ITT we trigger leftists
Free helicopter ride to you
>summer starts
>Veeky Forums gets raided by /r/Veeky Forums tier posters
Can't be a coincidence. Is this the /b/ Day of Veeky Forums?
I'm leftist and I want my free helicopter ride damnit
You just proved my point, kiddo
I'm capitalist, though
Your memes aren't funny, anyways. Helicopter rides stopped being funny after the first 5-10 times
it must be summer already, please fuck of back to Pol faggot
>dude killing gommies Ecks Dee!!1!
Summer vacation started over a week ago.
What's up with all the Pinochet shitposting in the last few months?
I doubt your average Veeky Forums+/pol/ shitposter would have heard of him before this.
Pinochet's wife was fucking awesome
>Muh venezuela
I know it must be hard for you, since your mother is currently fucking black dudes, but maybe you should find other ways to express you anger, you degenerate insecure faggot.
I'm surprised that some actually took the time to make this. Does this mean that Veeky Forums is just /leftypol/?
Nah I didn't made this I got it from someone else. And wouldn't call Veeky Forums "/leftypol/" Its kinda a mixed of leftist and rightist
Challenge: Name one socialist/commie country that's not shit
It's not just muh venezuela
>muh north korea
>muh USSR
>muh cultural revolution
and sho on and sho on
I didn't think you made this. It just seems like something that a person on Veeky Forums would make in response to helicopter posters. It's like the leftist version of stuff like this.
Well yeah, they're clearly ripping off Fashy goys
The USA after FDR.
>that's not shit
About half of us are regulars on leftypol and/or Veeky Forums
The U.S. after FDR was neither socialist, nor communist, nor great. It was great after Truman.
This board is a liberal dump.
But that goes with the turf of being a """""""""philosophy""""""""" board
The mods aren't the greatest either.
It was literally communist shithole, Truman burned all evidence that has shown how FDR murdered around 20 million Americans and 90 million Europeans, making him the bloodiest dictator ever.
Puppet. Could have had a monkey do the same job.
>20 million Americans dead under FDR
Say what? I hate Roosevelt just as much as the next isolationist but what's this about 20 million dead Americans.
Let's use history
>Paris commune
>Free Territory of Ukraine
>Yugoslavia under Tito
>Hungary under Nagy
>Czechoslovak under dubzek
>People's Republic of Kampuchea(No not the Khmer Rouge, that would be "Democratic" Kampuchea)
>Burkina Faso under Sankara
>Kurdistan(Especially Rojava)
All of these fall because either they got destroyed by bigger opponents, there greatest leader fall, or weren't recognize by most nations.
how is this triggering me?
Shit thread.
Not even his at all but b-tier/int/ tier shit threads with no substance.
>tfw they'll never make a film about the siege of vienna
Shit was pure LoTR
The power of the meme is great. They can spread like wildfire. The average /pol/ shitposter still barely knows who he is
he is the man who saved chile from becoming venezuela
Liberals hate Slavophiles
>Summer starts
>/pol/ tier threads skyrocket
I don't know what I expected.
liberals =/= leftists
Good why don't you fuck off back to /pol/
i forgot to say that i hate turkroaches as much as a /pol/ cuck do
Parisians are a scourge, and no in France agrees with them. They're bullies who try and enforce their will on an unwanting population.
Cultural revolution did nuffin wrong.
>waah why won't /pol/ leave me alone those big meanies
Cuba, right now.
One of the best countries in Latin America.
>Come to Veeky Forums
>Cry about the locals
>Surprised when they tell you to go home.
Truly the Muslims of Veeky Forums.
OK. now compare it to post communist countries
Eh, I'll give you that
I want you to go to your pig pen not because your mean, but because you're generally a group of insufferable idiots. With catch phrases like cuck and degenerate beaten like a dead horse. And
I'm a leftist and honestly, half of this is like you're trying to trigger tankie wannabe-marxists who think the USSR was socialist.
>dont seize the means of production for toilet paper
>be surprised that theres no free toilet paper to give away
Seriously, that's not socialism. That's just being retarded and not seeing that the point of socialism is to seize the means of production, not give away free shit. There are dictatorships that give away shit, or try to, bread and circuses and whatnot. Doesn't make them socialist. If you seized the means of production for toilet paper, it would be pretty simple to make it a post-scarcity good considering consumption of toilet paper is pretty inelastic.
But /pol/lacks are stubborn as mules, you'll never get them to leave.
Hell, you'd be better off going to redd!t
plz tell me you are baiting
>muh untested, untried brand of socialism is the real one!
But they will leave.
When they have to start high-school in a few months.
You have 10 seconds to explain how the USSR was socialist with reference to Marx.
Bonus points: Explain how it is socialist but China is not.
The eternal /pol/lacks is always here, it's just that the zerg rush turns up in summer
>implying they don't shitpost at school on their phones
Explains a lot tbqh.
>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production
Just because my name is Scott doesn't make me a true Scottsman. For some reason Americans think socialism means anything that's not market economy, when a non-market economy isn't even a necessity for socialism.
Why would one compare it to anywhere? The numbers and people who suffered under his rule say enough. Brutal dictator. He's got the edge you need so whatever gets your rocks off faggot. Cool by me I guess.
Communism has been tried.
The USSR however, was not one of those attempts.
My point, you utter mongoloid, is that he might've been the lesser of two evils
Very similar to mules actually... Not only stubborn but stupid. And unable to reproduce, for different reasons, but still. Striking similarities. Give it a few weeks, they get bored and distracted easily.
But he wasn't. Allende would have just been voted out in a couple of years anyway. Pinochet held onto power for well over a decade and fucked the place up.
Moving those goalposts eh comrade?
> they get bored and distracted easily.
You're clearly new, because you don't know /pol/ very well
And in that short period of time, he culd've fucked it up more so . And if he didn't, maybe his success would've
When did I say communism has never been tried?
>might have been the lesser of two evils
That's what your bringing to the table? For reals? Oooooh mongoloid.. Used much less than degenerate. Style points for being a top grade /pol/tard
>he culd've fucked it up more so
I doubt it, in a few years Allende made Chile a bit shit with a big helping hand from the US in that department. In many years Pinochet made Chile diabollically shit both in terms of economics and human rights abuses, despite the US helping prop him up.
Referring to denial man over here
>uh oh he called me a bad word!!!
And yes, he might've been a disaster for Chile but looking at countries like Venezuela makes me think that he was indeed the superior alternative
I must be new...I have hope still
The obscene amount of shit posting over the last few days will die down. Maybe a mod will show up. Until then keep rambling on about a guy who might have been the lesser of two evils.
>The obscene amount of shit posting over the last few days will die down
It won't
>Maybe a mod will show up
>Until then keep rambling on about a guy who might have been the lesser of two evils.
sorry, this
I would rather be Venezuelan and not have enough toilet paper than get sodomized by Pinochet's secret police.
Yeah that's what I thought you quoted.
How do you genuinely believe you can draw comparisons like that? And that bad word hurt muh feelings.
Damn I admire you /pol/acks and your determination to fuck up anything and watch the world burn. Both in real life and on anonymous image boards. Requires serious lack of brain activity. Wonder you guys remember to breathe.
They only sodomized commies.
Are you a godless commie, user?
In real life life is never black vs white, but if it stops the spread of communism then I'll call it a necessary sacrifice and leave it at that
>Are you a godless commie, user?
>getting mad about muh shitposts on a mongolian shadowpuppetry imageboard
You mean socialism. Communist society has never been achieved. Communism as a movement and ideology is an attempt to reach communist society.
Marxism, communism, socialism, Sovietism, and markets are distinct concepts.
Marxism is an analysis of capitalism, and capitalism includes markets by definition. Marxism is also an umbrella term for Marxist though which includes a wide array of ideas.
Communism is the end goal of Marxist thought, which is meant to ultimately resolve the inherent contradictions of capitalism, and requires post-scarcity industry and all needs for everyone are easily met. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" Although it sounds like you'd be forced to work, the meaning of work is entirely different in a post-scarcity economy. This is also known as rainbows and unicorns.
Socialism is the temporary stepping stone, which by definition requires a democratic government, in order to have democratic ownership and control over the means of production. According to classical Marxist historiography, it is meant to be the stage after well developed capitalism, not an alternative to capitalism any more than capitalism is an alternative for feudalism. Socialism does not require anti-market policies, only the prevention of the private control and ownership of capital. The distribution ideal is "To each according to his contribution" rather than to each how much he can extract due to ownership of capital and such.
Sovietism was the policies enacted by the USSR and satellite states mostly under Stalin, which were largely undemocratic and anti-market, with centralized command economies and based in large on antagonism towards the West.
Dirty ideologue. But at least you know it. Not so bad for a /pol/tard.
For shame
>They only sodomized commies.
>Are you a godless commie, user?
even your own media say that pinochet was a scumbag who violated human rights.....i hope they later admit that those moderate beheaders in syria are a cancer too
Too many words for a /pol/ack user. Also words with more than eight letters should be avoided. Needs a pinch of ad hominem too. Gotta speak their pidgin language, you know?
Markets are a price setting mechanism to deal with scarcity of goods, resources, and labor. It does not exist in communism, at least not in the conventional sense, as there is no scarcity in communism. They may or may not exist in socialism. Socialism does not mean command economy, and there is such a thing as market socialism. For capitalism, markets and private ownership of capital are defining aspects. From the beginning, Adam Smith, largely recognized as the father of modern market economics except by fringe Austrians, admitted markets were not perfect and could easily be influenced by economic privilege and imperfect.
>Paris commune
>>Free Territory of Ukraine
Kek even harder
King of the keks
>>Yugoslavia under Tito
A shithole know is something to be proud of.Kek
>>Hungary under Nagy
Shithole that made Hungry poor as fuck
>>Czechoslovak under dubzek
Czechoslovakia went from being as wealthy as Austria to being poorer than Portugal.Thank you based socialism
>>People's Republic of Kampuchea(No not the Khmer Rouge, that would be "Democratic" Kampuchea)
No clue.Probably a shithole
>>Burkina Faso under Sankara
>>Kurdistan(Especially Rojava)
This examples are borderline pathetic