What is the most degenerate religion? I want to join.
What is the most degenerate religion? I want to join
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safe space internet societies
You could try to revive the cult of Ishtar.
Or maybe Bach.
Just get drunk and have orgies.
Joy some chaos magick group and enjoy drugs and orgies, all of this for their '' greater work''.
New-Atheism. Especially the kind that only exists on the internet.
>not blitzed on amanita muscaria
Dunno why I switched it with some dead composer.
I wouldn't do psychedelics without someone responsible nearby. Or at least I wouldn't party like crazy instead of holding onto a couch. It can be dangerous and spooky, man.
I would definitely join a Bach cult. Not sure if degenerate though.
On a serious note, try Thelema, Satanism or Shaivism.
Modern Atheism.
Pagans were not degenerate, actually. Many of them were very conservative.
Atheism, not the cool kind either.
The hedonistic relativistic fascism that revels in the destruction of truth and reason.
Tell me about Classical Atheism.
The Epicureans were atheists.
Not quite. Epicurus didn't deny the existence of gods, only claimed that they wouldn't concern themselves with us and we shouldn't concern ourselves with them.
That seems cool. Like Conan the Barbarian
Wiccan. All the girls who belong to that religion are grade-A freaks
Drugs sex and rock n roll has no church brah. Hedonism is the best.
Judaism, you get both reform Judaism which openly rejects the Torah in favor of hedonism and you get orthodox Judaism which stabs gays.
Which is basically atheism and applied moral nihilism.
islam as defined by sjws
Raƫlism is a religion that encourages promiscuity with Korean qt3.14s.
Crom gave strength to the Cimmerians and that was enough.
> Modern Atheism.
While they are fedoras as fuck, they aren't really that degenerate. In fact, you got very little chance to participate in degeneration while wearing fedora around girls. They are basically a celibate monks level of non-degeneracy.
>not black or green
that's not me
we're talking about religion here. Is it really that hard to hold your bitterness and autism and confine the discussion to the category OP was talking about instead of making it areligious?
More like Shaktism though I wouldn't consider it necessarily degenerate except for the instances of prostitute cult rituals but it is pretty liberal, egalitarian, and matriarchal.
I wonder if Gnostics who settled or interacted with the East might have influenced its development and vice versa.
If atheists are so degenerate, why are they more law-abiding, happier, wealthier, smarter, and more educated than the general population? What does degenerate mean, exactly?
Rich hedonists are the most degenerate people of all.
Become a worshiper of Dionysus
Being a heathen.
Mostly being against whatever views fighters with so called degeneracy holds.
Most of them are religious anyway.
I wouldn't say that atheists are by in large degenerate, I would say however that they propagate nihilism, of which degeneracy is a byproduct.
Statistically speaking, the most degenerate people (in terms of rape/murder/promiscuity/STDs etc. statistics) are by far Latin Americans, and the overwhelming majority are pseudo-Catholics.
don't you mean catholics? Is this some no true scotsman bullshit term? If not, please explain
There's also certain rituals in Tantric Buddhism revolving around union of male and female energies.
Here's some good threads on this
I mean they're Catholics in name, not practice. I call them pseudo-Catholics in the sense that they're "bad" Catholics, though they subscribe to the beliefs of the Catholic Church--hypocrites would be a better word in retrospect.
You can call it a "true Scotsman" fallacy, and you would be justified in doing so.
That's not a religion, you twat.
fair enough. I suppose you really could call them hypocrites but most religious people everywhere just blend their religious views to their own image and do whatever they may, so I don't exactly appreciate typical religious people. There are other reasons to that as well, however
You can believe in what you want as long as you're not gonna force it down anybody's throat in my opinion
Thugs were hardcore, they're some crazy motherfuckers and they're fun to read about.
We should start a cult of Bach and worship Bach as the Lord's chosen saviour for humanity. Beliefs are that music (mainly classical) is the purest expression of divinity, and God sent us great composers and instilled pieces in their minds and bodies so as to bring joy and all that is good to this world. Those such as Mozart, Beethoven, etc. are to be venerated as saints. Non-classical music is to be seen as the work of the devil and his followers.
Crusade against metal and pop heathens when?
Battle music:
I think metal fans might actually like it if you do that.
Though they're more the protestantism to your catholicism. A lot of metal follows some pretty complex musical theory based in long-standing traditions.
Probably something like the Manson Family, where all they seemed to do was get high, get laid, and lie, steal and kill folks.
Sounds right up your alley.
Islam, i'm surprised that so few anons post this answer.
Most people aren't looking for a pass to fuck little boys up the ass.
>No Slaanesh
What kind of heretic are you?
Any form of Christianity
This silence offends Slaanesh.
The Aghori branch of hinduism engages in scat play, cannibalism, swearing, nrecophilia, throwing shit at peoples faces, drinking heavily, and smoking weed evvryday.
All as a way to free the human from social conventions and reach God through the death of the self.
Who is that cloaka gargoyle
feel good avoid pain politically correct life
Freudian Psychoanalysis
But we must go deeper...
>A lot of metal follows some pretty complex musical theory based in long-standing traditions.
>metal is the continuation of the classical tradition meme
Can I join?
Beethoven is the true god, no question.
I think they however only allow hot people to join.
Magna Mater
Hope you like drag