What's your opinion on Human Resources? I am now doing my degree and I'm expecting to get a wageslave job. After that I will start climbing the ladder until I become a business relationship manager or something and make £150k per year.
Pic unrelated
HRM is subhuman tier.
t. Tax consultant master race
I've been looking at getting into that (tax)
What was your path?
I'm currently a student studying accounting
Hrm is for women
Is that photo for real? damn.
HR is mostly for women. You just push paperwork and monitor workplace transgressions so idiots can be fired and not sue.
That's a girl career
> Be me.
> Spend entire life learning useless skill.
> Not accepted to uni.
> Can't find wagecuck job.
> Fuck it. Get $200 loan.
> Buy supplies and books.
> Offer private tutoring $85 an hour.
> Give discounts when taught in pairs.
> Someone bites.
> Work 4 hours a day at $150 an hour teaching my useless skill to rich kids.
HR is for people who don't care about whether they actually provide value to the company. It's pure paper-pushing, total wankery.
Fuck you if you want to go into HR.
I'm sorry I didn't fall for the "business management" meme. At least this way I can get into a business much quicker and literally build an entire network in a couple of months. I am not looking to create a career in HR, just a start and more on from there
Also this www.monster.com/career-advice/article/high-paying-human-resources-jobs
>lel dis is a womons job
HR people are scum.
Why do you ask us for our opinion if you made up your mind already?
HRM is a fine career. It's just that most of the people who get HRM positions are scum of the Earth and don't actually do their jobs.
HRM is a fine career.
>It's just that most of the people who get HRM positions are scum of the Earth and don't actually do their jobs.
therefore not a fine career
What "useless skills", specifically?
This. There is nothing that HR does better than other jobs and it's also more autistic.
HR is for people who, more than others, love to spout meaningless husks of business lingo and think they're hot shit.
Every encounter with HR people ends with people giving each other "that look" once the HR person has left the room.
HR shouldn't exist. You people should all be shot.
>HR shouldn't exist. You people should all be shot.
This. HR is make-work bullshit to keep the female:male ratio at a company looking good
Sounds like a lot of you have been cucked by male HR reps. The truth is they serve an important function - which is to make sure people have/keep their shit together and call employees on their bullshit - but as they have no real power all they can do it tatle.
The mad people in this thread are just bad at their jobs. Where I work the HR reps give me swag and ergonomic shit all the time because I'm invaluable. I could get away with murder.
My best friend is doing HR. He wanted to do a bachelor of commerce and doesn't like numbers and claimed he is a "people person". Why do you even need a degree to do HR though?
I am majoring in accounting. The one I was curious about though was supply chain. Is that a meme degree or is it legit? I'm not doing it just curious.
>Why do you even need a degree to do HR though?
a degree is the new high school diploma. just says 'i'm not a complete retard, i have a degree'.
>hurrdurr fuck hr
Work at a company without hr and tell me how it goes.
>hey mr shekelstein my health insurance isnt working
>im on a big deadline ask again next month
HR is the worst possible way to "get your foot in the door".
Business Relationship Manager is 100% senior sales role, you can't sneak into it.
HR is the lowest paid and least respected of the so called "Business Support" functions (the useful and well-paid ones are Finance and Legal for which you are not qualified).
The only way for your plan to work is to slide asap into Sales or Operations.
I'd say, a business degree is the new highschool diploma.
Technical degrees are still degree degrees for the most part