I’m at a party with these fags currently
What is this?
Why are they dressed like this????
its called sWag buddy. read the sticky jfc
One keeps wearing his!!!!
So you're at a party taking pictures of some random dudes to make fun of them on a indonesian shadow puppet forum? Who's the real loser.
Maybe it's an inside joke that no one will tell you about because you keep looking at your phone at a party like a faggot.
they just look like some dumb teens who lack self-awareness, but you posting these to talk shit online when they're right there speaks volumes of what a little bitch you are dude
looks fun
quit being such a faggot with your faggot corduroys
>tfw youve been to a few party and dont see the appeal so stopped going
wondering if im autistic rn
>have only five friends
>one friend invites me to her birthday party saying I will have fun there
>buy present, decide to go full Yohji there to show off cool fit
>20 people there, all dressed in Hollister
>They all know each other, most of them are together with gf/bf
>Sit in the corner like an idiot unable to start a conversation with others
>girl asks me mundane questions and I loose all spaghetti
>drive away home after two hours
>"S...sorry user, I really hoped you will have fun there!"
Stupid cunt.
well the thing is, I didn't dislike parties because I couldn't make discussion or whatever, i just didnt like it as a whole.
well, be grateful she invited you to begin with. dont call someone a cunt for literally inviting you to a party.
>full Yohji there to show off cool fit
>girl asks me mundane questions and I loose all spaghetti
You mean icebreaker? Small talk is mundane as fuck but it's necessary to get anywhere, you fag.
you sound like an unpleasant person.
>op, the massive cock sucker faggot that he is, is sitting legs crossed with gay corduroys in the dark corner of the room, taking pictures and sneering at everyone else having fun and posting it on a mongolian basket weaving forum
I kinda want that Supreme sweater now, honestly. I dig the kitsch of the branding - so minimal yet so loud...though, I'm not gonna wear them with boring ol' sweatpants ().
I'm pretty sure OP is wearing chinos
jesus christ that sweater is bogo tier
>group near me talks about music
>"Yeah I'm really into rock, Red Hot Chilli Peppers are like the best man. Hey user, what music do you like?"
>"Oh I like older stuff... You know, Joy Division, David Bowie. Also play guitar."
>Dead silence they change topic to Game Of Thrones
You're a faggot
>Waahhhh why won't people come talk to me
Probably because you dress like an autist, feel superior to everyone else for no reason, and call people who invite you places and try to drag you out of your shell "cunts"
Grow the fuck up, this is embarrassing.
wearing ski gear because it's going to snow (doing coke)
standard hype streetwear. the goggles inspired by chicago flex gear. it's not meant to be taken serious but still shows that you can blow money on pointless shit.
sounds like issues you got to work on more important than your physical appearance champ