Where do you work and is it more conservative or liberal leaning?
Where do you work and is it more conservative or liberal leaning?
>is it more conservative or liberal leaning?
Neither. It's apolitical.
You'll quickly realize that real adults don't care about this bullshit, they're interested in MAKING MONEY and things that DIRECTLY impact their life.
Making more money, getting your dick wet. The two and only objectives of a Veeky Forumsnessman.
>concerned this much about sex
bruh, cmon, we're not 15 anymore.
Making money is a concern, and voting trump and not Shillary will net you more in saved taxes.
Think for 1 second before you shitpost faggot.
This. Except I would dispute that the majority of people on Veeky Forums care about actually making money more than trying to ride the next thing they think is "genius plan"
It's not a shitpost though.
Voting Trump or Hillary won't matter, no matter who wins the big players simply adjust to the situation. Only poor fag retards think that if Bernie Sanders wins the whole world will change or if Trump wins then America will change.
Nothing will change, the hard facts of life and the bottomline remain, only the details change.
you just need to decide what's important to you.
Please. Whether conservative or liberal there is always going to be something that is making money. Look no further than alternative energy. If you're that resourceful then it really doesn't matter
This, again.
But yeah srsly any decent job is completely apolitical, as in no one discusses politics whatsoever.
I think only at minimum wage jobs or physical labor or something will people actually discuss either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. No one else seems to care much, it's jsut not worth discussing
This. Companies with real influence hire lobbyists to do their political shilling so they can keep management apolitical with the public and their employees, so as to attract a broader spectrum of customers and talent, respectively.
True, I can see minimum wage caring, but they still represent
Agreed. Discussing politics at the workplace is about as useful as discussing rainbows.
You should be hedged regardless. It srsly doesn't matter.
Just do what you can to get ahead regardless of whose in power.
if it's Josef Stalin, then figure out what needs to be done to get rich under Josef Stalin - get into government, for example.
Google. It's so liberal I can't even breathe.
People unironically believe liberal opinions are "human rights issues" while conservative opinions are racist. People unironically believe it's impossible to discriminate against white males and that there should be policies deliberately supporting minorities at the expense of white males. These people have bachelor's degrees or higher in STEM and make $250k. It boggles the mind.
I like the way you put it originally, but my general thought was I simply don't have time to care about who gets into office. By the time I research each candidate, argue with people, and take time out to wait in line to vote, I've already lost more money and time than I would have had otherwise. It's insignificant to me.
It's all one idea.
It's simply irrelevant, caring about it is a waste of time. Focus on things that matter. End of discussion.
Probably has a lot more to do with you being in CA. Rich SJWs don't surprise me. They make so much that it doesn't matter to them whether the people who are actually working hard are marginalized or not.
I work at a juvenile center and it definitely tilts conservative. For every young liberal temp youth specialist we have, there's five middle aged or older youth specialists or supervisors who are conservative. I was talking to our two newest temps a couple weeks ago and one of them turned out to be a Rand Paul supporter which was awesome (the other one felt the Bern which was totally expected)
It's easy to feel guilty when you realize that your salary is being paid by selling off the personal information of the average American to the highest bidder. Google is so ubiquitous it's impossible to avoid, and as a result it brings out the altruistic apologist in all the white night faggots who wanted to work there until they thought about what it really means to work for a search engine, and how Google actually earns its revenue.
Don't we all want Trump to win just for the biggest amount of butthurt we've ever seen in our lifes?
Small business homebuilder. Other than the fact that a lot of guys listen to talk radio and vote conservative, it really doesn't come up much. Although Obamacare really is fucking us on healthcare expenses.
It's funny because I work in insurance, and have quite a few people who don't see the fundamental conflict between insurance and Obamacare.
>work in insurance
Literally why. Just gave up on life already?
>credit risk master race
I work at an Ultimate Frisbee company, I feel like a spy. Everybody yells about how liberal and great they are and try to bait conservative opinions out of others so they can yell at them.
Work with one other person doing video animation, graphic, web design, etc. for companies like verizon, hp, etc.
We're both middle of the road. I hate everyone running and I don't think I'll be affected regardless. If anything I'd like to see a trump presidency just because congress would get absolutely nothing done and he would be hilarious to watch around other heads of state.
>Yes goyim, good goyim
>Politics is useless goyim, dont bother voting it doesnt affect you goyim.
>Good goyim
My boss and his sons along with the book keeper all lean to the right while everyone else I work with is extremely liberal or don't care.
It'd be a bit of a stretch to call myself a Trump supporter. It's just that being on the internet for so long makes it enjoyable to watch Trump troll the entire world.
This kekekek
Construction worker here. Mentioning the name Barack Obama is enough to get you fired. As it should be
>Discussing politics in the workplace
You didn't need to add in that you worked in construction, that would be one of the first few guesses for anyone.
Yes, the jobsite is one of the last places in America you can be completely uncensored and not have to worry about shit
>Yes, the jobsite is one of the last places in America you can be completely RACIST and not have to worry about shit
Fixed that for you ;)
Work for my college newspaper, I'm the only conservative, but I'm not afraid to voice my opinions.
You're a retard
>Voting for Trump vs Hillary won't change
Immigration decides who gets elected in the future, and who gets elected in the future decides tax policy, tax policy effects you. But you sound like a nigger only concerned with muh dick
>implying Trump is an establishment politician
>implying he won't revolutionize America
>General response when the sheep are exposed
Actually, a disturbing number of people on government seem to be conservative. Yeah, vote for the party that's always trying to outsource your job and steal your pension.
Personally, working for government has really tempered my Fox-Mulder-don't-trust-government world view. Not because I trust government more, but because of how pathetic the private sector often is. It bungles, lies, steals, and blames others. Yet rather than get its own house in order, it engages in witch hunts that, sadly, sway the ill-informed and uninformed to support policies that help the few at the expense of everybody else's quality of life.
>being 1 if 2 white guys surrounded by 50 Mexicans
>being completely racist
Sure, bro. You dont know anything
Ok, fuck off Hillary
You sound like a child.
So ignorant.
So complacent.
I do video editing for a place that mostly does documentaries, pretty much everyone is super liberal or tries to be apolitical.
You can't outsource most government jobs.
Run a business with 2 partners. I'm very liberal, they're both super conservative.
They're publicly said anti-gay and anti-womens rights many times, and it's gotten the company into PR hell.
Can't wait to get out.
>"gay rights"
>"women's rights"
This is liberalspeak for "changing the age-old definition of mariage" and "killing babies"
I don't understand what "women's rights", "gay rights", "trans rights", etc are. Personal rights are personal rights - if you are a person, you have them, no more, no less.
Politicians put a moral veneer onto their campaign promises.
It's not "Vote for me and I'll give you [x] bonuses!" it's "Vote for me and I'll give you [x] bonuses that have been KEPT from you by the other guy!"
This x1000000
Public Accounting.
Very Jewish, so pretty left leaning except we're in business so they lean more towards establishment democrats. Our clients are all the bigwigs paying HilDog to speak for them. Can't say I don't support Trump, but if HilDog wins and can keep this ponzi scheme at the Fed running in return making me more money that would not be too bad.
In the long run, I doubt whoever is in charge will be able to fix this next financial crisis looming without some serious repercussions.
My company is "Making money" leaning. Any business which will put its name out in support of any candidate is begging for trouble, and is run by people too stupid to be in business.
And further, what is it with bakers and Republicanism? Is it huffing too much flour?
The last place I worked was so liberal it was insane. I'm gay and not too proud of that. When my colleagues found out they got butthurt and spent most of the time they spent around me trying to convince me to be proud of the fact I like dick. I left because of this, and the pay was awful too.
I work for the department of defense. Discussing politics is strictly forbidden here.