Rothschild has spoken two days ago.
Any thoughts ?
>family that owns 550+ trillion USD
> speaks at 4:45 , 19:10 , 29:15 , 39:30
Rothschild has spoken two days ago
Other urls found in this thread:
> $11 billion
You could be below that table sucking, user. He looks harmless he wouldn't do the freakish stuff to you in public at least
>family that owns 550+ trillion USD
Wat lol, this is twice more than the entire planet's wealth, like saying they rule over 10 continents and two south poles
ITT : The uninitiated
"By the time Gregory XVI, the son of a lawyer, became Pope in 1831, the situation was so dire that he felt compelled to do something remarkable: he borrowed money from the Rothschilds, Europe’s „preeminent Jewish banking dynasty.32 The £400,000 loan ($43,000,000 in 2014) was a lifeline to the church.33 The Rothschilds had a solid reputation when it came to bailing out distressed governments. They had steadied Austria’s finances after the Napoleonic Wars and provided enough money to squash two rebellions in Sicily.34
James de Rothschild, head of the family’s Paris-based headquarters, became the official Papal banker.“
Gerald Posner. „God's Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican.“
literally no country does quotation marks that way
Know-nothing detected
hes basically the govt, he can fuck up the economy if he wanted and put us all bankrupt.
>yfw Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschilds and says they own fucking continents on live tv
550 trillion?
Are you retarded? When you say family do you mean there related to everyone in the world?
stupid nigger how about you read the thread?
I don't trust Europeans, is anybody else like this?
They seem slimy and corrupt, European society has to much stratification.
Redneck mentality
Not an argument, and quite the projection.
I grew up in Germany, attended German school and speak the language fluently, I should have clarified, upper class Europeans are completely different from lower or middle class Europeans. It is those that I do not trust. Their societies are constrained and lack the social mobility of the United States, and this breeds stratified society.
But please, keep telling yourself whatever you want to be happy.
read up . . .
>100 trillion world ppp
>but rothchilds has 5x that much and nobody knows about it
Hi /pol/
they own all media e.g. Reuters, Economist
I thought the interview might be interesting, since because they own media they are never mentioned and they never attend any other conferences like World Economic Forum in Davos or the Bilderberg Group etc.
Are you a fucking idiot? They aren't even in the top 10 wealthiest anymore you ignorant fuck.
lol they are the top richest but not listed cus they own the media