Is there a correlation between being Veeky Forums and making a lot of money? I'm very fat but do okay for myself...

Is there a correlation between being Veeky Forums and making a lot of money? I'm very fat but do okay for myself, roughly 60k a year. However, my friends who are jacked seem to be doing much better financially than I am. Any related research?

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>very fat
How fat are you OP? Are we talking walrus fat or orca fat?

somewhere in between. I guess more so like a walrus fat.

Like poundage. Above 250? And what's your height?

well being fit means more confidence and higher attractiveness which make lifeeasier all else being equal

physical fitness reduces the likelihood of health problems and associated costs (unless you do something with a risk of injury) and raises intelligence a bit, I don't think the correlation is strong though

there might be some unseen side effects like raising that mystical normy property called "confidence"

People with better bodies tend to have more self control and ambition, which is how they got those good bodies.

Characteristics like that translate into life in lots of different ways, including financially.

That doesn't mean you have to be Veeky Forums to make money, but that's probably the reason there is a correlation.

Highly driven people work hard in the office, in relationships, and in the gym. Think about you personality failings op, before they cost you your life and the welfare of your colleagues
you fat fuck

Why put Pic of Conan- dude was like mr universe - won all kind of awards for fitness - now he's like 70 and your trashing his body - dude fucked like mad - he "drove his enemies before him heard the Lamentations of their women. Word is he also has a 9inch cock. Fuck you and your fat basement dwelling self - all hail the terminator.

Sorry if you thought I was trolling you. I was just trying to figure out if you're just a little chubby or actually obese.

I actually think there is fat discrimination. Most people are superficial assholes. Even if they don't want admit to others or even themselves.

Seen his kids? Stealth tard gene was laying dormant.


I hate fat people and smokers because social healthcare means I pay for them, I don't want to help people that are leaching off me

Yes, more motivated people with greater self control and goals will often surpass fat fucks.

I don't even work out. Just giving my 2 cents.

As a rule kids are a disappointment. When your great grandfather left his nuts smeared all over Omaha Beach it was the end of the advancement of the gene pool. It's all downhill from here.

As it has already been stated in this thread, it takes discipline, perserverance, drive, good genetics, and a host of other quality characteristics in order to be in peak physical shape consistently. These characteristics are the same required to perform well at almost anything in life.

I believe I read roughly 70% of all millionaires exercise frequently and are average or underweight.

Hell no. I'm in terrible shape, like 30lbs overweight, and I make 200k.

It implies determination and persistence which are good qualities.

It doesn't imply intelligence though, so does not guarantee financial success.

also this

> more energy
> a sign of motivation and discipline
> possibly on a healthier diet

It's not a cause of, but definitely correlates with success in general.

TLDR: Yes.

What's you job and age homeboy?

Yes, there is a high correlation between fitness and earnings. However, there are many studies that suggest that heavy people are more trustworthy than skinny people. By heavy, I think they mean in the "round with a double chin" area, not the "you might collapse this chair" area.

Either way, lose weight. You'll live longer and make more money.

Give up your food addiction tubby. Booze,drugs and hookers are much more acceptable forms of self abuse. Acquire wealth my nigger.

It matters in social careers where appearances are part of the job.

Otherwise it's no big deal of you are fat. That is unless you are like fucking morbidly obese. Then it's gonna make you look bad no matter what your career.

I'd have no problem hiring a chubby person, but would not hire a fatty. They have a problem.

And they fucking smell

Manlets when will they ever learn?