What happens if the People's Republic of China invades the Republic of China?
What happens if the People's Republic of China invades the Republic of China?
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RoC has a defensive treaty with the US so they'll probably get help there
Do you think that matters? Why die for Taipei?
Back in the day. But that's not the case anymore.
No such treaty.
It is written so that America can decide if it wants to help.
Lots of dead Chinese and ruined economies.
The world would be outraged, UN would impose sanctions, China would lose it's G7 status. In a few months Taiwan would be no more than another province of PRC and soon everyone would forget about it. Political assassinations would be massively hidden from world media.
No way the US or any other western country would intervene. The US officially recognize PRC as the official China since the 80's or something like that.
But the chinese are way too smart for that nowadays. It's the same thing with Tibet, Hong Kong and Mongolia. They'd rather wait until the cultures blend in and people forget about resisting or fighting. Might take 10 years, might take 100. Either way, it's cheaper and better than occupations and wars.
If this was true china would have done it by now
But Taiwan isn't even part of the UN.
The world would become a nicer place ....起来!不愿做奴隶的人们!
Yeah. China takes a long view of problems. As long as Taiwan doesn't go full independence route, China feels that they will eventually integrate the country down the road.
China hasn't been very smart then. They've even alienated their own SAR's now, far from having any prospect Taiwan will slowly but gradually merge with the mainland.. Especially with the DPP in charge npw.
They have intervened in Hong Kong's politics, despite claiming to uphold the "one country, two systems" policy until 2047. Smart move, dumbfucks. If they just let HK go its course as they claim they would, the Taiwanese might have been sold, sooner or later, to rejoin. But now they completely messed that up.
Mm fair point. And there isnt much to gain except pride from annexing taiwan anyway
>China's g7 status
How has no one noticed this?
>They've even alienated their own SAR's now,
Fuck em. Their fate is sealed.
>They have intervened in Hong Kong's politics,
They explicitly have control over security affairs and foreign policy you retard.
How is this related to Veeky Forums and humanities waht the fuck
Yes. But not its internal affairs you fucking retard.
Why shouldn't the US fight in defense of a democratic republic against an authoritarian tyranny?
Wouldn't be the first time the US picked tyranny over democracy.
>No way the US or any other western country would intervene. The US officially recognize PRC as the official China since the 80's or something like that.
>The Taiwan Relations Act potentially requires the U.S. to intervene militarily if the PRC attacks or invades Taiwan. The act states that "the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capabilities".
Look at Ukraine
Worked great for them
>The Taiwan Relations Act potentially
This means they can choose. Let's go over this choice, shall we?
1 - Start a war with US manjor trade partner and possibly one of the last countries on this planet that could drag US into a long war that would eventually end in a PR nightmare for the government
2- Sit this one out and have no losses whatsoever
Though fucking choice, don't you think, you brilliant political theorist, you?
China and US relations are not like USSR and US back in the day. They don't hate each other. They pretend to hate each other while they make trillions out of trading. It makes a world of difference. Thus. my point stands. China can invade and annex any time they want, but why would they? It's a war they can win by outlasting their oponent, without firing a single shot.
Ukraine never had a treaty with the US in the first place.
They've had treaty with Russia and NATO. It went like - Ukraine gets rid of its nuclear arsenal, Russia and NATO guarantees its sovereignty and borders.
It depends, China won't invade Taiwan unless provoked and by provoked I mean Taiwan declaring formal independence.
> According to China's Anti-Succession Law which was passed in 2005, China will resolve the Taiwan issue using "non-peaceful measures" if it ever seeks to declare full independence:
Article eight deals with non-peaceful action, and is the article which has caused the most controversy and attention. It states that the State shall use non-peaceful and other necessary means under these alternative conditions: (1) if "Taiwan independence" forces, under whatever name and method, accomplish the fact of Taiwan's separation from China, (2) or if a major event occurs which would lead to Taiwan's separation from China, (3) or if all possibility of peaceful unification is lost.
Furthermore Taiwan will not receive much support from the US and her allies either by declaring full independence:
> The Taiwan Relations Act potentially requires the U.S. to intervene militarily if the PRC attacks or invades Taiwan. The act states that "the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capabilities”. However, the decision about the nature and quantity of defense services that America will provide to Taiwan is to be determined by the President and Congress. America's policy has been called "strategic ambiguity" and it is designed to dissuade Taiwan from a unilateral declaration of independence, and to dissuade the PRC from unilaterally unifying Taiwan with the PRC.
Meaning that a full declaration of independence from Taiwan will seriously piss off the United States, who told Taiwan not to declare formal independence as it is against the US's every interest to go to war against China who is its 2nd biggest trading partner, one of the biggest trading partners of all its trading partners and also the world's 2nd largest economy (1st in PPP). Therefore in that scenario, China will invoke Article 8 of the Anti-Secession Law, declare war on Taiwan, the US most likely will not intervene due to what it views as Taiwan's selfish pursuit of its own national interest that jeopardises key US interests in the region.
Lastly, Taiwan's economy today is much more dependent on China than it was in 2005. So really if Taiwan declares full independence China could simply place heavy sanctions on Taiwan and its economy will crumble causing the DPP to lose power (KMT was voted out due to its poor handling of the economy) and be replaced in popular vote (who cares about national pride when you are losing your jobs?) by the KMT who will renounce Taiwan independence, returning relations with normal.
Essentially there won't ever be a condition for each China will actually realistically go to war with Taiwan unless provoked, so let's hope the Taiwanese aren't dumb enough to poke the hornet's nest as I highly doubt their "friends" will be there to save them when that happens.
World War
Why should they?
Oh I dunno, because democratic republics are worth defending and some things matter more then money?
But these are Taiwanese we're talking about, a people who would rather be ruled by Japanese imperialists than have either democracy or Chinese tyranny.
I understand your point on principle, but if millions of Americans have to die for the Taiwanese, then it's a pathetic way for America to die.
Tell that to South Vietnam.
America wouldn't die, and we've gone to war for lesser things.
>people who would rather be ruled by Japanese imperialists than have either democracy or Chinese tyranny
I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever.
ROC gets crushed.
Taiwanese Declaration of Independence replaces Melian Dialogue in IR textbooks.
Meh, the PRC is probably more important to the US anyways. Who knows.
Neither is Palestine, yet that still causes a shitstorm.
Why die for Poland?
It boosts the US's image as the international defender of democracy. Also it limits the power of one of their enemies (China).
In reality however, the US is far more likely to use mercenaries and arm local forces than engage in war with China, as doing so would devastate them.
world class microchip foundries
There is only one Republic of China and it is the People's Republic of China.
You must be thinking of some other country OP.
You need a source on these "interventions in internal affairs."
Because they have not happened.
The 3 people detained in the last year were all criminals.
This is explicitly a security issue that the PRC has control of.
>potentially requires
>we've gone to war for lesser things.
You can say that much.
We don't defend countries because they are pseudo-democracies.
It's a cuck mentality.
>it improves our image
No. It makes us look like retards for defending a non-existent country and starting WW3.
China already is outpacing those domestically.
I think at this point, the U.S, the tigers and south-east asians would jump at a chance to destabilize China while they can.
China's position is a precarious one since they are economically reliant on exporting to the west, the U.S being their main consumer. Majority of their exports goes through the pacific, which is controlled by the U.S with no nation coming even near to having the capacity of defeating U.S naval power.
At this point in history, if China would declare war on the Taiwanese the U.S would probably intervene so that they can keep their dominant position. A Balkanized China is the wet dream of literally every Asian nation besides North Korea.
But the Chinese are not stupid. They were bold enough to demand Hong Kong, because they knew that U.K would give it up willingly, but they aren't yet bold enough to attack someone who might provoke the U.S to join in since they aren't in a position to be in a war against the U.S.
I feel kinda sad for China, it has no real friends only people who are friends through economic necessity
Oh and i know that Chinese exporting to the west goes the other way around too, but China is much more replaceable to the U.S than the U.S is to China.
>I feel kinda sad for China, it has no real friends only people who are friends through economic necessity
sorta self-inflicted
t. Chang.
>Asean, tigers, and America want to destroy China
Ahh which is why half of them are taking China's side on the SCS?
>even near to having the capacity of defeating U.S naval power.
China will be there soon.
>A Balkanized China is the wet dream of literally every Asian nation besides North Korea.
Laos, Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Brunei, Thailand and PNG are all neutral or pro-Chinese.
As shown by the SCS issue.
>they aren't in a position to be in a war against the U.S.
They are getting there as fast as they can
>it has no real friends only people who are friends through economic necessity
Necessity > "real friends"
No it is not. 20% of the world economy is not replaceable.
It has a number of friends.
Self-inflicted? How? The Chinese have only gained friends since 1950.
Actually, I am part of the greatest navy on the planet.
Here's a picture I took a minute ago. It might be flipped because of my phone.
That's on NAS North Island. My baby is pictured.
gunna need more proofs than that, zhang
t. Zhang Aiguo
>China will be there soon.
Stay delusional, fag. China won't be able to challenge the US until at least 2030. Of course, India will be a superpower complete with white slaves by then so forget about it.
>Laos, Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Brunei, Thailand and PNG are all neutral or pro-Chinese. As shown by the SCS issue.
Shit-tier countries that have almost zero political influence.
Any schmuck can take a photo of an aircraft carrier.
>I need more proofs so I can doxx a military member
I'll give you a picture of her ass though because she's sexy as fuck.
Yeah. Try getting on NAS North Island being "any schmuck".
That's the Big V. You can verify it with a google search.
She's quite repulsive tbqhfamily.
CCP shill pls
except america didnt u idiot
>le Veeky Forums anonymoose haxxors
nigga please, just a timestampeduniform would do.
>Self-inflicted? How? The Chinese have only gained friends since 1950.
>Literally no soft power or formal diplomacy
>Strong-arming countries all the time
LOL. Not from any countries in SEA. Maybe Singapore, but they have always played the third man between USA and China in terms of diplomacy
Singapore's leaders have been very friendly to the CCP since the 70s. Singapore even taught the CCP a shit ton of things.
Why do you think the US signed the TPP?
Flip here.
Actually Burma, Laos, and Cambodia have been in China's pocket for decades.
Thailand is not an ally but is an economically close partner of China and does not care of the squabbles in sea SEA.
It's not an invasion is both are China.
Singapore also have a history with USA/West in terms of investments and TNCs too and is even the first countries on board with TPP before USA came onboard. Singapore is definitely playing both sides and not being a vassal of either
I meant soft power not economic partner
They'd get repelled because the subhuman morlock communism created can't compete with humans proper.
>Stay delusional, fag. China won't be able to challenge the US until at least 2030. Of course, India will be a superpower complete with white slaves by then so forget about it.
You white cucks are delusional as fuck. Don't even mention India in the same breath as China; India is a collection of states connected by the British rail lines while China is a real county.
Wrong as stated by Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte is also getting closer to China because Duterte is sick and tired of the West shitting all over his country.
That was the implication.
Singapore does not fucking care about the US enough to be an ally, and I presume China too.
Sadly, the only country with real political power is... guess who.
>Sadly, the only country with real political power is... guess who.
USA? Or are you implying Singapore is insignificant?
>doing a lot of business with them means you are their ally
>Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte is also getting closer to China because Duterte is sick and tired of the West shitting all over his country
are you kidding, those niggas are the most ameriboo out of any SEA nation
>doing a lot of business with them means you are their ally
Check your facts
Nobody is talking about Filipinos, we're talking about Duterte
>India will be a superpower complete with white slaves
>tfw everything was going all according to plan
>then successive governments started doing the trickle down economics bullshit and buying votes with sops
universal adult franchise in india was a mistake.
I'm saying Singapore is the fucking powerbroker in the region.
The USA wants Singapore on its side because they want to maintain the power balance in the region, checking China's rise and nationalistic militarism. China wants Singapore on their side to check American "hedgemony" and, more realistically, to bully SEA and Taiwan into joining them or dropping territorial claims.
Singapore's only ambition is its own survival, which is measured by the GDP because happiness is a nebulous concept that can't be measured.
guess who has the power to throw duterte out if they don't like his policies?
Not Veeky Forums related, but...
The Flip Middle class voted for the fucking dictator because they think he's Lee Kuan Yew. "Singapore-style Discipline" is what they wanted.
Duterte's a fucking dictator.
>g7 status
Since when was china a part of this?
rape all the women