5'10" here.
What is some fashionable male footwear that could give me some *subtle* help in this area?
5'10" here.
What is some fashionable male footwear that could give me some *subtle* help in this area?
Nb 574 or really any model w a decently thick sole
You're not a manlet
Alright just average but what are some fashionable footwear that add an extra oompf
>things manlets say
5'3" here
I know I'm a lost cause.
What should I avoid to keep myself from looking worse?
wear 5 lifts a the same time
Thanks for the advice!
Help me start stilt-core trend. I'll go look for some /Stiltspo/ to get this started.
Can I get some actual help. What would look good on a 5'10" guy to give me just a little extra height.
The fucking word manlet triggered people. sorry.
user... I've got some bad news
this, plus all the old people are keeping it down - being in a room full of middle-aged people makes you feel tall at 5'10 but then you go to the grocery store and a 6 foot+ teenage girl dwarfs you while wearing flat sneakers
Im 6'1 1/2 and my redwings + insole puts me over 6'3 easily
yes . but u need to provide more info . are u fat? fit? lanky ? being 510 is just one variable . what looks good on one 5 10 will look bad on anothet
I go to a university that's 86% white and I'm taller than 90% of people I see as a 5'10" man. These memes have rotted your easily manipulated brain
Just use Google idiot
You've been drinking the Veeky Forums koolaid. 5' 10" is average male height in the US.
a lift in the shoe. Then pick any shoe you want.
>I'm taller than 90% of people I see as a 5'10" man.
Have you tried looking up?
How is this thread so far down. Holy shit user.
It's weird because I'm also 5'10 and this girl the other day described me as "really tall", and she's around 5'6-7 so I was pretty confused. Also does she want the dick?
It's ok little guy. You'll get there some day.
and how does this extra height make u feel user, would you feel inadequate without it? (6" here)
Avoid high top shoes
That's a good sign. You ever go on a dating site and average to above average girls are calling themselves short?
That means they've been used and abused by nothing but Chads.
There's science that shows that, when in prison, men get more strong and buff than their diet suggests they should.
They're eating a lot of cheap garbage and carbs and putting on muscle like an autistic gymbro with money to burn on supps.
So what gives? It's a kind of survival situation where they are in competition with other men. Their bodies are giving them a boost they would not get in a stress free environment.
So instead of trying to fool your brain into thinking you're taller: go barefoot and find reasons to be around really tall men.
You'll start adapting to the environment by becoming stronger and more alpha and women will respond to it favorably.
>10 o clock news
>"A local man was arrested today for running around a university barefoot and physically confronting some of the male students"
Very good
Are timberlands good shoes to hide your size?
Timberlands are fucking dreadful. Kys
Then what shoes can I use that improve size
docs are better than timbs if we're talking basics
Manlet here too. A lot of the Italian brands like Fratelli Rossetti have ridiculous heel sizes but at the end of the day it looks like you are compensating.
t. Zhang Pao
Define doc.