cop or not
Cop or not
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This has got to be some sort of joke.
This is neat, w2c?
i like the clunkyness. looks kind of brutalist and tech. white pair could go with a lunarcore fit but not my thing. considering the black velcro version as well
Just get stans retard
how high can u jump with these lmao
cop, they're way nicer than stans
I see a lot of union workers wearing these ugly shits.
hope its subtle enough
some of the litearlly autistic kids in my high school wore these shoes. he ended up killing himself
I surprisingly don't hate these, cop and post fits. Curious how they'd look in reality.
5'10, slim and ginger
Wear glasses
Y/N on this coverall?
ditto on dis
>nu male core
don't wear heavy duty workwear to your fucking gender studies course
nigga when was the last time lunarcore lurkers landed on the fucking Moon?
>an avant garde aesthetic is the same as trying to look more manly
lmaoing at ur brain
i was just messing around, but i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that certain aesthetic you criticized if they can pull it off personally
lunarcore is great
>gets mocked
>backs down
definitely do not cop
5'10 skinny ginger wearing le manly work wear as a fashion statement is just sad
I'm very confused by these responses
I never said anything about lunarcore, workwear OR what I'm involved in - just what I look like :P
My question is "Can these things look good on a skinny ginger dood with glasses, Why or why not?"
Also this isn't the poster of the pics, just some other user
read the above posts and you'll find your answer
Sort of - 'No because no'
The jumpsuit is workwear, sure but is the JACKET workwear? looks like a generic black parka to me
The fake wear on the jacket that's even all over makes it look cheap
Good point
What's funny is that it's actually a green jacket, I just shooped it black because I will be dying it
pic related
>asking opinions on photoshopped items
you're wasting everyones time
those are your thoughts it doesn’t really make much of a difference to me
I was making a joke thought that was pretty clear
no, just get a night kids sticker for your car
I doubt all those died fleck parkas were non-shopped. Strong suspicion they are extremely hard to get truly black and not dark green without photoshop.
you're a fucking retard
Not true at all, the question is "Does this black parka suit person X" / Is this cool
That it's shopped doesn't matter because dyeing it is easy
Threads getting derailed
Is jacket cool?
depends entirely on the fabric blend
the more there is synthetics, the less it will actually take in the dye
no idea what's the composition of these so hard to judge, however it won't look worn like that when dyed
$16 shipping on a $6 tee
Just cop'ed what does Veeky Forums think
i wish these shitty cheap tees didn't have that plastic material for the graphic and instead just printed it into the fabric
embroidered would be better. they sell embroidered tees at ghetto souvenir shops for $5
cool flavor of the month brand shoes friend
Do I cop milk tricky ricky canvas highs?
$95 cad shipped
with grey skinnies and sage sneaker-boots
or with desert tan boots
do your eyes work? it's fucking ugly. people only wear this shit ironically or because it's 'comfy'
just buy it and fuck off
i didnt mean to insult you, sorry
Reebok Club C 85 Rad
what jacket?
just get the ones that COS makes
way cheaper and they're great
what's with the racism?
how is that racist you silly faggot?
This is nice, whats the price?
Y/N? (I do skate)
is this for a jason vorhees costume
do you skate?
classic shirt, I'd cop
Looking for a comfy sneaker/boot hybrid to walk around wet urban landscapes and I'm really interested in these Nike SFB 6" Leather NSW. I basically already dress like Shia already, but I need some non-lowtop sneaker footware
didn't get a reply in the other thread, so I'll post here
on a budget and need to get something more formal to wear
c or n?
I have svensson gats and they've hold up pretty well for 1,5 years, so C
you guys are weird as fuck
dunno there are better white shoes like that
yeah but not if you dress like shia lol, you should get some boot foamposites instead if you have balls
not joking btw, w2c?
wow homophobic much?
what the absolute fuck ARE THOSE
Need a new comfy winter jacket.
man idk about that foamposite boot, pretty ugly imo. I'm not that edgy and they are double the price
These would be even better if the tongue was white instead of black.
Cop these double monks for $70?
i'm thinking of copping these w/ the current sale. the only dress shoes i have right now are black park avenues and i wear dress shoes 4+ days a week so i need a second pair to rotate.
Allen edmonds are so ugly
Where 2 cop desu
You can just straight up ignore anything that says Dockers on it. Forever.
instant cop
cop and w2c?
dont support domestic abusers, also are you 12 or some shit like who even likes XXX now?
looking at this SLP necklace
too normie?
I'd cop but I'm Indian
Do those help you run on water?
shitty bait
Best blue jean colour for everyday?
im not supporting him cause its not offical merch? i dont even like his music its just a cool shirt
im serious dude.
New winter jacket?
>this guy gives you fashion advice