are dumber than you. Most 100k+ earners do relatively mundane tasks that the average Veeky Forumstian, /pol/ack or Veeky Forumson would EASILY be able to do. The reason these ppl have these jobs is because they 1. Kiss ass, 2. Promise not to tell everybody what im telling you now, and 3. Pretend like you work hard/are professional/are competent etc...
Its all a game to make the avg person think that they dont have it in them to make serious money.
very few ppl in this world truly deserve to earn more than 50 dollars a day. Yet, there are even some billionares who deserve more money than they have. The scale is huge, but the muscle isnt rich enough, and the fat isnt poor enough.
Daily reminder that most ppl you meat who make over 100k a year-
> most ppl you meat who make over 100k a year
"Meet" fm engrish
y are u so mad about it tho
Did you fail all your school subjects because you were too smart?
>20% of workers in the US make >$100k/yr
This graph seemed wrong to me, so I looked it up, and this is by household.
>tfw no gf
Until you quit smoking weed, get out from in front of your Xbox you will never amount to shit. This generation of yours damn well better get used to meeting people who earn more than you do.
>dumber than you
surely not dumber than you
Agree with most of what you said. But the billionaires got to where they are because they had the idea and the strength to stick with it. That or they have serious investing skills.
but I dont meat most people, I'm not a sexual predator
So, not Butcher Pete? He really loves that meat.
meant for
Gee, sure sounds like a classic case of sour grapes.
george w bush is the living installation reminding everyone that you don't need to have more iq than a baboon to be rich and powerful
Bush actually is very smart. He sopd himself as an everyman. You cant get into yale solely based on family prestige. He went to yale long before his dad was pres
>You cant get into yale solely based on family prestige.
really faggot you gonna tell me that seriously?
>Bush the cokehead alcoholic is actually very smart
No. He has good communication and social skills, but his logical reasoning capabilities are subhuman at best.
Reminder that good looking neurotypicals make 2k a day on instagram.
George W. Bush is a fucking idiot. He got into Yale because he is a legacy. His father (George Herbert Walker Bush) and grandfather (Prescott Bush) and perhaps even earlier generations of Bush all graduated from Yale and were well-connected. George H.W. Bush was also a member of Skull and Bones, a highly influential group that I'm sure pulled strings so that Stupid Junior could get into Yale and, despite being that almost everyone gets and A or B in classes, graduate a C student.
Starving third-worlder detected.
What does this say in English?
Gw bush used to be criticized for being too wordy and cerebral in his speeches. I went to a top ivy myself, and i know for a fact that legacy will only help you if you are in the top 2% of sat scorers. One of my hs buds had his whole senpai go to an hyp school, he travelled the world assisting doctors for community service, he had straight As and he got rejected STRAIGHT UP because his sat was under 2200.
Get fucked inferiorboys.
U didnt/arent/will never go to hyp because u effectively are closer to chimps than u r to hyp graduates.
Cheers banana boys!
i looked up what sat score is...
user frankly i see almost zero correlation to intelligence. seems to me if you have an ass to sit on you can score big easily enough.
the guy looks like an idiot for sure, but it's possible to me he got really senile to his old age. is there any video of him speaking freely (not from paper) in his younger age?
there is no objective standard by which to measure what people do and do not "deserve". If anything the law of nature is such that if someone can achieve something then they deserve what they have achieved despite how they went about getting it. Survival of the fittest and all.
so basically "the market always right"
>23 at $80k trying to compare myself to whole household statistics
i want more money
>implying that the family who rigged a US presidential election and perpetrated the largest terrorist act in history on their own people would somehow be above cheating on the sat's
Majority of people who make over 100k are baby boomers who have some kind of degree like engineering, economics related. etc.
In general majority of them are just the typical sheeples who have been in the same house for decades and decades, thus getting in a high position.
You are not quite correct about that they would not deserve the money. Usually their position requires quite high responsibility which comes with STRESS and long days, weekends somedays etc. business trips.
also they are not replaceable easily because they know the business and the people inside out with decades of experience. not particularly smart, but experience is the key.
Just some people i know personally and statistics...
confirmed for not knowing shit
a C when george graduated yale was equivalent to an A today
the average grade has moved up due to policy changes
imaginary statistics?
t.pathetic neet justyifing himself about why he is a miserable loser
Sat scores work like this:
You can score high and still be stupid and have a low iq. I know girls who scored very highly but cant understand simplisimo concepts in math/science.
But if you are smart, THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL SCORE POORLY ON THE SAT. a can = not b /// but not a cannot = b.
notwithstanding, bush is not stupid, and if u think he is stupid you have catastrophically Innaccurate judgement which stems from poor analytical reasoning abilities. In inferior speak, yur stoopid bra!
But you just said that there could be stupid people with high SAT scores.
This means that a high SAT doesn't necessary indicate that the person who got it is smart because he/she could be like the girls in your example.
Why can't Bush be one of these high-scoring/low-IQ people?
Nice try. You obviously do not know any people who are truly connected. W. Bush's SAT scores were rather poor--being the equivalent of approximately 1,800 on the 2,400-point scale.
Being a descendant of an alumnus does give an applicant a leg up. However, the quality of the alumnus has a tremendous bearing on how much leeway is granted to a substandard candidate.
Did you even apply to, never mind attend, an Ivy, peasant?
??? What? W. Bush could not have been senile when he was elected to the presidency in 2000. The U.S. is pretty screwed up but even Reagan (St. Ronald to the Republicans) nearly got the hook in his second term of office when his staff noticed he seemed forgetful and distracted in meetings.
Confirmed for not knowing shit.
The Ivies do not give out poor grades like public schools and they most certainly did not when Bush matriculated.
>4. Went through years of school and examination to keep out worthless neets in my yes, easy, a monkey can do it job making 100k+
Stay mad, poorfag.
>average Veeky Forumstian, /pol/ack or Veeky Forumson would EASILY be able to do.
Most 100k jobs can't be done from Mom's basement, user.
>SAT scores were rather poor--being the equivalent of approximately 1,800 on the 2,400-point scale
Sounds like 1,200 on the 1,600 point scale.
But I guess that's rather poor. Most people I knew got somewhere between 1,400 and 1,500.
I get tons of stuff done while I smoke weed. Its when I DONT smoke weed that my anxiety and depression sets in and messes up my whole rhythm. Sure taking a huge dab of indica still puts me on my ass for a bit but the right amount of sativa works wonders for my motivation.
Does that comfort you? Does it help you come to terms with the fact that you are a worthless loser who will spend the rest of his days making a mediocre salary and bitterly posting on this site rather than being smarter than the competition and using whatever intellect he may have to get ahead?
He could be stupid, but there is increased probability that he is not stupid. knowing that along with the fact that he used to be criticized for being too verbose and cerebral, its a reasonable conclusion that he was at least smarter than he let on during his presidential years. As an anecdote, if you believe that bush truly didnt know the word "nucular" was actually spelled and pronounced "nuclear", you are as dumb as the ppl who thought bush was saying it correctly.
U dont get it. U are worthless, but u are duping the system into overvaluing your hard work and paying u more than u deserve. Se asian salaries are coming for ya, user, so save up ur money while ur still getting compensated for other ppls brilliance.
They were lucky mate. Chance plays a huge role in anyone getting anywhere.
man i fucking need to watch chuck again
Yeah, I'm not saying he's smart or stupid (I'm not even American and definitely didn't follow American politics during his mandates), so I have no idea about how he is.
I'm just saying that he's making a pretty dumb mistake in saying that his SAT means he's smart, because by his own standards, the SAT score doesn't accurately portray a person's intelligence.
So are you implying smart people cant kiss ass, cant blackmail and cant pretend ? so every single smart people in the world now are complete justice paladines and righteous moralists that are so proud that cant kiss ass. Let me tell you. If you need something, and you will have to kiss ass. A girl, a loan or a job. its all about kissing ass. smart people can do it and they do it very well. thats something called emotional inteligence or charisma. It cant be found on IQ tests. but its there. Psychopaths are great at this emotional manipulation thing.