How would one get into the soft boy look? What say /effay/

How would one get into the soft boy look? What say /effay/

Do it ironically as an unattractive masculine man

Fight everyone who tells you that you aren't cute

god tier


so imo, as us men have been becoming more "feminine" (submissive, and driven by fear) ever since ~the '60s, i think we have a warped idea of what masculinity ACTUALLY means.

it doesn't mean you hide all your emotions and put on some act like you don't care about anything. it means that you don't let your emotions CONTROL you. you take charge of the situation despite how you feel, because you know what is best. it doesn't mean to be a dick to other men or to women.

i personally used to try really hard to become more of a redpilled "Alpha Male" and in turn I put on this false persona that hid who I actually was. Real masculinity is just about confidence in who you are from the get go and not to let anyone's opinion of you alter your behavior. I'm not really a competitive person, but I used to pretend like I was because I thought that's what was needed to get sex. Didn't work and I realized I'm good enough as is.

Honestly just do whatever the fuck makes you happy and be confident in that choice. Be comfortable with being yourself. If that means you're a dude who wears heels and makeup, more power to you. Just know that people are gonna criticize you no matter what you do, so you may as well have fun doing what you really want.

this is actually really good advice, thank you user

nice advice

hope it helps. also don't stress that you're not perfect and you might not be good at this at first. I still let my emotions take over from time to time but if I look at my progress over the last few years, I am a totally different person. I feel so much less anxiety and so much more comfortable with myself. basically just listen to that inner voice that tells you "say something funny!" or "go talk to that girl!". don't give yourself time to think about it or think of how it could go wrong. I promise it wont. just fucking go for it. if you fuck up who cares, at least you're making progress. getting controlled by fear is basically you keeping your true self from doing anything. that's what will make you depressed, anxious, etc.

Eat lots of soy

I mean Im gay and the guys Im into are into feminine guys so its pretty much perfect but ye

also if you are ever depressed or feeling shitty, even if you don't think it's that bad PLEASE get help. not talking to anyone will only make your problems worse. you're not being feminine or a pussy for feeling empty, that is just not your fault. Find people you can talk to 100% openly, honestly, In general EVERY PERSON is willing to help out another fellow human.

You're too pure for this board.

eat lots of soy
be a douchebag
plaster your room and clothes with "artistic" things but make sure you never actually create anything

>basically just listen to that inner voice that tells you "say something funny!" or "go talk to that girl!". don't give yourself time to think about it or think of how it could go wrong.

While I wholeheartedly agree with both of your posts, this part in particular should be highlighted somehow for the entire board to see like getting it stickied or turned into a ban message for /r9k/-tier threads that are infesting the board.

good advice user, but why give confidence the label of masculinity?
Whats the use of reenforcing this societal expectation? Lets just be ourselves

confidence is not inherently masculine, but masculinity is essentially confident.
confidence meaning comfort with oneself, not a false confidence.
of course, everyone should be confident.
unfortunately in our world, a man who is not confident is shot down and considered to not have value.
a woman can still be shy but beautiful, and still be worshiped because our society unhealthily worships women and puts them on a pedestal.
that is not to say you should despise women for this, it's not their fault. mostly just the media's fault for deeming sex a prize a man gets to have if the woman lets him.
basically, confidence is essential to be respected, to be listened to, and to attract women.

Not the guy, but I'm pretty sure his point works both ways. Both true femininity as well as masculinity stem from self-confidence. In fact, I'd say they're both just positive side-effects of being an open, proactive, exemplary human being.

yes, you put it better than i just did.

Did not expect all this dialogue when I started the thread. I'm loving this, please continue oh wise anons

Wrong. Competitiveness is masculine. It confers an evolutionary advantage and is not some "warped idea" made up by society.

I agree with the rest though. Just live with purpose.

soo androgyny is just a result of being shitty?


>mfw am 5,9" manlet. ''Tis a sad life for op

I love feminine boys, a lot more than chads

5'9" is not a manlet, I'm being 5'7" girl consider it the perfect height for a guy

This is good. I'd like to add something I haven't seen said yet. A lot of people say "just be yourself", which has become a bit of a meme. In reality it is "be the best version of yourself", if you're funny then double down on your humor, if you're emotional then try to be there for others. Recognizing your strengths is key in being yourself, a lot of people just go for the stereotypical manly confidence.

You're 100% right that it's an evolutionary advantage. Personally speaking, I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I think it may have to do with my very weak 'beta' father. Do I wish I could have a strong father and be more masculine? Yes. But I can't do anything about that so I have learned to accept myself and be confident despite my upbringing. I have fun with life and I don't care if anyone thinks I'm any less of a man for that, because I know I'm not. I have a good social life, good sex life, and overall I'm very happy nowadays.
Maybe I'm just competitive with myself. I challenge myself to become a better person and to be completely different from my dad. I feel so much success and positivity already in my life which I think is a good sign.

Totally fine. See guys even if you think there's absolutely no one who would like you everyone has entirely different taste and I promise there's someone out there that finds you attractive. Your only limitation is yourself.

Nope. Read it again. It applies to everyone. Basically my message is confidence. Idgaf if you dress like a guy, girl, or androgynous. I think that's fucking awesome because a lot of people want to do that but don't out of fear. If you want to be or dress androgynous FUCKING DO IT! Then own it. Be brave enough to be yourself, fuck everybody else.

Yeah. Great contribution thank you. Basically "be yourself" doesn't mean just keep being the anxious sperg everyone sees on the outside, it means be comfortable with the YOU that is at the core of your being, and build from there. People should love you for who you are, and if they don't then they're not of value to you. Just be comfortable with yourself. Accept everything. Maybe you're a little bit of a video game nerd. That's okay. That doesn't make you less of a man/woman.

drink a glass of tap water

mmm taste the atrazine

thanks for giving us hope

No problem. Just remember that there are girls who don't even pay attention to height or like guys around as tall as them, stay confident my friend and you will find a beautiful girlfriend who will love how tall you are

There's a schmuck born every minute

t. stand user


I love Kurapika so much.
Ever since I was 17 I wanted to fuck this 17 year old anime boy. 17 years later I still do.

This is all very inspiring but can someone post some feminine male inspo

i wanna fuck kurapika so much

How do I do this as a 6'3 hulk looking mofo? Every girl I come across goes into little princess mode and I'm suddenly "daddy".

feminisation of men is pushed by the jews so the white race dies out and israel can become more poswerful, don't fall for this meme.

nice humblebrag. please kill yourself you spineless faggot

Nice contribution
Y u mad tho

post inspo of such a style pls

Lmao. Thanks for the laugh, polfag