Weeb fashion thread?
Weeb fashion thread?
wtc punpun and mugen
honestly i'd go for the sadboys shirt
i don't know why but i sort of like pretty much anything that says "sadboys"
i just really fucking like that word for some reason
Sauce on punpun shirt?
did some digging and its ancient saga on teespring
I wish someone would meme those "subtle" vidya/weeb threads. There is no such thing as subtlety when it comes to this cringy shit.
Awesome, thanks!
tyvm user
This one's from shopwithasianstereotypes. The site is pretty dodgy though, so I haven't pulled the trigger yet.
Stop this cancer.
w2c something similar to the one on the right?
love their designs but they often dont even ship the products and dont respond to emails
fuck i want their rei t-shirt but i feel the same way
yeah soz forgot to post link friends
same, that is sweet
>Weeb fashion
I know Veeky Forums is a normalfag board but none of you faggots think this shit looks good right? It's highschool tier edgy shit for spics that wanna mix emo and rap.
i'm fresh outta high school and wanna mix emo and rap. Just because you don't have a hobby that you have a passion for and can wear (or even would look good in) doesn't mean you have to hate on others. I can make anything look good on me and it just so happens that i like anime.
>and it just so happens that i like anime.
Listen here newfaggot go photoshop supreme on naruto characters don't pretend to actually like anime you faggots use it as a mascot die in a trench wanna be faggot
this is actually pretty aesthetic tbqh