He was actually pretty based

He was actually pretty based

CSA wanted to turn America into an English spesking Brazil

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CSA was the most idiotic thing. Practically none of the seceding states held any referendum, and the couple that did had massive, MASSIVE voter intimidation. The CSA had to draft like crazy just to fight, because few wanted to fight that ridiculous war waged purely for slave owners (who were a tiny fraction of the Southern population), and the North didn't have to follow suit to keep up until years later, which would be the first time in history the U.S. used the draft.

Abraham Lincoln was absolutely based. Shame his family didn't blossom into a dynasty.

>Abraham Lincoln was absolutely based. Shame his family didn't blossom into a dynasty.
Monarchism is the most un-American thing in the universe.

>North didn't have to follow suit to keep up until years later

Both sides started drafting in 1862, fuckhead.

Political dynasties are pretty American though

The Union drafted more people than the Confederate States

Almost all white folks in the North did not support the Civil War nor the Union, most people didn't care about slaves, just Rabbi Lincoln

The Union act only authorized state draft for states who failed quota, the Confederate act drafted everyone between 18 and 35 (exempting anyone who owned twenty or more slaves), extended to 17 and 50 by 1864. The union didn't pass such an act until 1863.

The South didn't just get fussy over having slavery, they seceded because the North wouldn't support slavery. For instance, one of their non-ngeociaable demands in the days leading up to the secession, was that all Northern states would compel return of escaped slaves. This, however, fell short of their main demand, which was that there be an amendment to the Constitution recognizing slavery.

The CSA were traitors. The United States was built on treason against the king (pic related), and the CSA managed to go further and commit treason against the abstract nation that took the king's place.

So? Given the difference in available manpower between them, it's amazing the North needed a draft at all, let alone so soon after the South started doing it.

The South drafted every able bodied male who didn't own a ton of slaves. Sure they had a smaller population, but that's still an awful lot of manpower to combat with purely volunteers

>treason against the king
That's not treason.
That's glory.

That's objectively treason. Just because you find treason glorious, does not preclude it being treason.

Your posts are treason to serious discussion.

Still treason though.

IMO Reconstruction didn't go nearly far enough. The Radical Republicans were totally right to treat the South as a breakaway province, and even then they were too kind.

White southerners should have been forced to pay a portion of their income to the federal government for a hundred years to pay for the Civil War. They should have been forced to retake oaths of loyalty to the union, and every Southern soldier should have been branded in the aftermath of the surrender at Appomattox. They should have been conscripted into chain gangs and forced to rebuild both Southern and Northern cities.

Basically they should have been knuckled under. They should have been treated like the conquered people they were. Northerners should have treated Southerners like the British treated the Irish. They should have been stooped and broken, made into a whipped and conquered people. Maybe if they had been, America wouldn't be such a mess these days.

I've always fantasized about a southern version of the IRA. Almost makes me wish your proposition came to pass.

Too bad he died before he was able to get the majority of Africans to repatriate to Africa(or anywhere but here) as he desperately wanted.

Maybe JW Booth's most vicious act in retaliation for the war was to curse America with free blacks for all time.

>import 400,000
>now are 40,000,000
And what a joy they are.

Yes lets treat the south exactly how Germany was treated post WWI, since that turned out wonderful.

>South, PLEASE rebel again and take this universal justification too

So that they elect a nutcase who leads them to another war with the North, where they lose again but this time get blasted back into the stone age and permanently shamed from ever thinking the Confederacy or slavery was a good idea ever again?

Germany had to burn for it to be reborn and is now the pinnacle of European democracy and capitalism. Shame the South has yet to accomplish much past the Confederacy aside from College Football dynasties, barbecue and hilariously backward living caricatures. The North was too soft.

Merkel please, it's too early to be b8posting

The plan would've had super big issues.
Vast majority of Blacks did not want to leave and wanted to be equal citizens along with the colonization pilot projects being a total failure.

Stating another conflict is not a good idea especially one that turns you into the bad guy.

Should have put more effort in educating and integrating blacks instead of subjecting them to Jim Crow segregation and institutional racism for 100 years. But you already made up your mind, blacks are inherently inferior so why bother making them respectable members of society? Revisionists and racist apologists say this shit when they damn well know they did not do a damn to stop it so they look back and say "why haven't the blacks progressed?" Slavery and segregation reaped what it sowed.

And get to fry dixie twice? I'll take these odds

With malice toward none and charity for all, dickhead.

because a few hundred thousand more deaths in a guerilla war over cultural practices would totally be worth it? Racism was thoroughly woven not just into Southern culture but American culture as a whole, and it had support from the scientific community at the time.

>Germany had to burn for it to be reborn and is now the pinnacle of European democracy and capitalism.

Gonna have to troll harder than that shit son.

You don't seem to understand that the North dictated how the Gov'ts of the south were run post civil war, but did little to nothing to help blacks to ensure that they would be given an equal standing post reconstruction.

The fact is the North as a whole was only slightly less racist in its polices with black people than the southerners were at the time.

>le no arguments answer

Remember kids, it's not slavery if they're drafted FOB immigrants!


How was he "pretty based"? What he did was the definition of going with the flow.

Where did you read this? It isn't correct, so I'm curious as to what your source is.

They seceded because they didn't have the North's support in expanding slavery. Do you know how many letters there are written by Lincoln condoning slavery, or at least saying, "No senpai we won't touch your slaves just come with us"?

>a bunch of poor peasant farmers would die just to see rich people have slaves

>The CSA were traitors. The United States was built on treason against the king (pic related), and the CSA managed to go further and commit treason against the abstract nation that took the king's place.

All revolutions are illegitimate until force and time makes it so. The Cuban exiles in Florida may still be salty, but at this point the Cuban government is legitimate, so that's that.

But even being slightly less racist made all the difference. Northern Blacks are noticeably more educated and wealthier than Blacks in the Southern US.

The South fucked up hard by enforcing Jim Crow bullshit instead of just integrating the slave populace as best they could have.

>Almost all white folks in the North did not support the Civil War nor the Union, most people didn't care about slaves, just Rabbi Lincoln

baseless claim because the Republican Party was founded on the Abandonment of the Whig Party and Free Soil Party (Which anti slavery was a huge platform for them) and placed for John C Fremont AKA The Pathfinder in 1856 who carried a majority of the Northern Vote and lost only because of the Know-nothing Party splitting the vote. His platform in 1856 "Free Soil, Free Men, and Fremont." It is self evident that the initial founding of the Republican Party was anti-slavery. This Northern Carry again happened in 1860.

John C Fremont established the first emancipation of Slaves in the West in 1860/61.

John Bigelow, Nathaniel P. Banks, and Henery Wilson were also advocates of anti-slavery.

As for support for the Civil War in the North, in the early years recruitment was easy like all wars with an established Casus Belli (Or perceived if you're a southernboo) but like all war as it edges on War Exhaustion becomes a real thing as prevalent in Vietnam, WW II, Iraq War 2.0, Afghanistan War, Rhodesian Bush War,French-Algerian War, War of the 3rd Coalition etc.

This war exhaustion lead to draft riots in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In order to make quota, one can easily say the Emancipation Proclamation was used to boost recruitment numbers by adding blacks to the recruitment list.


you're an ignorant faggot who needs to read more.

>but like all war as it edges on War Exhaustion

Are you really going to call the largest race riot in US history the result of mere "war fatigue?"