>Anglos v Celts
up the IRA
>England v France
the funny thing is I like British people much more than French people when I meet them but I always root for the frogs when I read about their wars
>Germans v Slavs
Slavs. In fact, Germans are very similar to the brits (and the Japanese for that matter) in that when you actually meet them they're perfectly alright and you kind of like them, but when you read about their history they almost always come off as the bad guys
>Romans v Barbarians
Romans. One of the few empires I can think of that genuinely improved the lives of the peoples they conquered (if they didn't kill or enslave you when they first rolled through your land anyway). The 19th century romanticization of the Barbarians is fucking corny and stupid too.
>Greeks v Persians
>Athens v Sparta
Athens. Sparta was an edgy 14 year old boy's idea of a nation state
>China v Vietnam
Vietnam. Favorite country in east asia
>China v Japan
China because holy shit Japan what the fuck is wrong with you
>Union v Confederacy
Dixieboos are the scum of the earth. Sherman should have done to the south what the Romans did to Carthage
>Capitalism v Communism
The choice between being a gulag slave or an office slave. Yippee!
>Fascism v Communism
Fascism might actually be onto something if it dropped the retarded race eugenics bullshit and just focused on pure nationalism
>Balkans v T*rks
>T*rks v K*rds
YPG/J are pretty cool for commies and Erdogan is a cunt
>T*rks v Armenians
System of a Down are a good band and Erdogan is a cunt
>T*rks v Greeks
>Israelis v Palestinians
Palestinians but in general the only arabs I particularly sympathize with are the Shia and Maronite christians in Lebanon. Netanyahu is an Erdogan level cunt
>Euros v Native Americans
Latin America - Natives
North America - Euros
>Russia v Polan
>Russia v Ukraine
Cossack fucking shits get fucked
>Catholic v Protestant
ew fucking neither