Historically, what were the major differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardi life, culture, and thought?
How were the two populations perceived by each other, before and after 1948?
Historically, what were the major differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardi life, culture, and thought?
How were the two populations perceived by each other, before and after 1948?
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Ashkenazi like to poison wells, kidnap children, promote communism, lie about genocide, degenerate europe, promote immigration, and produce pornography, Sephardi are like them but more swarthy, that's all I know but I'm interested in learning more about their culture
What exactly are Shepardi Jews? I know what Ashkenazi Jews and where they're from but who are the Shepardi? Are they Jews who stayed in the Mediterranean?
Sephardim are much more lax even in their orthodoxy. Frum Ashkenazim love to be perceived as the most devout by making stupid shit up like Kitniyot.
Ashis make the assumption that they are the definitions of Judaism and jewry and everyone else deviates with their "lazy" warm weather traditions.
Both are kinda crap to me but they run the rest of us.
To start this off, both Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews viewed each other as basically cousins from the same kin. They were geographically separated groups with various admixtures from local intermarriage whose origins are closely tied to periods of migration before and after the diaspora started centuries ago.
Sephardi Jews were from Spain and N Africa and retained much of the Mediterranean culture and aesthetics of early Judaism. There are differences in customs and pronunciation of certain Hebrew words between Sephardi and Ashkenazi, but as far as theological, many significant Jewish scholars were Sephardi whose influence was widespread. The easiest explanation for Sephardic origin was the large number of Jewish slaves in the Roman Empire as well as travelling merchants. This places Sephardi Jews ahead of Ashkenazi in some ways as they were already well established in Mediterranean society BEFORE Judea was destroyed and the Diaspora officially began.
After the expulsion in 1492, many Sephardi Jews fled to North Africa, where they picked up Berber and Islamic customs, bridging the gap with Mizrahi (Arabic Jews) already present. Some Sephardis made it to the Americas in the 16th century escaping the Inquisition, while others merged back with Ashkenazis living in central Europe. Southern Europe was typically Sephardic, while from Germany eastwards Jews were Askhenazi.
Sephardi Jews spoke Ladino, basically medieval Spanish with Hebrew characters, while Ashkenazis spoke Yiddish, basically Middle German with Hebrew. Mizrahis spoke Hebrew, Arabic or Aramaic, which was still spoken among the various non-Arabic minorities living in the Middle East.
Ashkenazi Jews are literally the Aryan race of Jews.
Ashkenazi Jews have historically possessed the most power in Israel despite a growing majority of Israeli Jews being Sephardi/Mizrahi. They are also the most wealthy and influential in religious aspects (Jews Jewing Jews). Fortunately (or unfortunately, if you subscribe to "white genocide" hysteria), brown skinned Levantine/Mediterranean Israeli Jews are rapidly outbreeding pale European Askenazi Jews. All part of the greater Jewish plot to exterminate the white race :^)
>But /pol/ told me Jews aren't white!
I got a DNA ancestry test done on my blond haired Ashkenazi Khazar Slav Jew self
>88% (seig heil) European
>12% Near Eastern (oy)
According to tumblr, that makes me white and I have white privledge, but especially over other Jews.
From my experience difference is Ashkenazis are genuinely horrible people and Sephardics are based and laid back
>making stupid shit up like Kitniyot.
This makes me rage having grown up with Jewish customs. Passover was hell since I was raised with the bullshit that anything with corn syrup, preservatives or gluten was forbidden - things the ancient Hebrews had no knowledge of and are far from "leavened" bread. They then make you buy the gross expensive Kosher for Passover version of these products. Its a Jewish conspiracy I tell you.
It's almost as if European genetics are superior to goatfucker genetics
>Ashkenazis are genuinely horrible people and Sephardics are based and laid back
Haredim are literally the ISIS of Jews. Not gonna bash the rest of Ashkenazi Jewry because I am one but you are basically correct, I hate more Ashkenazi Jews than I like. Sephardim can be cool but they can also be sleazy Italian slimeballs. If Mizrahim and Palestinians are genetic brothers, than Islam must truly be fucked because Arab Mizrahi are the nicest, most chill Jews with the best food and customs. I don't think I have ever seen a Mizrahi get angry and blow up a bus, must be the Islam.
Kek, and Jewish genetics are superior white genetics. Success breeds jealousy. Just look at the IQ test charts /pol/ likes to spam, Ashkenazi jews are carrying white's scores. Whites only victory is being better than niggers and mexicans.
In effect, yes.
Sephardim lived in Spain for several centuries, before being expelled in the 15th century. Most of them fled to North Africa (particularly Tunisia and Egypt), but substantial numbers of Spanish settled in England, the Netherlands, and Italy.
Most American Jews, before the influx of German Jews in the 1850s and Russian Jews in the 1890s, were English Sephardim. The oldest synagogue in New York City (ironically a modern-day mecca of Ashkenazi culture) is Sephardi.
Judah P. Benjamin, Emma Lazarus, and Benjamin Cardozo are great examples of the English Sephardim who arrived in America much earlier than the Ashkenazi migrants, but left a substantial mark on US history.
Aren't Sephardim considered "more spiritual" or whatever? Ie, closer to God, even if less observant than Ashkenazi Orthodox.
What Mizrahi community existed outside of Egypt and the Levant? I had no idea there was a medieval or ancient tradition of Jewish habitation along the North African coast.
I think Bukharian Jews can be considered Mizrahi, Georgian Jews (they had/have communities that dated back to the fall of the 1st temple) Persian Jews
How the fuck do you quantify being spiritual based on ethnic group
ashkenazi and sefardis bothbshare the same roman-era converts ancestry. their dna is veey similar and they differentiate from babylonian jews who descend from israelites
although both come from roman converts. sefardis remained in italy and spain, while aahkenazis split to form huge communities in germania.
and many ahskenazis actually are crypto-sefardis, since sefards sought refuge in ashkenazic communities after their explusion from spain.
tldr aahkenazis are sefards who are themselves italians
boho (buharyan) and giorjis are babylonian jews they have no ancestral connection with sefards and ashkenazis who are roman converts
I'm talking about perception
This is really stupid on so many levels.
>mfw ladino literally means cunning and mischievous in spanish
>Ashkenazies are Sephardic Jews who migrated north and adopted Yiddish
>ashkenazi jews also mixed with berber/spanish converts (sephardic)
based on a DNA test, part of Netanyahu family is descended from Berbers who converted to Judaism
>Benjamin Netanyahu, who everyone was certain was a "pure" Ashkenazi, revealed Tuesday that part of his family tree hails from Berber tribes
Netanyahu explained this by saying, "my brother, Ido, is a writer and physician. People who write family trees based on DNA tests approached him. Their thesis was that Lithuanian Jews, and we are from a Lithuanian family who were descendants of the Vilna Gaon, have Berber roots."
Indeed, Ido Netanyahu had his saliva tested, and the test revealed that part of Netanyahu's family are of Sephardic ancestry.
>Low German. (Low Saxon), formerly used as the vernacular by Sephardim around Hamburg and Altona in Northern Germany, is also no longer in use as a specifically Jewish vernacular.
>According to Rabbi David Kimchi (1160–1235), in his commentary on Obadiah 1:20, Ṣarfat and Sepharad, both, refer to the Jewish captivity (Heb. galut) expelled during the war with Titus and who went as far as the countries Alemania (Germany)
>(Circa 1400s-1800s) Once Sephardics arrived in the Netherlands, Italy, northern Germany, England, Poland, Belarus and southern Russia, did they rejoin the Jewish (Ashkenazi) community
I thought American Jewry started in Rhode Island where they came along with the slaves.
actually started much earlier in Brazil and Carribeans, Curacao
also Cristobal Colon (Colombus) was a crypto-Jew a Sefardos
There have been Sefardi Jews in what is now Brazil since the first Portuguese arrived in the country in 1500, notably Mestre João and Gaspar da Gama who arrived in the first ships.
Luis de Carabajal y Cueva, a Spanish conquistador and Sefardi converso first was in what is now Texas in 1570
Ashkenzai are all turks that converted for trade purposes. Then later they moved to central europe and mixed with the germanics and slavs.
Episcopalians have a higher average IQ than Jews. Also non-Jewish whites score better on the SAT & ACT
>Kek, and Jewish genetics are superior white genetics.
You did not get what I'm saying. Mizrahim (nearly pure Jews) are way dumber than Ashkenazim (Jews who bred with Europeans).
Fun Fact: judaism is the only major religion that has reformed itself without wars
instead they the reformers or the traditionalists just move. to be parasites in some new christian or muslim land.
How many modern Jews are actually devout?
How many of them follow the Mosaic Law, as they should? How many of them honestly listen to their rabbis?
I seem to as a Christian receive an awful lot of shit from Jews who aren't practicing. And when I do, I wonder: why should I listen to these atheists, these people who know nothing of God? What do they have to say to me?
So, how many modern Jews practice their ancestral religion?
>I seem to as a Christian receive an awful lot of shit from Jews
lol, I bet tiger
weird facts:
Jews claim ancestry from a pimp and his prostitute. Abraham pimped his wife Sarah to many different men, including the pharoah.
Arabs claim ancestry from Abraham's sex slave Hagar.
Judah did not consent, and in response Tamer deceives Judah into having intercourse with her by being a prostitute whom Judah sought
King David was born in Bethlehem, in the territory of the Tribe of Judah. His grandfather was Obed, whose mother was the Moabite Ruth and whose grandmother was the former prostitute Rahab
The only one I can think of who actually practices his ancestral religion is Brother Nathaniel.
All others are spiritually enslaved by their heretic rabbis.
>Fun Fact: judaism is the only major religion that has reformed itself without wars
We were too busy getting kicked out, killed and being used as a scapegoat for centuries to bother picking violent sectarian battles among ourselves. Being expelled from one shtetl to another forced communities to moderate their religious doctrine to accommodate the newcomers. This, and the gradual process of assimilation quite bloodlessly split Judaism into increasingly more liberal sects. Only in big cities in politically stable regions could orthodox Jews enforce any sort of rigid doctrine on their regional community, as they could refuse newcomers and had the religious authority to dictate rulings. With Israel established, sectarian lines are being drawn up, pitting the secular and reform versus the modern orthodox versus the ultra orthodox versus the super duper Haredi orthodox. This creates an awkward situation, where Israel is simultaneously the most gay friendly nation in the Middle East while home to the only fundamentalist Jewish sects in the world.
Ashkenazi Judaism in particular had schisms in religious schools or Yeshivot, often over customs or interaction with secular affairs. Hasidic and Haredi Jews might be lumped together as "frum" and both dress like your stereotypical black hatted sidelock wearing Jew, but the two groups were at odds for centuries. Some other issues within Judaism that caused schisms/debate was the tradition of showing reverence to great spiritual leaders or Rabbis (sort of like saint worship in Catholicism). Some Jews were more spiritual and focused energy on Kabbalah, while others were more into studying doctrine and customs. Nothing riles a bunch of Jews up than someone treating a Minhag (custom) as Halakha (law), but some orthodox do anyways.
Being Jewish is self loathing
Do you follow the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles, christcuck?
PROTIP: Orthodox Jews rage about atheism constantly being the cancer killing Judaism and responsible for assimilation and intermarriage. Makes you think :)
>(nearly pure Jews) are way dumber than Ashkenazim (Jews who bred with Europeans).
Funny how I have blond hair and green eyes, and my Jewish heritage on both sides of my family can be traced back in Europe as far as the 1700's when the Austrian Empire gave them last names. Until my grandparents generation they were religiously devout and thus didn't allow converts so intermarriage must have happened a lot further back. By this logic, I am a pure Jew with superior European genetics of distant, unspecified origin. One drop rule makes therefore me white :)
So is "Jewish mixed with European" a one drop rule, making my family of doctors and Phds is a
damn phone makes shitposting hard
ashkenazis and sefardis are not descendant from Hebrews. They are both Roman converts. this includes Syrian Jews as well.
so ashkoz (ashis/sefards) are literally gentiles
The hair curls look so fucking stupid. No god with good aesthetics could come up with that.
Only because we historically didn't have the means to wage war. Tbh if history had gone differently and Israel had stayed Jewish, we'd probably be just another violent Middle Eastern Country
The Mideast isn't violent because of Islam. It's always been violent, but recently the rest of the world has comparatively become more peaceful.
which test? All pure-blooded Jews I know who have done a 23andMe showed up as 100% Ashkenazi
Wait what? I was always thought that Chassidim are a Charedi subgroup.
Have I been memed?
The Ashkenazi ethnicity is natively heterogeneous.
I'm saying if you (that guy?) Showed up as 88% non-jewish european than he definitely isn't 100% Ashkenazi
There are wayyyy too many levantine y-dna haplogroups in Ashkenazi Jews to make them fully European, what is more likely, and what is commonly accepted, is that a number of mostly single Jewish men intermarried within a European population.
>post yfw Veeky Forums is a jewish version of /pol/
/pol/ = red pilled natsoc
/his = blue pilled communist sympathizers
Welcome to Marxist education.
That's funny and not too off the mark
Last poll showed us as 18% "other" religion, which is all Jewish or Asian religions. And I'm sure many of the 40% atheists/agnostics are Jewish
Remove 'hispanic' whites, and just include Germans and North europeans, you'll end up seeing who the real whites are.
Its just that Jewish culture puts a very high premium on education.
the j haplogroup is common to europeans and is not exclusive to ashkenazis. this j group is part of neolothic farmers.
aahkenazis and sefardis both group with italians genetically and are identical to them
babylonian jews are genetically unrelatee to ashos/sefas
ashkenazi is a subethnic group of italian
it has distinct markers that are used to classify your dna as such.
>communist sympathizers
wew lad.
The Sephardim were the strongest faction in Europe prior to the Spanish expulsion in 1492. Jewish intelligence comes from their own genes, not barbarian European ones, even in the Ashkenazim.
Israel never played a major role in Jewish history, believe it or not. Even prior to Nebuchadnezzar enslaving the Jewish people they were in diaspora, and many of the wealthy elites never left Babylon after Cyrus freed them. Jews have always been most represented in cosmopolitan trading centers, like New York City and London today.
This board is at least 30% Marxian
>spanish converts
I get the feeling that Marx is a bit better understood on this board, and people correct the /pol/tards who belch out their arguments here. But really, defending Marx is less common than ripping on illiterates for not having read whom they are criticizing.
ashkenazis did stuff to pull themselves out of their situation and to make a better life for all jews. sephardi and mizrachi Jews sat back because they weren't under attack at the time.
Marxian economics is fine to an extent, but socially Marxism is pretty bad to be quite honest here, my fellow Veeky Forumstorians.
My sides
Didn't the Turks take in a lot of Sephardi jews in during/after the Spanish expulsion? I think Sarajevo had it population be 20% jews at one point.
Which levels?
>sephardic jews are berber/spanish converts
Medieval Arab writers ascribed the ancestry of the Berbers to *Goliath the Philistine and maintained their Canaanite origin. The Phoenician colonization of Africa, the long Carthaginian domination, and the survival of Punic, a language closely related to Hebrew, supported these legends which spread among the Berbers themselves. Similar tales are found in the writings of Greek and Latin authors and in the Talmud which spread the legend that the Canaanites immigrated of their own free will to North Africa. It is said that the survivors of the Jewish revolt in *Cyrenaica (115–116 C.E.) found refuge among the Berbers of Western *Libya . Scholars have frequently claimed that the Jews' desire to proselytize found a favorable atmosphere among the Berbers from the first to the seventh centuries. African Christianity, whose early converts were Jews, clashed with Jewish proselytism. Archaeological discoveries, epigraphs, and writings of the Christian scholars Tertullian and St. Augustine, indignant at the growing Berber conversions to Judaism, attest to these facts. The persecutions by the Byzantines forced Jews to settle among the Berbers in the mountain and desert regions. Ibn Khaldun confirmed the existence of a large number of proselyte Berbers at the time of the Arab conquest of Africa.
Ashkenazi have inbred so long that they form a unique subgroup within the Italian cluster
distinct genetic markers appear within this essentially Italian population
it is similar to Irish Travellers inbred so long to form a distinct subgroup within the Irish cluster
In 2011 an analysis of DNA from 40 Travellers was undertaken at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin and the University of Edinburgh. The study provided evidence that Irish Travellers are a distinct Irish ethnic minority, who separated from the settled Irish community at least 1000 years ago; the claim was made that they are as distinct from the settled community as Icelanders are from Norwegians.[33] Irish Travellers "left no written record of their own" and their families do not date back to the same point in time; some families adopted Traveller customs centuries ago, while others did so more recently.[34] It is unclear how many Irish Travellers would be included in this distinct ethnic group at least from a genetic perspective.
there were many civil wars amongst the early Hebrews and later with the second temple Jews.
The Kingdom of Israel was split apart because of these wars.
King David destroyed various Jewish tribes and went to war with the other Jewish kingdom.
during the 2nd temple, there was a Jewish conflct between Pharisees (talmudists/rabbinicals), Saducees (non-talmudists/original Jews). Jews again fought eachother.
The talmudists won that war. and it continues in various forms...
Ashkenazi force the ancient Jewish traditions of Italians, Mizrahi, Sephardics to be replaced with German goth tradition:
>Italian Judaism as we have known it for centuries is slowly disappearing,” said Toaff. “We're just becoming a bad copy of the Ashkenazi Jews
the sad part is that the Ashkenazi goths are wiping out entire ancient Hebrew communities.
The goths ruin and destroy the rich, vibrant, joyous and ancient communities.
After the goths make an appearance in their community the ancient Italkim, Karaim etc just abandon their religion and identity, entirely. The entire community dissolves. They have no interest in the Ashkenazi goth stuff.
there is no tolerance of other traditions and customs by Ashkenazis. they are very missionary and forceful to other communities.
they forced so many ancient communities to go extinct and adopt the black-garb gothisms.
the majority of religious Jews are under direct domincation and authority of Ashkenazi organizations
why dont people call them out as heretics?
talmudism is in opposition to the fundamentals of the Torah.
The Torah states, "You shall not add to the word that I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHVH, your God, which I command you." (Deut 4:2)
2nd Temple Jewish groups:
Sadducees (from Tzadik aka the Wise ones) were a continuation of 1st Temple Judaism and followed the original religion of Ancient Israel. Sadducees were the intelligent class, consisting of educated and scholared leaders.
Pharisees (heretical revisionists) your average low-class uneducated street hustlin peddlers, merchants - the common wankers. The Zealots/Sicarii were part of this group of uneducated plebs who made many persistent and violent attempts to remove the educated Sadducees and replace the original Jewish laws with their own revisionism (talmudism/rabbinism).
Ashekenazi are Europeans that converted to Judaism and married some Jews that migrated to Europe 2000 years ago and basically are European but made up a word because the Catholic church tried to make Jews seem like a whole different people.
Sephardic Jews are just Jews from the Middle East.
You're basically asking what's the different between an Arab and a German.
Interdasting if true. What are your best sources for these claims?
Does sasha baron Cohen resemble a Jew or an Arab more?
Arab but he's an outlier
they're both semites
You are now aware of an even cooler group of Jews, the Romaniotes. These guys are truly ancient.
Customs for how they celebrate holidays are slightly different. Simple things like whether they traditionally eat apples or pomegranates. Overall there aren't huge differences.
Even though they are geographically separated there does seem to be some communication. Maimonides is considered one of the greatest scholars in Ashkenazi tradition and he was Sephardi. As others have said, there does seem to be evidence that Sephardim traveled to and joined Ashkenazi communities at various points.
As far as I know they don't hate each other, when the state of Israel was created that became a haven for all Jews and Jews worldwide came there to build a new life together. They're all family in the great diaspora.
I thought it was obvious that genetics had little to do with why Islamists are fucked?
Abrahamic religions just plain don't work. Judaism is relatively peaceful because it never got too powerful and was mostly oppressed everywhere. Christianity only got better when it got too weak to exert any real control on people. Islam is extremely powerful on its areas of influences and such areas are ridden with conflicts, both internal and with their neighbors, regardless of genetics and geography.
Also, most middle eastern people are really friendly, it's just that it's the crazies the ones that get into power more easily.
Love the pseudo-exorasson, staff and other eastern clerical clothing inspired things in their outfits.
>Judaism is relatively peacefu
But it is when you compare it to Christianity (at the height of its power) and Islam.
As a (culturally christian atheist descendant of) Sephardi Jew(ish converts that remained in Spain during the exile but ended up migrating towards the New World eventually), and fan of Iron Man from before the movies, I'm happy about your picture, OP.
Go back to /pol/
>also Cristobal Colon (Colombus) was a crypto-Jew a Sefardos
*He might be
Lets get something straight.
Orthodox judiams in its contemporary form is a result of the enlightenment and modernity.
Orthodox jews are the branch of jews who rejected modernity, innvested themselves in spirituality, and became much more ascetic then jews before them.
On the other side of the spectrum are the secular jews, like most of the early zionists.
They accepted modernity and were part of the break with spirituality that swept Europe.
And of course there are what are now known as religious zionists that accept modern understandings but still believe in god and the idea that through human actions they can bring about salvation.
sicilian, greek, italian
Only because their numbers were always small and they never had the means to wage proper war,and when they did,right after they got holocausted they immediatly carried out holocaust on palestinians.
Sephardic Jews are Jews of Spain and Maghreb who later migrated due to expulsions. They settled all over Europe, Asia and Americas.
They encountered non-Talmud Bnei Israel in Asia and converted them to Sefardism (adopting talmud and Spanish laws)
Prior to encountering Spanish Jews, the Jews of Transcaucasia, Persia, and Central Asia followed the original ancient Israelite religion (no talmud, no kabala, no babylonian mysticisms etc); much like the Ethiopian, Karaites, and Indian Jews.
The Bnei Israel of Asia experienced Sefardization and later Ashkenization.
Today they follow Sefardic religion, but many came under the influence of chabad, hasids and ashkenazis.
the Italkim are similar to Romaniotes, and have been vanishing due to domination by Ashkenazim
see >Italian Judaism as we have known it for centuries is slowly disappearing,” said Toaff. “We're just becoming a bad copy of the Ashkenazi Jews
Hasids are Haredis!
Hasids are a continuation of Sabbateans. They adapted their movement to overcome the failures of Sabbatai,
>implying Veeky Forums isn't slowly evolving into /pol2/
Ah yes, all Mediterranean peoples, such as the Jews!
Some Palestinians look quite similar as well.
>Early Zionists were religious
Disregard that what happened to the Palestinians/what is happening is not a genocide or Holocaust, you really need to do some research on the early Zionist movement
>used as a scapegoat.
Chaim please, we specifically chose to be considered the kings property so we wouldn't get killed for exploiting retarded eurotrash.
It wasn't a global meme to blame the jews, but at the same time I make no apologies for our exploiting barely literate "nobels".
>all swarthy complexions
the swarthy phenotype is not proof of genetic relations. it is superficial and is shared amongst various unrelated peoples.
although Spanish, Italian, Greeks, Armenians, Circassians, Georgians, Azeris, Persians, Sephards, Turks, and some Ashkenazi share a similar phenotype (dark hair, dark eyes, big nose, hairy), there is a clear genetic separation between these major swarthy Caucasoid groups, ie they are not genetically related.
in one genetic cluster we have the following related groups:
Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Ashkenazis, Sephardis
in another unrelated genetic cluster we have:
Armenians, Persians, Georgians, Circassians, Azeris, Persian Jews, Assyrians, Kurds
note that Ashkenazis and Sephardics are both Roman converts
actually, a pure Ashkenazi would be swarthy and look just like their Italian ancestors
The white Ashkenazis are the result of German-Slav sperm
look yourself and the mirror and say you aint a guido
But that's exactly what I wrote, faggot.
>Judaism is relatively peaceful because it never got too powerful and was mostly oppressed everywhere.
Stop being so triggered and read the whole thing before reacting.
Holy shit, Hitler was Jewish after all
Why would a gentile speak Hebrew?
He looks very Italian. Nobody in my family is that swarthy
his lastname was cohen
>I make no apologies for our exploiting barely literate "nobels".
Oh the irony
Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, or modern-day Italy, yet Columbus spoke Spanish fluently, perhaps indicating that the Columbus family was originally from Spain. Spanish-speaking refugees were numerous in mid-15th century Genoa as Jewish families fled the Spanish Inquisition. It's also known that the family profession was weaving, a traditionally Jewish profession at the time, Brinkmann says, and that Jewish given names like Abraham and Jacob were common in the family of Columbus' mother.
Letters and journals attributed to Columbus are studded with references to Jewish scripture and dates from the Jewish calendar, and it is noted that Columbus selected many Jews and conversos—Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to escape persecution—as astrologers, navigators, and translators in his crew.
Columbus always wrote in Spanish, and occasionally included Hebrew in his writing, and referenced the Jewish High Holidays in his journal during the first voyage.
Simon Wiesenthal postulates that Columbus was a Sephardi (Spanish Jew), careful to conceal his Judaism yet also eager to locate a place of refuge for his persecuted fellow countrymen. Wiesenthal argues that Columbus' concept of sailing west to reach the Indies was less the result of geographical theories than of his faith in certain Biblical texts—specifically the Book of Isaiah. He repeatedly cited two verses from that book: "Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them," (60:9); and "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth" (65:17). Wiesenthal claimed that Columbus felt that his voyages had confirmed these prophecies.[85]