Lol bitcoin rises $130 in a week and there's hardly any threads on biz
Nocoiners salty and in denial general
Lol bitcoin rises $130 in a week and there's hardly any threads on biz
Nocoiners salty and in denial general
bitcoin is a joke get over it
the fuck are your talking about. i already hid 3 of them. coinshills are the worst. endless fucking threads. at least stock pumpers keep it in one thread.
and you're legit fucking stupid if you can't see that USD dropped a fuckton against all currencies due to the job report. USD/CAD dropped dropped 53 basis points in a single minute. woulda made an easy $1500 with 10k leveraged 40:1 with an existing short position. and if you were a genius and held short for another hour, it would have been a $5000 gain.
seriously fuck off. there's no need to spam your shillthreads. it's now gotten to the point that i'm adding coinshilling terminology to my filters.
Oh my spleen.
Damn dude check your blood pressure you don't sound healthy, I can see your veins popping out of your forehead from here
So you a little upset bitcoin is doing well lately champ?
Top kek nocoiners witnessed some extreme bantz and a nocoiner probably had a heart attack
Nocoiners terrified to shitposts now!
I pretty much agree with the guy you're responding to. When bitcoin is down you spam threads about how it is going to go back up. When bitcoin is up you spam more threads as if to gloat about how unbelievable your foresight is (not too impressive when bitcoin can only go in 1 of 2 directions). Honestly, people like me that dont buy bitcoin dont care if it goes up or down. I dont know why you think we do. The people that do care just hide the bitcoin threads anyways so I'm not sure exactly who you are addressing.
why even come here if you dont care about crypto?
Veeky Forums was created because of crypto
Nocoiners, much like manlets, will never learn.
Sounds like you're just experiencing ass pain from hearing about bitcoin long ago but dismissing it like a retard
You wouldn't have bothered typing that short story if you weren't mildly upset the price of bitcoin is increasing and you hold zero
Gentlemen, I present to you,
the face of bitcoin:
Bitcoin: totally legit.
Yeah and it's a face that's laughing at nocoiners and high-flying other bitcoin holders
What's your point, "gentleman"
It may have been created because of crypto but it is not just a crypto board. I skim past the crypto threads and can catch some good tidbits of information here and there in the other threads. Mind you, that doesnt happen very often but there are some interesting reads sometimes. The crypto threads are actually pretty boring, however. They go something like this:
>trumpcoin to the moon!
>no dont buy trumpcoin buy ethereum
>lisk > ethereum
>you guys are all wrong. Bitcoin has first mover advantage and is the only coin you should buy
>hey look at my lambo. I made $75k on cryptos. Nocoiners be jelly.
I swear to you every crypto thread sounds exactly like this to me. You guys spam the same stuff over and over and over again. I really hae to ignore most of it or I would get headaches just by browsing Veeky Forums.
Where my brothers holding some bitcoins at?
Can I get a high five?
so? it's an echo chamber, echo chambers create euphoria, euphoria lures in more investors.
so just join the party and make some money
If u weren't a newfag youd realize every altcoin is a scam and just focus on bitcoin
Stay salty nocoiner
It was actually a conscious decision to dismiss it. I know this doesnt make sense to you but some people just dont like to speculate on things that they cant predict. Just because you do doesnt mean that I should too. You and I arent built the same way.
19.7 BTC reporting in
>complaining about cryptocurrencies on the containment board for them
Ugh still need to withdraw from this circle jerk.
I like how you are able to make a delineation between altcoins being a scam but then in the same sentence state that bitcoin isnt. The only difference between bitcoin and most altcoins is that bitcoin came first. There are very minor differences between all cryptos. You sound like a baptist christian who preaches that presbitereans, pentecostals an methodists are all going to hell because they dont baptise the right way. (Obvously this is just a metaphor, no need to get all indignant atheist on me).
Not really. Just the spam gets to be a little much. Obviously the mods dont care though so go ham.
America has dollars
Zimbabwe has dollars
They must be the same, there's very minor differences
Even if they started out like scums , just take a look at it.
closing to a
100,000 fucking subscribers.
Thanks to the darkmarket cryptos are gonna skyrocket.
Who would have thought that the junkies would finally make you some money, ha?
I thought cryptos had no central authority? Isnt that their main selling point?
Trump coin up 25% soon to be worth 1 dollar, suck penis bitcucks
>tfw bought a ton of bitcoin to take advantage of LISK
>tfw bitcoin started to rise once lisk started to die.
>tfw bought at .00045 and sold at .00096
>tfw bitcoin was about 453 at that point
I'm just pretty happy. My money is doubled in bitcoin and I have a ton of wave and rise with the profits.
Little thing to throw out there. People are going to look into altcoins again once bitcoin stalls late july. Take that as you will.
This reminds me of how I feel anytime Australians complain about how cheap things are in America.
Bitch, USD "dollar" and AUS "dollar" are not the same thing.
Fuck you, does the "euphoria" ever lure you in? Didn't think so. Fuck all the shitty investing one liners.
This. You cant call American dollars a scam and then in the same argument say that Zimbabwe dollars are legit. They both have exactly the same purpose. The only difference is the value and how many places it is accepted. The Zimbabwe government cucks its people just like the US cucks americans. Its just on a different scale.
Cryptos are the same thing. Some are premined to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent like bitcoin. Some are proof of stake and some are proof of work. Some can store code and other information on the blockchain and some just store ledgers. At the core, though, the majority of cryptos serve the exact same purpose. There is nothing that makes one crypto more "scammy" than another one besides the amount of lies that each different crypto shills peddle.
this is how a simple shill thinks
$600 here we come
Wew lad
Day price doe
I ain't even mad
Maybe not. You don't know shit.
Paid 600 dollars Canadian for my 3.5 btc through the gainz I made on eth. Casual 500% profit. Loving every laugh.
Can I fucking get an exploitation on what the fuck is going on?
Why is the price going up!?
willkommen to the club
Cut your dick of coincunt.
Thank you, kind sir.
chinese are buying as a way to get funds out of the country. same reason they are buying property in canada, US and australia
That, and kidnappings have influence.
Daughters and sons of rich (very, rich) persons are kidnapped in huge numbers each day - released after paying in BTC.
These cases involve quite large sums of money, which might actually make the price go up.
Only few seem to know, if any at all on this board.
general trend direction is likely due to people attempting to capitalize on the coming halving in approximately a month or so.
The net impact is still unknown/unquantifiable to my understanding but basic logic says as supply goes down and demand remains constant, price should increase, and many are buying the rumour, so to speak
volatility around the having will likely be quite intense, but who knows if we'll end up higher or lower than we are now. I personally believe it's got a ways to run from here, at the minimum to 600
Yeah, because a bunch of kiddies on Veeky Forums with $20 invested in BTC sure is the face of it!
BTC Poloniex 191.6437511
BTC Kraken 53.63744
Get on my level.
one of the wallets I use to transfer to AB
Lol there's more buyers than sellers
You silly goose
Too bad nocoiners are mad
Jesus christ I just realized if bitcoin rises a bit more I can retire with my btc holdings lol
Nearly at $600 ,There are no brakes on this train.
590 lol
This is nuts
It's like nobody wants to sell
Feels good holding triple digit bitcoins ROFL
Fuck, I was planning on buying in July. I'm a nocoiner / completely BTC illiterate. What does this mean for me? Is it too late to buy? I am new to biz.
U got a teenage sister
Send that bitch my way and I'll make sure to send plenty of btc your way
It means you should conduct quite a fair bit of research into how this whole thing works, the history, and things like that
by july, shit will have gotten quite real with the halving right around the corner and volatility should begin to really pick up. Try and buy on the dips
it means "welcome to the lottery"
Jesus Christ did somebody say 590
Still waiting for a knock on my door, I'm expecting your teenage sisters to be wearing something hot
Just get your slutty sisters over to my place and I'll make you rich
Yfw the suicide watch industry is the fastest growing sector in the jobs report because of nocoiners
Thanks. Hyperbole aside, how much are you guys actually making in real dollar figures? (I know that opens me up to trolling, but I'm genuinely curious).
a whole fucking lot, come to
teamspeak at
it's where the whales at
Lol im tired but scared to go to bed cuz I wanna watch it pass the.l big 6 0 0
Batteries dying anyway
See you guys on the moon
And your sisters on my cock
590 print on coin desk
600 is a big deal for us gods among men holding btc since 2012
Still waiting for your bitch sisters to show up, and tell that bitch her cunt better be shaved and her breath better smell good
Do that and share plenty of my btc with you
I thought the Bank of China block that.
its the upper class doing it. so.....
calm down Pajeet
To the moon lads.
if i sell all btc i have now i am set for life, should i just short right now and start enjoying the life? my current failsafe dump all is ~€500
No keep holding
if it goes below €501 my failsafe will dump all my btc to fiat.
I could provide an entire restaurant's salt supply for 1 year with all this nocoiner saltyness in this thread alone.
The face of Veeky Forums (pic related)
ITT: 15 and under.
Hnngh, dat E-Type
.1 BTC
700 DAO
~100 dollars in Lisk
i want to start with the bitcoins?
what i need to do?
make wallet
head to your local exchange to trade $$ for coin
Start here;
shilling to the max
Start cloud mining
how is this not a scam?
I sold my only bitcoin at $500
I bought bitcoin with my ether as a hedge, and now I am filled with regret for selling but can't bear to buy more at this price
This one pays in BTC, reinvest payments for more kh/s. Sweet compounds.
I did this I love NFP I trade great all month then I always trade NFP never lost a NFP since I learned to trade it
I sold mine on May 28th
what do I do now?
>i am set for life
Buy more before the halving
what is the halving?