what's the most professional way to tell a customer that they can't afford your product?
What's the most professional way to tell a customer that they can't afford your product?
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why would you? just tell the customer the price, let the customer decide. it's a free country
>mfw all the stories of someone getting rejected at a car dealership
>return the next day with same price competitor's car
um good job?
honestly I just give them a higher price than I normally would. This normally scares them off, if not then you come out ahead.
Ha! This has happened to me in electronics shops.
Is your purpose to not deal with certain customers that you don't think can afford your product or to try and lose business. Aren't both of those essentially the same thing?
Just tell them the price. Lots of high-end companies take a long view of customer development because if you're not a douche, then some percentage of the people who come gawking will end up buying your product later.
Name one situation where you would want to do this
Tell them the price
What is your product and why do you think they can't afford it.
>Talk down to someone and tell them it's more than you can afford, pal
>Never EVER get that customer even if they actually could afford it.
>Just tell price.
>They will know if they can or can't afford it, and might even come back to buy it once they can.
op's pic is implying he doesn't want to suck black cock because the john always beats him up and leaves without paying. He must be going to for a market segmentation strategy (to avoid niggers) and differentiation strategy to offer premium service with higher pricing. But is his mouth up to the task? Did you get a small business loan for hormone therapy at least op? I'm not paying $500 for a blowjob if I feel whiskers on your face I'm not gay. Please think this through, op.
You realize dealerships do a baseline 1.5 grand markup right?
okay... ?
who is this demon semen?
I know of the story of some car dealership employees laughing not wanting to deal with a client who looked poor, the joke was on them because the only helpful salesman got a big commission because the client bought a luxury car with extras.
Uh. Tell them the price?
What the fuck kind of questions is this? What do you sell OP?
> I'd like to buy this oven please!
> It costs $3,000
> Oh that is more money that we thought it would cost and thus would not like to buy it.
> Okay
What's the problem OP?
I want you to think about how retarded this strategy is
>tfw drive that same model/year
It's really not richfag tier, though it's a beauty, reliable, professional, and brings in compliments.
Can I score with a voluptuous slut if I took it to the ghetto without getting carjacked?
>$3000 oven
that shit better not be a freestanding range cause that's highway robbery prices nigger
what trim is it? how much did you get it for
~32k a couple years ago. Black ash trim.
Generally the guys with the cash in the bank dont give a fuck what they look like.
Sales-people are by definition deuchebags.
"Get the fuck out of here before I call the police".
I was that guy (the buyer, not the salesman) once. CSB? CSB!
>June 2004, just graduated Officer Training School
>AFSC had $60k signing bonus, spread out over 18 months, tax fucking free
>Had been in as enlisted for 4 years, college was paid for, lived frugally on base and drove a beater of a 1981 Toyota Celica until it died
>Close to $70k in the bank, not counting the first $20k bonus payout
>Wanted a Mercedes S convertible like nothing ever before. The want was palpable, like a 6 year old at Christmas
>Go to dealership in Columbia SC (because Sumter [where I was stationed] could barely keep 3 Ford dealerships open, so no Benz)
>Cargo shorts, plain t-shirt, PT shoes, didn't bother to shave
>Two guys scoff, one guy straight up says "I'm not sure you can afford this vehicle. Book on it is $75. I believe we have a few older ones on the used lot though and that will save you a LOT."
>Different guy takes a moment, shows me all the bells and whistles, actually gets me to look at the hard top because (I didn't know this at the time) convertibles don't get to let everything loose because of frame rigidity, get test drive, damn near cream my pants after we cut it loose on I-26
>Get his card and schedule a time to do the paperwork, go to bank, get blank cashier's check that read "Not to exceed $85,000."
>Return two days later after getting off duty, dress blue uniform, looking like the snazzy lieutenant I was
>Chatted up the three guys who passed me off. Let them do the whole song and dance while waiting for my appointment
>'My' guy comes out, says hi, we all chat for a moment. Go to leave with 'my' salesgoon, first guy says something about stealing a sale
>Look at him and say "You remember me? I was the guy last Friday who you wanted to show the used lot."
>HFW he recognized me
Oh, and to answer this, you don't EVER tell a customer they can't afford something. Treat them with respect and go for the goddamn sale. If they can't afford it, they'll tell you when the price tag pops up, and it lets both of you save face. If it turns out later they can afford it, they just might remember that and you'll get your sale in the end.
Do you even understand how fucking nigger it is to blow your entire stash in a fucking car?
You are the definition of unbiz. Get the fuck off this board.
Offer a monthly payment option plan
I had an additional $40k in bonuses coming in, a $68k salary, my only bills were my cell phone, internet, insurance and food. Now I'm a short-colonel, pulling $98k a year base, plus duty bonuses (an additional $20k a year,) and when I retire in four years, I'll be drawing $50k a year in retirement pay, and I'm damn near guaranteed a job with the VA at the GS-14 level, Step 2 or 3.
Or is someone making enough money to pay cash for a Mercedes S-series "unbiz?"
Car dealerships make most of their money off of financing. You paid with it in cash, so you were probably not very profitable to them. The poor people who finance their cars are the biggest money makers for the dealerships.
tl;dr they don't give a fuck about you
Jeez, man.
If you're going to jerk off all over yourself here, can't you do it in less than a paragraph?
The dealership, yes. The guy who walked with $500 in commissions seemed pretty happy.
Why should I? user in said what I did was stupid, I felt compelled to explain why he was wrong.
And really, this board has legitimate millionaires on it (well, at least one, the Chinese trip guy, can't remember his name.) Side bragging on my pay doesn't compare.
Such a stupid thing to do tbqh.
If someone can't afford your shit then they obviously won't buy it so what's the problem?
For all you know you could turn away a black guy who dresses like shit who's actually a rapper looking to spend irresponsible amounts of money in your store.
>"But why is it less on the price tag user?"
If you waste your time throwing a pitch, doing a credit check, etc, on a poor fuck who literally cannot buy your product, it is time wasted that could have been spent pitching at a more likely buyer.
It was your money. Now it belongs to someone else.
Gotta spend money to make money nigga.
Least he didn't take a loan from the jew.
..? Because spending money on a convertible offers the best ROI?
In the end, all you really did was waste a bunch of money on an ego boosting car and a chance to make some literally dumbasses look stupid.
Did you at least get any type of positive life value from the care or anything?
Do you wish you would have taken the money and invested it instead?
>I will never be a retarded welfare queen
Feels good