How can a Catholic look up at this while kneeling down in worship of the eucharist and then think to himself "my church isn't pagan in the slightest?"
How can a Catholic look up at this while kneeling down in worship of the eucharist and then think to himself "my church...
>muh veneration
The same way Catholics manage to justify everything else wrong with the church
>"but muh church does so much good even though it is a haven for pedophiles and support regressive beliefs and practices that keep the poor and improvised in a cycle of poverty so they will always rely on the church
I can almost hear the sound of my inner ear with the silence in this thread.
What about this
Explain this
>even though it is a haven for pedophiles
>haven for pedophiles
Early pagan converts were still worshipping their goddess not fully realizing the meaning of the Gospel. Now explain this
The Jews also got a tradition of venerating saints as Hartog states in his book about the two documents concerning Polycarp.
Catholics worship God, no Catholic says otherwise. Holy things and persons exist outside the Persons of God and are not ignored in the Catholic Church.
true Christians read the Bible to determine true and false doctrine
I do not need a saint to pray through, I have Christ Jesus.
Explain this
Looks like the Virgin Mary chilling out with a couple angels.
What's pagan about that?
protestant jesus looks happy
That is not protestant jesus. That's mormon jesus. Inb4 mormonism = protestantism. It's not. At least protestants are still christians. Mormons aren't
Probably, my fedora adorned friend, because the word "pagan" means to Christians "those who worship another god than ours". This is why people who call themselves pagans are fucking idiots, because they're literally saying "I worship a different god than my own".
>This is why people who call themselves pagans are fucking idiots, because they're literally saying "I worship a different god than my own".
That's not what the word means you dumb nigger. It comes from paganus, which means villager. This is because the conversion process began in the cities and reached the villages and rural areas last.
Maybe that's what it meant 1600 years ago, but not 500 years ago and not today, faggot, as the word faggot, which literally, for millennia, has meant "you and people just like you".
Yes, words have different meanings for different people and in different contexts, hence the stupidity of your statement:
>This is why people who call themselves pagans are fucking idiots, because they're literally saying "I worship a different god than my own".
They're fucking idiots anyway. I was just trying to give them an out. Stop doing easily apparent dumb shit and people will have to get to know you to realize the true moron.
I want all the Protestants on this board to leave.
Do you really have to post these shitty fucking threads day after day, as if you're expecting a different answer than the exact same one you've been getting from Catholics for five fucking centuries? Who exactly do you think you're converting to your point of view by asking rhetorical questions to nobody in particular which everyone on this God-forsaken board already knows the answers to?
The sheer obstinacy of you reprobates just flabbergasts me, sometimes.
Hey dude, get with the times!
imma need a per capita comparison
Nope. Sorry. It's a Mother Earth cult.
It's been "explained" to you a dozen times.
You're really obtuse, you know?
Calling people reprobates.
How do Protestants justify the insurmountable suffering they have caused in comparison?
The ones who hate the poor are backwards and crazy Protestants
How can you be so daft as to not understand that the outrage is that the Catholic Church utilized its resources to COVER UP sex abuse by its priests. Of course there's less 'cases' since the church literally paid victims out of their coffers to avoid charges ever being leveled. The dept. of Education does not spend its money to sweep cases of sex abuse under the rug, therein is the difference.
You should hope that there were more cases of sex abuse brought against priests so that the Catholic church could actually clean them out instead of covering their asses.
In what world does "domini nostri" translate to "saviour."
The moon under her.
Symbolism is apparently pagan.
It is a strange comparison anyway because nearly every child goes to public school for hours upon hours. How many children spend so much time in close contact with Catholic priests?
>Implying there is anything wrong with worshiping the literal body of God
Just admit you're atheists then
>two fingers extended
Fucking Raskolnik.
It's a depiction of Revelations 11:19-12:1. The angels flanking are the common depiction of those on top of the Ark.
>le picky choosey :^)