what can Veeky Forums tell me about stealth archery?
here are my main questions
1. how effective were they in battle and which country had the best stealth archers?
2. how did they train?
3. did they live mostly in the woods or in castles?
what can Veeky Forums tell me about stealth archery?
here are my main questions
1. how effective were they in battle and which country had the best stealth archers?
2. how did they train?
3. did they live mostly in the woods or in castles?
Only master race elves can be stealth archers, not mortal scum
who told you that?
Peter Jackson
Wrong, stealth archers can be any race
but they had human stealth archers too strider was one and im talking about the ones from history anyway
but warfare fits under history. stealth archers played a key role in Constantine's victory at Milvian Bridge
how did they do it?
archering in a stealthy fashion around the bridge
do you know what they used for camoflage?
Explain this meme
God's divine protection camoflaged them. Constantine painted the chi rho on their bare, sweaty, lean yet muscular chests
Water. These were the elite cadre of Roman underwater archers.
i knew god loved stealth archers
thats so cool. could they shoot underwater?
no, but they could shoot off in their underwear. a rather sticky situation to find yourself in during battle
no they trained for that
Is this the Skyrim thread?
How historically accurate is Game of Thrones?
Dank summer memes
Not very, neither show or book.
It's scary to think that even in modern times, there could be stealth archers lurking around every corner, being undetectable
I wouldn't worry about it
More pro-stealth archer propaganda, typical.
I often wonder why politicians are so caught up with the miniscule Islamic threat when at any, given moment, there are at least two stealth archers in the average American home ready to kill your family and steal your valuables. My children are scared to death to go near their closet because there might be a stealth archer waiting in there
Bosmer are cannibals