Who left a bigger impression on the U.S.'s history?
Tubman vs Jackson
The non-black one.
Putting Andrew Jackson on a federal reserve note was a big 'fuck you' to Andrew Jackson.
Freeing hundreds of slaves is nice and all but it has little effect in comparison to the Trail of Tears. By sheer number alone, Jackson wins by a landslide.
I don't know why they went with Tubman, honestly. If you want a black person, Frederick Douglass is the obvious choice, but I guess they wanted to knock out Blacks and Women in one go.
This begs the question of why not Rosa Parks?
I'm just baffled of why Tubman; it's like putting Johnny Appleseed on a bill.
Or Uncle Tom.
The other guy said "it's like putting Johnny Appleseed on a bill," so I said "or Uncle Tom."
It was a joke, man.
Johnny Appleseed was a real person, just not particularly worth putting on currency, like Tubman.
We could put Yakub, or is he technically major?
The campaign was to put a woman on the 20, not a black person.
MLK Jr. would've been the obvious choice if they wanted to do a black person.
I was going to suggest someone else, but I honestly can't think of any other woman
Sally Ride
Susan B Anthony
Betsy Ross
I don't have a real argument with Tubman. I hope they use a younger portrait of her than some headband-aunt Jemima look.
The question has no relevancy in the debate on who should adorn the Twenty
If they absolutely had to replace Jackson and wanted a non-white (there aren't any women with a large enough impact on American history to be designated for our money IMO except possibly Susan B. Anthony and she already has a coin) then they should've gone with Frederic Douglas.
>Susan B Anthony
Already on Money, though not really an issue for Lincoln or Washington, but they might not want to over play her.
Betsy Ross is not really that important. Allegedly making the flag isn't really that much better; at least Tubman stands for anti-slavery.
I honestly think Douglass deserves the 20.
He did far more good for the State than Tubman did, and plus, he looks really noble.
Susan B Anthony was a racist, it's the main reason why feminists don't talk about her much anymore.
I love Tubman but would be fine with Ida B Wells.
I would have gone with Eleanor Roosevelt.
Is it really fair to judge people on modern standards of Racism?
She was an abolitionist
Same with Darwin, but don't tell the Christians.
>not having another coin collection featuring 20-50 famous women, that way everybody wins
Remember who's supporting it.
Feminism is about women who support women, not women who support some women. using her as a figure in the movement only proves the point of womanists who stated/state feminism first and foremost cared/cares about White women.
Also being an abolitionist doesn't mean you see blacks as equal to you.
Probably the genocidal maniac who violated the US constitution and ignored Supreme Court orders.
Tubman deserves the bill though.
You can honor someone as a pivotal member of your cause and still acknowledge that their view of the issue is a less evolved one than your own.
You must not have ever heard of Andrew "Fuck National Banks" Jackson.
Also does it bother anyone else that the person replacing Jackson still has an 'n' at the end of her name, continuing the trend?
They're already on some shaky foundations considering all the 3rd wave stuff that's been going on.
Needless to say, Jackson.
Impression? Jackson, without question. It wasn't a very good impression, but god damn he left a big one.
Because then we'd only have women/minorities existing alongside white males, not replacing white males entirely.
>White men being replaced by minorities and women
Totally gonna happen bro. Any day now. I heard that one minority woman was made a CEO--they're taking over!
Well two part response.
1. Feminist icons are supposed to be universal figures for all women
2. There are women in SEA's time who were not racist and those women are being lauded, no one denies what she did however people have the right to not want to laud her
I always thought the irony was great.
Ruining it for the sake of diversity seems worse to me.
As asked, Jackson had much more of an effect.
Once we get a female who actually makes a massive mark in our history, a major impact, I don't think anyone will have any objections.
But at this point, I don't think there are any women who deserve to push a president off of a bank note.
>Why not Rosa Parks
Because they're trying to avoid paid actresses
She wasn't an actress, she was a civil rights activist who knowingly and intentionally challenged Jim Crow politics.
The Second National Bank and Federal Reserve are nothing alike.
Eh, it's only a matter of time before America is 100% nonwhite, it seems to be sort of closed-minded only to have white people in the money.
Imo they should put some leaders of areas that used to be other countries on the money, like Kamehameha or Santa Ana.
Anyone else here born in the late 80's/early 90'a learn nothing about American history in school growing up besides about black people and their fight for civil rights? Every year I had a history class, from 1st to 8th grade, every single lecture was about black heroes and how evil Europe and were for industrializing slavery. I never learned anything about any of the presidents or constitution or anything save how they applied to slavery and civil rights. I remember having to do a report in 3rd grade on Marcus Garvey. My school play in 5th grade was all about plantation life and patting juba. Every year was about how black people were mistreated at that current time.
I learned my history later but it seems like it has become popular *only* to focus on black history. Not native americans, not settlers, just slaves. It's like history has been gentrified beyond the point of practical usefulness. Thoughts?
This is some good bait, but factually incorrect and aimed at giving people who don't have firsthand knowledge the wrong idea.
If this really was the case, how about a citation?
Are there any actually important American women?
I like Black History and Ethnic history, but I seek that out myself. I grew up in Florida, and there was always more of an emphasis on the Spanish/Hispanic part for Floridian history.
Highschool history classes were overall meager in every regard, but my AP Classes were solid all-around. AP American History didn't focus on any one group, but I do remember a lot of material about the west.
Not really, no.
I feel sorry for your upbringing.
It goes
>Revolutionary War
>Some Constitution stuff happens or something
>Trail of Tears
>The Bank
>Missouri Compromise
>Civil War
>Industrialized robber baron railroads
>Depression, New Deal
And that's it. The US doesn't teach past that.
It's a Liberal circlejerk. They ("oppressed" white women and beta males) just want regular people to feel like they do: garbage. The worst part is that there are black people who probably don't give two shits about it, although most of them are probably the descendants of the people who sent them on the ships in the first place.
>Sally Ride
First female astronaut is not a legendary enough accomplishment.
>Susan B. Anthony
Already on money.
>Betsy Ross
Pure fiction invented by her grandson a century after the fact. You'd be better off putting Columbia or Molly Pitcher on the money.
Again, no woman has had such a profound effect on American history that they deserve to be on our money. The only other exception is Lizzie Borden and that's more due to infamy and being one of the first American examples of a media circus trial, laying the groundwork for OJ, Casey Anthony, Zim Zam and the like.
I moved around a lot as a kid and I was in and out of public/Catholic schools so maybe I just got the black history spiel way more times than each administration meant to give it, purely by coincidence. But I am not lying nor is this bait.
I went to school in NY, FL, and NJ, so the *one* year I got non-black history wankery it was about the Leni Lenape. In NJ specifically we also had to talk about conquistadors, but it was a simplistic summary and all I got from it was an irrational hatred of Castile. Like, "bomb the embassy" type hatred, being from central Mexico.
That was AP us history all right. My history profs in college were redpilled and not revisionist so I got some serious info there.
>Anyone else here born in the late 80's/early 90'a learn nothing about American history in school growing up besides about black people and their fight for civil rights?
It's honestly sad. We're given a bland textbook version of history in school and once you get into university or even just general pop history you're hit with nothing but shame. We should be ashamed of our history, ashamed of what our ancestors did, ashamed of slavery, ashamed of the Indian "genocide", shame, shame, shame. No pride, only shame.
It's infuriating.
Demoralization is part of the subversion.
And Europeans wonder why Americans are so interested in their european roots. They're taught there were 3 immigrant groups among whites: anglo/German rich people, irish, and Italians. That's it. And you dare not be proud of any of them, so you have to reach back to a continent without slavery in order to not feel ashamed.
Ida B. Wells.
She brought lynching under the scrutiny of the public eye, and pissed off and made a joke out of Frances Willard,
No not really.
>The Second National Bank and Federal Reserve are nothing alike.
Too soon m8.
The problem is that people aren't born equal and no amount of legislation will change that.
Whites won't be a majority in America in 20 years.
Women are the majority sex.
Women hold just over 50% of management positions.
Five of the top 6 fastest growing job fields (and projected to continue growing for the foreseeable future), are overwhelmingly dominated by women.
The 10+ fastest shrinking fields are all dominated by men.
Women turn out to vote in greater numbers than men.
Women are more easily influenced by media, so the media at almost all levels panders to women.
Women are earning over 50% of college degrees and the gap between men and women is projected to continue to grow, and quickly.
If we manage to not degenerate into world war in the next 20 years, you'll see what matriarchy looks like.
If you're white, you'll find out what it's like to be a minority.
Jackson, but Jackson was against centralized banks so it makes no sense putting him on the 20.
That doesn't have much to do with what he said.
What about Edith Wilson?
So Americans, why was it the 20 they wanted replaced? I mean of all the people on paper with a low opinion rating I would have thought they'd get Grant off the 50.
I didn't even know who the fuck this tubman is
To get Jackson off the money
Without any exaggeration or semblance of satire, progressive leftists truly think of Jackson as the devil incarnate.
Your average person might view Grant lower than Jackson If they were to rank the Presidents, but your average person isn't the one calling the shots, progressives who are concerned with making sure everyone knows It's the current year are.
He's referring to the fact that Rosa Parks wasn't the first black girl to refuse to move. There was another black girl who made news doing the same thing, but she was a pregnant hood rat teen, who would have made them look bad. The civil rights community pushed Rosa Parks as the poster child for civil disobedience because she wasn't a walking stereotype.
There's some speculation that Rosa Parks' act wasn't organic: the civil rights community told Rosa Parks to get arrested so they could push the story in the press. Don't think there was any proof though.
>current century
>having people's faces on your money
>not having clean simple abstract designs or historical symbols
Eleanor Roosevelt is easily the woman of choice
>Hey go on the bus and break the rules, we've got your back
>Yeah dude, comments to the media, legal fees, whatever, we've got you.
>What do you say? I don't know, say you were tired or some shit, who cares?
So stunning and brave
>current century
>issuing banknotes
Federal reserve called
they say: "and fuck him too"
Whites won't be the majority anywhere barring Central-Eastern Europe in fifty years
>Who left a bigger impression on U.S. history?
Hitler. We should put Hitler on our money. Oh! Or King George! Great idea, OP! Historical significance is much more important than anything else!
>implying Grant is worse
But fuck the Confederacy.
You said white men would REPLACED. Not that they'd be a minority--replaced. Also, saying shit like "women are more easily influenced by the media" just makes you seem like a bitter MRA flamer.
Also, it's dumb as hell to talk about a "matriarchy" on the horizon when the vast, vast majority of congresspeople, CEOs, and leaders at any level are men.
>Santa Ana
Things that I think should be on money
An image of the wright flyer
>Aviation is an extremely important part of US history and prestige
A scene of a moon landing
>A technological and geopolitical triumph of the will of the entire country
Images of national monuments (half dome or Washington monument)
>monuments especially natural ones are pretty and represent the intangible wealth that we have
I think that focusing on scenes instead of just portraits could make our money look better.
Yeah, because women entering the workforce today means that they'll continue to enter the workforce for all eternity. Eventually, there will be more women in the workforce than actual women!
>Women are more easily influenced by media, so the media at almost all levels panders to women.
Yet here you are, blithering psuedo-facts using irrelevant statistics that you believe can somehow increase exponentially.
>If you're white, you'll find out what it's like to be a minority.
Shit like this has been said since the age of the Greeks...and Indians...and Chinese.
It's just your tribalism distending. that can be fixed by reading some books and not being an utter retard. try it!
>the Trail of Tears is a relevant part of US History
try battle of new orleans next time
Wow! Aside from a few retards in this thread, Veeky Forums is actually having a quality discussion for once?
>Battle of New Orleans
>in any way important
Maybe you just can't help but post in bait threads, because I see quality discussions on Veeky Forums all the time.
and OP didn't claim it had any relevancy to that...
It was implied.
you're a kike
yeah this is pretty much how I learned history in school. I grew up in washington state too, opposite corner of the south.
Learned about slavery in second grade. I was really colorblind because I had yuppie parents and happened to be friends with black kids as a toddler and young child. I got in trouble for trying to clarify wtf was going on when slavery was described to me by using a black student in class as an example.
Took some regional western history courses in uni and it was all about indian rape, but that really is all that's happened out here since people started writing stuff down about the area.
Morality pretty much. Both were shit presidents but Grant is seen as a national hero and an overall good person albeit a shitty judge of character. Jackson is seen as a racist who wanted to kill all the Indians and people criticize him for that instead of his shitty economic policies that led the country into depression.
It was basically Tumblr and Elitist turbo hipsters. You think I'm joking, but it's true. They were originally going to get rid of Hamilton because no one actually knew or much less gave a fuck about Hamilton. Then the super successful play Hamilton came out and that drummed up enough support to keep him on the 10. The alternative suggested was then Jackson on the 20, simply because he doesn't go back far enough into the Revolutionary era to be shielded from criticism by the general public, and doesn't go forward enough into the Civil War era to be considered a man for equal rights.
Jackson, by a huge fucking margin.
Modern estimates are are closer to dozens than hundreds rescued by her
M8 if we go by those standards we'd need to get rid of all the portraits