What do Veeky Forums?
>inb4 short tesla
yeah I KNOW that. But its still going to take a while for tesla to dip because elon's meme magic is still strong
What do Veeky Forums?
>inb4 short tesla
yeah I KNOW that. But its still going to take a while for tesla to dip because elon's meme magic is still strong
Other urls found in this thread:
>shorting anything run by the fucking subsidy/concession magnet
Those subsidies going to dry up when President Trump takes over.
Buy guns, ammo, shelter and food.
If this guy goes out of business, the world is more fucked that I could've ever imagined.
>unironically believes that a racist demagogue can somehow win in 2016
I bet you also believed in Shemitah hoax and Maya 2012 meme back in the day and now you probably believe in Brexit.
>But its still going to take a while for tesla to dip
So you want a way to make money off of Elon's downfall, before he even falls down? That sounds fucking retarded.
Hey man Brexit is real man it's gonna happen man
To take advantage of neutral stock prices, you need to use options.
If you're thinking the price is stable and will remain so, buy a calendar spread.
If you're thinking the price will go down, consider a long-term bearish strangle.
If you're reasonably confident in the future price point of the stock and are risk-seeking, consider a naked put that's out of the money.
If you want to YOLO your cash, buy a short position on the stock.
Those are your choices, given your bearish long-term attitude toward TSLA.
>To take advantage of neutral stock prices, you need to use options.
Sorry, meant to say you need to use options or buy on margin (i.e. open a short position).
Dude, I'm Australian and everyone outside Amerifat can see he will win.
Lot of people gonna be making packets having bet on him at long odds.
America has the most retarded citizenry in the English speaking world, you fucktards would vote for a sandwich if it had enough money.
Time to get over that denial and start planning for a disastrous Trump presidency.
But a trump presidency wouldnt be disastrous it would save the nation
I'm really tired of this meme where you conflate opposing illegal immigration with racism. Or is it the temporary ban on Muslims thing? You know, the thing that already happened once under Democratic president Jimmy Carter? I just love how you can get triggered by a suggestion vs the fact that your turd of a party is running a candidate who is directly responsible for thousands of Muslim deaths and joking about the hellhole her and her pals turned Libya into.
I don't know if you're just retarded, a masochist that likes a piss poor job market, or some combination, but you need to do your research and lay off the Twitter soundbytes
You're going to spend years repaying those margin loans when Elon (literally) goes to the moon.
Come on dude you got to be on the right side of history, man. Supporting enforcement of our current immigration laws is totally racist. It's not like influxes of unskilled labor put downward pressure on low/unskilled wages right? It's not like these illegals are exploited by the very people purported to be "on their side". It's not like we have to strike a balance between open boarders and the social safety net...I mean if you were on the right side of history you'd know we just need to raise taxes on Target more and we can feed the world and no one has to work anymore. Are you even listening?
Invest in the only other car company likely to steal their legions of idiots.
>If you're thinking the price is stable and will remain so, buy a calendar spread.
No, sell a straddle.
This political season is the first time many people around the world have ever encountered this word. but who was the first to use it? Was it Hillary? She seems the type to look up words in the dictionary for use in her teleprompter.
there won't be a demise to profit from
for every dollar you short tesla, i'll invest 10 in tesla.
the world needs this company, it could be the greatest thing for the economy, EVER.
go Elon!
yeah because hillary is certainly a better choice, you retarded emu shagging nigger.
who the fuck even mentioned her you dumbass 'meriturd
>Trump will win
>America has the most retarded citizenry in the English speaking world
Still got my guns faggot
>I want to profit from this faggots demise
Why does this board hate Elon so much? What has he done to you guys? Soros I get. He funds things like BLM and Femen. Black guy or a woman? I know how this board is. But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Elon? Is it because Reddit likes him? Is that it? You know Reddit also loves Trump and the 'redpill'? And normally I'd expect better, but knowing the underage fucks on this board.... You know they're a huge supporter of gamergate?
>somehow win
I want you to think hard about you wrote. Learn to history mate.
how much is correct the record paying there's days m8?
>Why does this board hate Elon so much?
He is a con artist leech, sucking back public money and pissing it away on impractical cars and his lavish lifestyle.
His charisma is literally the only reason his company is still afloat. It has never turned a profit yet has an astronomically inflated valuation and lots of investors because of muh entrepreneurs and muh innovation. This board hates him because he's been riding off of his success with Paypal and his ability to convince excitable investors, nothing more.
We hate all wellfare queens
>wants to make saudi oil obsolete
those two dont add up son
>America uses Saudi oil
>His charisma is literally the only reason his company is still afloat.
Are we talking about the same guy?
Don't short Tesla, it's going to the moon and then mars. Like literally.
NASA is he welfare queen that's sucking dicks for government funding and Musk is their only competitor. Look up the Mars society. They could have been on mars by 1999 but NASA concluded the "dream of """someday""" going to mars" is what secures NASA's funding so they made sure to never accomplish that mission. Carrot, meet stick.
>His charisma is literally the only reason his company is still afloat.
KEKE, this thread is full of retards
The guy is a legitimate genius, none of you neet weeboo retards will ever be able to suck his dick, that is what's bothering you
I think you're lost mate, plebbit is back where you came from.
The reason Veeky Forums Veeky Forums hates Elon Musk is the same reason Veeky Forums /mu/ (probably) hates Kanye West, because he is a psuedo-intellectual and an average businessman who got lucky and who's reputation has been blown why out of proportion by edgy teenagers like yourself who subscribe to "I Fucking Love Science" and watch CGPGrey videos while sharing some fucking infographic about how Hydrogen is made. You guys are incapable of having a reasonable attitude towards anything, instead you just fixate and idolise individuals who "subvert" common stereotypes "OMG HE'S A RICH COOL HANDSOME NERD, LOL THATS SO DIFFERENT THAN PPL EXPECT!!!1!" or "WOW RONDA ROUSEY IS A GIRL WHO LIKES VIDEO GAMES AND KICKS A**!!!". At least Steve Jobs earned his idolisation through un-fucking-believable quarterly earnings and absolutely ruthless management skills, and Steve Jobs was pretty open about being an asshole and about the fact that his major skill was salesmanship.
The irony is someone who is a true businessman through and through, someone who wrote the SEMINAL book on negotiation, someone who is so brutally manipulative and talented in persuasion that he destroyed 15 Republican Presidential candidates and stands with a 43-49% chance of winning the presidency (according to betting agencies) is just a "angry loser" who borrowed 1MM from his dad.
So go ahead and drive your Sanders-stickered Prius to Whole Foods whilst wearing your "Schrodinger's Cat Zombie" T-Shirt thinking about how Elon Musk's semen tastes like, but don't expect Veeky Forums/biz/ to care about your deity.
>implying the same incentive doesnt apply to Spacex
Fucking #rekt
By creating demand for oil and taking oil from other countries off the market, America helps keep oil prices high.
>Tesla only sells to Americans
SpaceX is well on their way to a cheap, reusable rocket. They have contacts with both governments as well as private companies to launch satellites. And once they begin operations beyond earth orbit, they will need to resupply those missions.
Holy shit.
Classic Aussie shitposting.
>So go ahead and drive your Sanders-stickered Prius to Whole Foods whilst wearing your "Schrodinger's Cat Zombie" T-Shirt
So it's basically exactly what I said, some redditors and leftists like him, so it completely cancels out the fact that he made what consumer reports called the best car they've ever tested, and that he landed a rocket upright on a platform in the middle of the ocean (you can ask Veeky Forums, this is beyond impressive, but that doesn't matter because clearly Veeky Forums is just reddit's fortress on Veeky Forums) or the fact that PayPal's market cap is $45 billion.
It's also really funny that you're saying he can't be compared to Steve Jobs and Apple. Apple has been selling the exact same thing for years and people still line up to buy it. Jobs literally just got lucky, Apple was never supposed to go as far as it did.
What the hell are you on about? U.S. shale oil singlehandedly wrecked the global crude markets, creating the largest oversupply in history
Apple was a trainwreck until Jobs got back onboard and was only ever successful with him at the helm.
>selling the exact same thing for years
You mean selling the exact same iPods and tablets that Steve Jobs pioneered? If you're trying to make a point, you're failing badly
>Apple was a trainwreck until Jobs got back onboard and was only ever successful with him at the helm.
Doesn't change the fact he got lucky.
>You mean selling the exact same iPods and tablets that Steve Jobs pioneered?
Apple did at one time make innovative products, but as I said that hasn't been the case for years.
So in your tiny brain, a company that is extremely succesful at selling products that require very little new R&D to a huge customer base should switch everything up and reinvent themselves?
Maybe Jobs "got lucky" when he near singlehandedly turned a failing enterprise into the biggest company in America. Or maybe you're just a retard.
>So in your tiny brain, a company that is extremely succesful at selling products that require very little new R&D to a huge customer base should switch everything up and reinvent themselves?
No, they should do whatever works for them. You can't say Tesla isn't allowed to do the same thing.
>Maybe Jobs "got lucky" when he near singlehandedly turned a failing enterprise into the biggest company in America
Ok then, Musk didn't get lucky when he started a $45B company.
Are you done strawmanning?
The fact is that Musk, ALONG WITH A DOZEN OTHER INDIVIDUALS, created PayPal. And that was the last profitable venture he has ever been involved with. Tesla and SpaceX are not profitable companies and exist solely off government subsidies.
So, yes, he has been very successful when given extreme advantages over the competition (direct subsidies to Tesla as well as huge consumer taxbreaks for EV purchases, Obama essentially handing SpaceX the NASA budget)
Jobs didn't have any of that so they are uncomparable. I don't even own any Apple products (all PC and Samsung) and I can see this. You're a blind fanboy like that other user said when he rekt you
>The fact is that Musk, ALONG WITH A DOZEN OTHER INDIVIDUALS, created PayPal
And Jobs had Wozniak. Multiple people making something doesn't mean none of the individuals created it.
>And that was the last profitable venture he has ever been involved with. Tesla and SpaceX are not profitable companies and exist solely off government subsidies.
Like many other companies when they first start out. Amazon hasn't made a profit yet, has it? And guess what! Those subsidies he's existing off of are available to every individual and company that does what he does. If it were that easy, wouldn't everyone be doing it?
>So, yes, he has been very successful when given extreme advantages over the competition (direct subsidies to Tesla as well as huge consumer taxbreaks for EV purchases, Obama essentially handing SpaceX the NASA budget)
See above.
Cool then come back when Tesla and SpaceX start turning a profit. Until then Musk =/= Jobs
And check out how Apple did with Wosniak running the show. Imagine Ringo Star running the Beatles
This is why I love Veeky Forums
>Cool then come back when Tesla and SpaceX start turning a profit.
Profit is a long-term goal. It'll be worth not making any money for twenty years if in 50 they're making double what they'd make if the profit started 10 years earlier.
user you're comparing apples to oranges here, no one (intelligent) including Jobs himself, claims that jobs is a scientist or engineer or anything but a genius at marketing. Jobs was SKILLED at marketing. He didn't get lucky, and that is evident by the fact that he could take the virtually EXACT same product every year and break a new record with it.
So by the metric Steve Jobs held HIMSELF against, Steve Jobs was basically number 1. This is proven not just by him taking an overpriced product that was always late in developing features and making it the richest public company in the entire world, but by the steady decline in value/quality since his death (obviously it's still worth more than when he died but it's momentum has gone down drastically).
Elon Musk is not a marketer, not by his or anyone claims. Elon Musk does not give great presentation, nor does he have any real business strategy aside from marketing his "meme-ness" to young people. Doing things like having iron man cameos and making edgy statements like "We will be martians in ten years". He does not invent, he does not build. And what little he does do, he does badly. You can't compare him to Steve Jobs because Steve Jobs was really good at something very important (marketing/presentation) and Elon Musk is good at nothing. He is the Kanye West of business, he walks around and chats shit to promote himself. This is a well known strategy amongst human peacocks and the reason it isn't valued by anyone over 20 is because all it takes is one look at Elon Musk's fanbase to understand how basic level this shit is.
The reason NASA sucks his dick is because Elon Musk managed to make NASA "kewl" again for 14 year old boys and oversized man-children who can't get laid because they sleep with Star Wars figurines. The reason NASA needs this is because NASA are cucks who depend entirely on tax-payer dollars, and like anyone will tell you, taxpayers are fucking retards.
>actually expecting people to invest in a company that "promises" to make a profit after 10 years
This I'll take.
Companies never make a profit right off the bat.
Read what you just wrote.
Here's your business plan:
>make negative money for TWENTY YEARS
>magically make DOUBLE profit in FIFTY YEARS
>somehow make up 20 years of losses and 30 years of mediocrity with your MAXIMUM DOUBLE TWO FOR ONE PROFITS
Yoy know what they call companies that don't turn a profit for twenty years? Bankrupt.
At first I thought you were brainwashed, now I realize you have no brain
user you're knowledge of business is literally laughable.
>started a $45B company
^THIS is (relatively) easy for any billionaire to achieve user. All you have to do is /meme/ and hype some investors and hire a bunch of indian engineers to start /sweat-shopping/ for you.
>Turning a failing business around in 3 quarters
^This is LITERALLY unprecedented user. Their is a very common principle in business that it's far easier to start fresh than to try and save a dying brand/company. At best you'll squeeze a few years out of the company but it will be on financial dialysis and require resuscitation every other year as it dies a slow and painful half-death (see: Yahoo & HP).
Steve Jobs took a dying company and made it NUMBER FUCKING ONE in less than a decade. Whether you buy Apple products is irrelevant, the real people who fucking owe something to Steve Jobs are the shareholders. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have together created more millionaires than anyone else in history. They created generations of rich people through their business decisions. Like or hate their computers, they were both excellent CEOs (Steve Jobs was better imo but that's splitting hairs).
People are literally going to kill themselves because of Elon Musk-o-witz. Literally, there is guaranteed to be some poor sap out there that has bought the meme whole-sale and put his whole life savings into TSLA. And not just one, but hundreds if not thousands. This is a BUSINESS board, not a "TIL HYDROGEN HAS TWO ISOTOPES AND BTW ELON MUSK ONCE DONATED A FERRARI TO A KID WITH CANCER WHO WAS A WW2 SPY PLS UPBOAT THIS REPOST FOR ESHEKELS/KARMA" with insightful top comments like
> "OMG my cousin had cancer, the last thing he wanted was a Tesla, if u read this Elon Musk I luv u."
>"OMG SO SAD ABT UR CUZIN, MY BROTHER WAS IN A TESLA ONCE. It was rly gd but it made me sad because Sanders only has 37 super-delegates :("
>>somehow make up 20 years of losses
>20 years
Obviously not. Give it a few when they're done building massive infrastructure and they'll at the very least, be cost neutral.
>^THIS is (relatively) easy for any billionaire to achieve user. All you have to do is /meme/ and hype some investors and hire a bunch of indian engineers to start /sweat-shopping/ for you.
Musk before PayPal was only worth ~$30M.
>^This is LITERALLY unprecedented user
I'll give you the first two paragraphs. For the third, see
>Jobs literally just got lucky
I already said I regressed on that point. Care to address the rest?
My third paragraph also mentions how people will literally die from Elon Musk shilling his failing business model.
When Musk left PayPal it was only worth 1.5B, the remainder of it's growth happened under the management of Ebay, so 45B is a complete exaggeration. (Unlike the CEOs Veeky Forums does admire, under whom companies make most of their value). He didn't "make" the car, he runs the company that made the car, we aren't assessing him by the quality of the car, we are assessing him by the quality of his business model. Which is the point I made about Jobs. It doesn't matter how good his phones are, what matters is how well Jobs marketed them, how good Jobs business plan/model was, how profitable it was, etc.
Don't expect us to care about how good Tesla's cars are, we aren't Veeky Forums. We care about their EPS, their P/E value, Equity to Debt, plans for growth. Etc, you know the business aspects? And the business component of TSLA is wank. Literally any major automotive CEO (except maybe Volkswagen) at the moment could do a better job, the reason I attacked the personality of Musk supporters is relevant, it's because of Musk fanboys that they keep him on board.
I honestly don't know how else to put it, Elon Musk's main credential is being a celebrity, he is like the Kim Kardashian of the business world. Famous for being famous. Famous because he appeals to neckbeards and hipster high-school students who like that he's a "nerd with attitude" when he is neither.
user even though you've responded in a relatively mature way, I am getting a very strong impression that you're like 15/16. I know you'll probably deny it, but if on the off chance on the other side of your screen is a 15 year old, I hope this gets through to you: when you're older you'll realise why all this shit is so cringey/stupid. If you're over 20 then there's no hope. You're a full blown hipster-fag who probably talks about "coding" your website for reviewing roasted coffee on your "GNU" laptop.
The best thing to do is invest in something else. Time is your most valuable asset my friend. It is the one thing you have that only decreases in your life. Use it wisely.
i scanned this and it factory wiped my phone. thanks elon.
I alreafy have multiple times. Take your head out of the microwave and read the thread
I just realized how tired I am so my posts are probably really stupid
> He does not invent, he does not build. And what little he does do, he does badly.
This statement is just fucked up kinds of wrong. Literally in 10 years he has surpassed the abilities of all major superpowers when it comes to space. He has also made launching things into orbit 10x less expensive and probably eventually 1000x less expensive. The car he built was rated as the best car in the world.
You're all over Jobs and Gates dicks when what they built basically amounted to software. And now you're saying that a guy who built two software companies and now builds rockets and cars doesn't fucking build anything? His rockets are 10x better than alternatives and his cars are rated best in the world and you think he does things badly? You are fucked mate.
Stop wasting your time getting assblasted at dumb fawning comments on reddit and actually find out what Musk's up to. If he succeeds we will establish a human colony on Mars that will greatly enhance civilizations long term survival odds. Eventually civilization is guaranteed extinction unless we become a space faring species and Musk is the only person who is actually moving this forward.
SpaceX has yet to put an astronaut in space. Let that sink in.
>surpassed the abilities of all major superpowers
Lmao is it hard typing from your knees with a hairplugged dick in your mouth?
You have triggered me harder than you get triggered by dumb ifls reddit posters.
It seems like you've taken your position on Musk almost entirely as a reaction to comments by a bunch of faggots. Everything is just a strawman of some hypothetical left-wing retards that like Musk.
I'm going to quote and respond to some of your words and I don't care if you think I'm a kool-aid drinking redditor.
>Elon Musk does not give great presentation
He literally doesn't have time to prepare and rehearse the kind of presentations that Jobs did. He involves himself very deeply in the development of his two companies. He goes extremely deep into engineering details for a CEO.
>nor does he have any real business strategy aside from marketing his "meme-ness" to young people
I don't think he's selling multi-million dollar satellite orbit launches based on memes. And he obviously has strategies for his businesses that you are obviously not aware of. Or maybe you don't need business sense to grow billion dollar companies idk.
>Steve Jobs was really good at something very important (marketing/presentation) and Elon Musk is good at nothing
>The reason NASA sucks his dick is...
NASA should be sucking his dick as hard as they possibly can but they are actually being total cunts. First they are still awarding contracts to the Lockheed-Boeing space company when they charge more than SpaceX for the same work. Also NASA is now planning to spend billions of tax payers dollars on building a big rocket to compete with SpaceX when they should just pay SpaceX instead of being wasteful.
>started a $45B company
>^THIS is (relatively) easy for any billionaire to achieve
Well he wasn't a billionaire when he did this so it's actually a good achievement. I'm sure you have $22,000 (Musk made 22M from the sale of his first company). Now take that 22K and turn it into $45M. Shouldn't take you more than a few years gl.
If SpaceX doesn't put an astronaut into space in the next two years I will quit my life and go full time dick sucking. They basically already have the technology to do it and it's better than what the Russians and Chinese have. USA can't into space with humans at all anymore without SpaceX.
Ok cool come back when they do. In the mean time the U.S. will keep renting space on Ruskie shuttles and fanboys like you will keep making ridiculous claims about how big Elon's dick is (it looks bigger up close)
And I'm also a client!
Screencapping this - I will laugh so badly when Trump gets elected.
They can't send anyone up there until nasa says yes. Virgin galactic has been trying for ten to get not as far.
I'm shorting this, and looking to cover at $180. Then I'll open a position long because I think the stock and company fundamentally are going to continue proving you edgelord faggots wrong. What Musk is doing is changing the perception of electric vehicles, which if you've studied the history of so far has been a joke since the inception of those faggy little self driving google cars.
There isn't another name in the auto industry that is even close to providing the same level of quality and innovation in electric vehicles, nor do I see a viable competitor until at least 2020. By then? Tesla will be a household name. Self-driving cars? You'll be stroking it to Elon Musk's voice as he tells you that no one else has perfected the technology like Tesla is. You'll believe him, then take his South African load directly in your mouths.
Don't forget to swallow faggots.
try watching a video of him talking, kek
How do you see them solving the charging time problem as well as the low range issue. The charging time being the biggest issue currently plagueing EVs
the rockets spacex launches actually carry satellites to LEO.
yeah, that's rocket science 101
>shorting something when you think it will increase in value long term.
That's the biggest challenge, and I agree with your skepticism. Battery tech advances slower than most other technologies, so there is obviously going to be a HUGE hurdle there, but.... TSLA imo is still best positioned to take on this issue because they have the investor confidence and the ability to raise funds to continue R&D at a pace no other car manufacturer can/will risk.
There is obviously a big IF in all of this, and we all know TSLA is known for delays, but you can't honestly tell me any other company is executing on the same level as Tesla's vehicles, nor they'll be able to market effectively to compete with whatever Elon comes out with. Those pre-order numbers on the model 3 are enough said to show that this is the brand to lead. The question isn't if TSLA will be the leader. It's a question of when?
They'll still need to raise capital, so there will be some short-term downside though.
The above summary is why I'm net short right now, but long-term I'm still bullish with a price target of $260.
You guys are collosal faggots.
You hate Elon because you are contrarian and seeing someone changing the world for the better makes your nights spent wacking off to jap girls getting tentacled, in between bouts of intense self loathing, too much to bear.
Also Tesla may not have turned a profit but it will. You retards think any company in the auto industry went from 0 to profit right away? Even moreso with a fucking rocket company.
No one else has had the balls and vision to do what Elon has. I don't even care if he succeeds he has already moved the world in the right directions with EVs. You faggots make me sick.
On topic: Yea tesla might be overvalued, I haven't put any effort into estimating future cash flows at all, don't act like you faggots have either.
Anyone who doesnt see the obvious huge hurdles is delusional. BUT, here is my biggest problem with buying Tesla as an investment. Any Musksuckers out there feel free to rebuttal.
>Ford's market cap is $52B
>Tesla's market cap is $29B
>Ford sold 226,000 cars last month (May 2016)
>Tesla is projecting to sell 80,000 cars ALL YEAR (2016)
>thus Tesla is currently valued at roughly TWENTY TIMES the value of Ford if they both sold the same amount of cars this year
Justify this.
Mate, you probably know more about Tesla than me but your short position is fucking stupid based on your logic you are gambling here not investing.
You think the company is worth more than current SP but you are GAMBLING SP will move in opposite direction to companies value.
Tesla sales are probably increasing rapidly. Ford probably aren't.
Tesla have first mover advantage on EVs.
But yea, even accounting for the above, tesla appear to be overvalued.
desu my dad works in this field and we managed a 6 minute recharge time via quick charging. also battery swamping is something we did.
you'll still not be able to suck Elons dick.
Also got lucky? Pls user, try asking Trump to send you some cum.
its called psychology. tell 1000 times to people something is rare and cool and they will kill themselves for it. even if thats not true.
welcome to the "free market"
>Musk is their only competitor.
There's Boeing and Lockheed Martin, but Space X has an edge in that it has free government money and doesn't really have to show a profit
>Musk was an average dude who made hundreds of millions off paypal
>Donated millions to the democratic party
>Became a multi-billion dollar welfare queen when the party rose to power
You Muskologist are fucking idiots when it comes to origin stories.
Outside of a few hits Kenye West basically the Jimi Hendrix of modern music.
you gotta love when republitards and lolbertarians talk about subsidies
name ONE, just ONE corporation that has never, ever, gotten richer because of subsidies.
also, funny to read muritards talk about "muh gubmint bad" all the time. you know, some people said some 100+ years ago that the govt isn't there to protect or help "the people", but CAPITALISTS, and not exactly the small ones either... so, yeah, you'll the the bad gubmint giving money to these corporations all the time, as if it was normal, because it IS normal. that's not news, you haven't discovered shit.
>all that tax money wasted on some meme fuckface
1- MILLIONS of people trying to get on the meme train.
2- Speculations based on future earnings
Don't you have to go back to your safe space and cry about how evil ALL places of business who aren't not own by the employees are.
>Musk was an average dude who made hundreds of millions off paypal
omfg, the retardness of this thread is off the limits. another /pol/ spill. this shit really comes unannounced
Oh, High Priest of Muskology, please enlighten us heathens on his lordship Musk.
Please guide me in to his light on how he earned 22 million selling his first company.
Walk me through the dark forest bought with the 165 million earn with paypal
Scare me with tales of how soulless chinamen sacked the holy SolarCity.
Take me to the future with green Tesla
And guide my soul to heaven with SpaceX
PLEASE! This is Veeky Forums if you want to make Musk into a visionary messiah the you can request Hentai-senpai to make a /reli?/gious board for you
>Goes extremely deep into engineering details for a CEO.
This does not make him a good CEO user. It makes him an OK engineering and a micromanaging autist.
>I don't think he's selling multi-million dollar satellite orbit launches based on memes...
Except he literally is user. Do you even know what memes are?
Nice counter-argument. How is highschool btw? I know it's hard at first but you'll make friends eventually user!
> Now take 22K and turn it into $45M
>What are Hicks Marshall laws of derived demand
>Musk started a rich company, therefore Musk is good CEO.
Nice /stylizedfact/ user. Guess what? You can't teach yourself basic economics and business management using Crash Course videos on youtube. You just end up sounding like an ass.
>musk vs trump vs reddit thread
Hear me out Veeky Forums. We should outsource this job of president to a cartel leader. Specifically, Chapo, as he happens to be alive whereas El Mas Loco is not and would have prime position otherwise. Do you know what kind of margins heroin is ran on? There pretty much aren't any- there's also entire government agencies in America designed to fight them off who cannot or will not, choose not, to do so. It's a phenomenal business. The speedbumps are mountains compared to anything else in the business world. You're waiting for a point and a cause by now and it is this: we could keep putting bananas and strawberries in the blender and we'll surely keep struggling to find the perfect balance, and the stray blueberry will find its way in, but one day someone is going to drop a stainless steel marble in that thing. So the question is, when you're cleaning your kitchen, wouldn't you rather be on heroin?
So you all think Elon will fail?
brb shorting Tesla.
>because I am millennial faggot I like to short companies because I hate my life
>Whine about muh climate change
>company comes up with a plan to stop everyone polluting muh climate
>I hate that guy because he thinks he is better than me
>Encourages other whiners to destroy the company
Fuckin idiots
I like the way you think user. You're hired.
You have missed the point on every argument and you're just shitting up the thread with this shit post.
You're right user, I was being immature and my arguments were just senseless insults of your view. Unlike you I just resorted to childish name-calling/ridiculing.
This one goes out to you OP, you da real MVP, for sticking to the point, for alway backing up your claims with alternate points of view, and for keeping your data well sourced rather than just a bunch of shilling/complaining.