guten ruf hat, dann wird das auch so in frankfurt, london etc. anerkannt.
Bacheor is aber bachelor, mach dir da nicht sonen Kopf.
>Within Europe I'd say we have top3 universities.
Dream on, first there are LBS, Cambridge, Oxford, Kings College, Uni Mannheim, LMU Uni, Goethe Uni, Uni Münster, Insead etc.
Biggest university in the Benelux is by far KULeuven in Flanders if I'm not mistaken.
All the chinese rich kids are being sent to them. TU Delft and such are behemoths
TUD and ERE? Very relevant. The rest not so much. Unless you're not planning on leaving the country, in that case employers won't care.
Yeah tons of Chinese/Indian people on my faculty on TU Delft.
Omg don't even get me started about the level of requirements to get into Dutch universities.
I mean, the problem is that I don't know much about the level that is necessary to get into foreign universities but goddamn.
Any idiot can study university level in NL, the government actively promotes it. I've done a dual bachelor degree (obtained over 450 ECTS) at the VU Amsterdam and 90% of the students there are rediculously stupid.
There was one time when an entire class gasped for breath when a tutor showed a differential equation, these were beta-students btw.
I knew a lot of teachers and professors at the VU, and these are very smart individuals. They all agreed that the Dutch level of education is underperforming drastically and that students are getting dumber by the day.
This is mainly a consequence of the fact that universities in the Netherlands are literally getting paid per ECTS. So they want as many students as possible, if that means lowering the test difficulty, so be it.
These are not my words, I talked about this with nummerous tutors. This is everywhere in NL.
I will start Drug Discovery and Pharma Management at UCL within a few months. I really really hope that the level of intelligence is higher there.
>Top 3
So better than Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard?
VU Amsterdam is like community college mate.
OP here, I'm studying at the TU Delft and my goal is to go work for a large US company in order to move there.
No, it's not. It's your average Dutch university. The UvA for example is glorified for no reason. No better than the VU.
HvA is community college, or InHolland.
If you want to add something to the discussion then add something, don't post useless info.
No, VU is legitimately viewed as the worst Dutch university.
Ga op Jesse Klaver stemmen, die gelooft ook in zijn eigen onwaarheden.
>American uni in Erasmus
OP desu 80% of euro unis are irrelevant. UK just completely smashes any other euro in terms of global standings.
You can find one or two in each country but theyll need to be the best in that country and im sure your talking about general universities. Best bet?
Stay within your surrounding countries
Yeah gj retard, all your sources basically confirm VU is the worst except for some very young universities.
This so true. The education system is ruined since the introduction of the mammoth law or something, it's dumbed down.
Very. Amsterdam is the world's leading hub of Psi research.
First of all, you clearly said: 'the worst' while it's clearly not, so don't go bullshiting me now.
Secondly, and I cannot stress this enough, the UvA is on the exact same educational level as the VU.
The only reason why the UvA is ranked higher is because of reputation. This is also generally known.
Please stop this useless discussion and let's accept the fact that all Dutch universities are low tier.
lolno, not even close
I guess when weed has been legal forever it's not that much of a "novelty" anymore?
You guys should take those ranking lists with a pinch of salt. Remember that most lists take into account the reputation, the students' opinion and performance and the quantity (and quality is often overlooked) of scientific research, which puts smaller universities at a disadvantage already etc. While there's no doubt which the top universities in the world are, it is harder to compare the universities below those.