Is a paisley shirt still effay for a dude to wear, or is it too outdated?
I'm 6'4 and skinny, could I pull it of?
Is a paisley shirt still effay for a dude to wear, or is it too outdated?
I'm 6'4 and skinny, could I pull it of?
Also dropping some general inspo
in general, saying things are 'outdated' is a bad criticism
however if you do go for this look you'd better nail the details lest it look too modern or cheap
I'm 5'7 and I love my paisley shirts.
I love paisely, but I also love psych and psychedelics.
Where 2 cop good paisley shirts?
I've only done acid once, reckon I should do it more before dressing like a psychedelic dude?
Supreme did a range a while ago, but they're overpriced as shit
This dude has it right. You better have entire ensembles for every single item or it wont work.
What pants would work best with a paisley shirt and a pair of round lens sunglasses?
Flares, modest plaid, leather, high rise, cords.
Must have cuban heeled cowboy boots or chelsea boots as well.
Colour wise black
>leather pants
I can't imagine the amount of sweating and chafing with those fucking things
I used to work a vintage clothing store, so mine are from then. I also got most of my stuff tailored back then, so didn't have to worry about them fitting perfectly off the rack. If you live in a major city you should be able to find vintage and thrift stores with paisley.
I got a good pair of Chelsea, been considering getting a pair of flares but I'm not sure anyone could pull them off anymore
Nice ones have silk liners, but yeah it's a winter time thing.
I get my super flares online new. At first I was really self-conscious about it, but now I'd never wear anything else. I get complements CONSTANTLY, and always catch the eyes of girls at bars. One thing I've realized, most people have never seen a dude rocking super flares in person their entire life. It's just sort of known about in Classic Rock memorabilia, like Zeppelin or someone else on stage. It's radically unique, and I've never caught shit about the old cliche that they were just a 70's fad. You'll feel like a queer putting on skinny jeans after getting used to it. You'll flow like smooth daddy every step you take.
What website you get your flares off?
I buy run&fly. You can find them from various English retailers and on ebay.
u have to be the person who isn't afraid. be the person who normals want to be but are too scared to try. stop worrying about fitting in. your job is to stick out, not fit in
that's dumb and you'll definitely look outdated if you cosplay as a '60's dude
you're tall and skinny so just wear slim jeans or trousers and some slim boots or something
no need to go all out with ruffs or polyester jackets
grace slick or signe anderson
that's dumb and defeats the purpose, when you take away the eccentricities and water it down it just looks like normal millennial Veeky Forums bullshit. the point is to look unique and convey your interests.
nothing wrong with enjoying and replicating an aesthetic
I never said you had to make it normie, just don't go dressing like Jimmi Hendrix. Pick and choose elements to incorporate into your style and make it your own.
this is an annoying mindset that plagues Veeky Forums
once again, there is nothing wrong with replicating aesthetics as long as you do it well. mods did it in the 80s, why not now?
I don't really consider it replicating an aesthetic if you're part of the subculture to begin with
you're just dressing the part
sounds like OP is just a dude who thinks paisley shirts look cool and isn't in a psychedelic band or otherwise associated with that scene
you can dress up like a construction worker
people will assume you work construction and maybe will ask you about it
or you can dress in Helmut Lang pieces that are based around safety clothing but re-contextualized to mesh with other clothes
>implying I don't get treated by girls like I'm Jim Morrison in his heyday, everyday
Have fun blending in looser!
One should dress however the fuck they want, especially if it makes them feel like a confident rock star.
so really this is just an extension of the "poser" argument
just like how it's lame to 'call out' people who wear thrasher and don't skate, it should be the same for someone who isn't involved in a weird niche art subculture
I dunno. I don't care if people wanna dress era specific, but I wouldn't want to pretend like half a century of fashion didn't happen. It's so limiting and is borderline cosplay. It also takes a lot less creativity to just copy old rockstar pics. I love 60s fashion and have been dumping inspo too.
There aren't fine lines of belonging to subcultures, and there often isn't a "scene" unless you're the one to be that change you want to be a part of in the world. I've personally found that I have made friends through this 60s' style who happen to be fellow musicians, van dwellers, and people who want to talk about the great festivals and lesser known musicians of an era that I relate to more than whatever is in GQ or on MFA this month. Eat shit and die.
>I wouldn't want to pretend like half a century of fashion didn't happen.
Implying what? People who don't respect your style will alienate you? Who wants to be friends with some material looser like that?
>It's so limiting
How are the endless amounts of colors, patterns, and unique flared pants at all limited in comparison to today's modern fashion?
>copy old rockstar pics
No one here is trying to recreate the exact outfit in any of these pictures.
Not that user but listening to a really narrow genre/period specific type of music is just as close minded and silly as having such tunnel vision style.
Well, I dress like a spaceman and I'm high as fuck, so that works.
Salty much? I feel like I was pretty fair in my critique.
1. I mentioned nothing about how others perceive you. That's your own projection. I meant I wouldn't want to limit my own expression and inspo to such a short blip in history.
2. You're only proving my point by saying you're happy with your post-Beatles on Ed Sullivan pre-Stones at Altamont options.
3. So you're not cosplaying, and you are incorporating other fashion? Good then we agree.
Yeah I'll admit that my life has all but turned into a terrible classic rock radio station. It started as a way to impress hippy chicks, still works, and for some reason it also works on many normie girls too. It's difficult for me to discuss anything that's new or popular in music, but then again I haven't experienced anything else I can so strongly identify with.
I hardly ever listen to anything earlier than the 90s, so sometimes it's extremely alienating. Most of the time, people think its fun to belong to the cheesiest playlists that orchestrate my life. I get told that I stepped out of a time capsule all the time. I feel like Robert Plant in 1969 and I'm quite fine with that, even if I get glares and stares from yuppies and liberal, progressive, swaggy snobs.
Oh hey I just saw Krieger play the other week.
You like 60s fashion and whatnot, but you cannot be 100% true to the era because it's so limiting and nearly cosplay in your opinon (even if it makes you feel the best). I'm curious, what's your big spin on this era of fashion?
Wearing bright colors and paisley scarves with your McGuinn glasses will certainly get you noticed, but it's not exactly my since of style. It's a very fine line between a costume-esc outfit and a truly authentic era ensemble with a personality to match.
There's been a thousand revivals of 60s, 70s, 80s and now 90s fashion where modern fits, silhouettes, and innovations are incorporated with period specific staples. Like I said man, you do you, but don't forget that pretty much everyone itt pics were mavericks and innovators that were drawing artistically from everything that came before him and happening around them.
I feel like my female friend is grooming me to this aesthetic even more when she first saw me get interested in this. Not sure if thats a good thing though.
I found some Daniel Cremieux paisley shirts at various places like ebay and poshmark that looked alright. I cant speak of the quality since Im a near poor fag and copped them for cheap and not sure what the brand rep is like. I found theres a somewhat decent variety on ebay to at least get a good idea. I usually tend to stick with a strict color palate with what I wear since I think a lot of colors are trash for some reason, so I didnt like a lot of them.
Wait a minute, I'm in a psychedelic band. Dress me, Veeky Forums.
If you into psychedelics and shit you oughta know that culture cannot be effectively re-engineered into a set of products and controlled experience, as opposed to culture being a language of emotional value states and subsequently all aspirations to greatness in the name of an even greater ideology
Or maybe you just play hendrix covers i dunnno
Psychedelic means mind-manifesting, not all psych bands were psych because they took psychedelics (unless you're the 13th floor elevators) but because they made mind-expanding music
Tim buckley one of the most underrated artist
And pretty fa even for today
Jim is fa af aswell
Jim transcends fa
Thanks to the other guys posting inspo here apart from me
you think the people who make psychedelic music still dress like 60s hippies?
he looks so cool in this pic but i hate them because they give me a poser feeling
jim has a really nice fit there. tight corduroy pants and chelsea boots/something comparable could still work well
God i love the 60s
I'm the guy in a psych band, we all dress how we normally would, then again, we aren't famous. Maybe if we were MGMT we'd larp more.
did these guys use hair products? my bangs get destroyed with the lightest of wind and then I look literally homeless. I have cut my hair for so long so ..maybe I'm doing something that results in hair strands not forming together. Do i have to use hair product to get it like these guys? they don't look like they use any.
psst... they didnt shower
Doesn't look that bad
Superior 60's look, comin' through
Fuck off TVU are shit
thats because they were handsome
you have shit taste
Jimmy wore some pretty Veeky Forums outfits when he was in the yardbirds
he's not quite 6'4, but at least 5'11/6', and plant was 6'2 so his aesthetic would be worth clipping for someone 6'4.
while im at it, if you are really literally interested in tall classic rock style, then mic fleetwood is the one closer to your height. i mean idk if youre a weak 6'4 or a strong one, but anyway.
Well that's the dumbest thing I've heard all month. Congrats.