jackets like this?
Jackets like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw every woman that came on screen reminded me of my deep sense of loneliness
>even that bitch with one eye
what movie is this?
Blade Runner 2049
I know it's 2049 I'm asking what movie the picture is from
i'd ask if you are retarded but that'd be retarded cause you obviously are
Sometimes I think most of Veeky Forums is just one guy having conversations with themself
Seriously fuck this jacket and the constant new threads about it
Wide hips ryan
This is LITERALLY the new Drive scorpion jacket do not meme yourself.
He probably makes more money and gets more pussy than you
It's not the exact same as one in the screenshot but you're welcome
A millionaire , A-list, sex symbol, movie star would have to be gay or have the willpower of a saint to not get more pussy than 99.999999% of the population. What's your point?
>no way to close the collar
Weekend At Bernie's 2049
The long awaited third installment was well worth the wait, especially considering that the writer and director couldn't possibly say everything they wanted to on the subject in a mere two films. And yes, even though Bernie is dead he makes more money than I do and gets far more pussy than I ever will. Alas.
I saw this at H&M, I have no clue how good it would look, looks pretty comfy for winter though
stop fucking posting this disgusting shit,it looks like a cape for emo faggets. i bet u want to wear it with red chucks and blue skinny jeans u massive gayboi
is this a reference to that IT 2017 post
I didn't say I would wear it, it doesn't look that bad though
i wouldnt even care if it didnt have the scorpion on the back and i didnt already know what it was from
those shoes with that jacket lmao
get off my board viral marketing shill
ding ding ding
u guys are funny :)
This jacket is actually way better than Gosling's.
Want to cop those Bernie glasses.
It's actually not.
yeah me too