What do you personally estimate the U.S unemployment to be?
The BLS says it's 4.7%, but I think it's closer to 15%.
What do you personally estimate the U.S unemployment to be?
The BLS says it's 4.7%, but I think it's closer to 15%.
Other urls found in this thread:
So that's just how you feel? Based on anecdotal accounts?
Closer to 20% when you consider adults who have just quit looking for work. Correlates with rise in higher suicide rates among middle class white men over 40.
Thanks, China.
It's probably 30%
It'll be around 30% when Trump gets into office. That's the true data. Worse than shadow statistics.
12.5% for those with the ability to take a job tomorrow if offered
Unemployment may be down, but the figures are not including "underemployment".
I bet real unemployment is about 7% and underemployment is probably close to 20%.
30% Easy
50% maybe
Honestly, we are fucked.
Just finished high school and I've been looking for a job since January. Still nothing. I'm happy I wasn't accepted to university or else I would be fucked after finishing. The debt would just pile up and the bank would fuck me in the ass for the next 5 - 10 years.
Military, Trade School, or University as a last resort.
A high school diploma won't get you by anymore.
If this data is correct, labour participation rate in the US is 62%, which means that 38% of people of working age are neither employed nor looking for a job.
Judging from the comments in this thread, Veeky Forumsraelites are giving quite good estimates. I'm legitimately surprised.
Go military, coast guard or something that won't require you to be in a battlezone. Put in 3 years, get that GI Bill money, get a degree, then either re-enlist or enter the private sector. F500 companies are balls deep in that subsidy money for employing veterans. Get you some of that, unless you actually have a long-term plan in place that doesn't involve working for someone else.
Whatever you do, avoid debt like the plague, ESPECIALLY debt that you can't claim hardship to write off. Student debt is a long-term slog just to get back to zero; avoid it if at all possible.
love that webm. fucking hilarious
Yeah I think underemployment is the bigger issue at hand.
There aren't enough high skill jobs to go around and too many people are pushed into University/college.
unemployment under 5% is highly inflationary so probably a lie. 10% at least.
4.7% because only losers don't work. They find reasons not to work.
Is that data counting people older than 65 or retirement age? It just says 15+ years old.
All those degrees and not even half of them are needed.
Only 15-65
"Working age"
Honestly? I see even the government trying to beat more work out of fewer people. When I have time off during work hours, traffic is ridiculous. The rare times that I can go shopping anymore, it's always crowded. I don't know what's going on. I work and I'm broke as shit. Where are these people getting the money to do anything?
Credit cards
They don't have the money to be shopping but they are anyways, welcome to the debt life where you will feel left out unless you join the crowd and max out your credit card lel
This has always confused me because my credit limits stopped dead at about 1/3 of my income. Yet I'd read on fatwallet or creditboards about mooks making barely above minimum wage having 6 figure credit lines. It's like bizarro reality.
Once interest rates go back to normal all the debt cucks are FUCKED
multiple credit cards + payday loans +financed car
>Where are these people getting the money to do anything?
Credit cards, payday loans.
I see a lot of kids now buying a brand new truck(financed) then putting a lift kit on it(financed) and then getting big mud tires and nice rims(financed). All while I'm sitting here >wtf?
>How do they get the money for this?
>oooh its all financed
NEETs are 17.5% of the US population. Even if it were the working population, 253M (according to that BLS page), you're saying that there are 44M people collecting NEET bucks.
The shitposting has gotten to you.
>The BLS says it's 4.7%, but I think it's closer to 15%.
True, although the real number is at least 30%
Lol nocollege wageslave
Be sure to have lots of kids kthx
ITT high school educated NEETs don't understand or trust statistics and facts. Well maybe you didn't send enough money to Jesus fucking plebs. the economy isn't that bad you're brainwashed by either the GOP that wants more military or DNC that wants insane socialism. have a nice weekend I will I'm taking my boat out kek
Thanks dad.
you don't know shit
Here's a newspaper article I recently saw