How hard is conversion to Judaism?
Will becoming a Jew bringer closer to God than Protestantism can?
How hard is conversion to Judaism?
Will becoming a Jew bringer closer to God than Protestantism can?
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Anyone can become a Reform Jew, other sects are difficult or impossible to convert to.
>Will becoming a Jew bringer closer to God than Protestantism can?
If you worship the Jewish war god Yahweh then sure, if you worship God then it doesn't matter who you are or really what you believe.
If your god is Satan, then yes, it will bring you a lot closer to him.
It will be hard. Conversion usually takes 1-2 years, and you'll basically be taking courses in Hebrew as a language and mainstream religious thought.
And it will bring you much closer to God than any slice of Christianity
Ask the Khazars who converted to Judaism
If you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father.
It will only enculturate you into a group of godless people.
There is no sect of Judaism that it is impossible to convert to. An Orthodox conversion is encouraged, because it is recognized by all sects of Judaism and allows the new Jew to become Israeli, should he or she wish to do so.
Every year, tens of thousands of gentiles become Jewish in accordance to the Halacha.
Of the Abrahamic religions, only Judaism is not marred by polytheism, idoltary, or impiety.
The closest non-Jewish faith would be Unitarian Christianity, a radical offshoot of Protestantism that rejects the polytheism inherent in other Christianities.
How can God, an incorporeal being that probably does NOT have physical form, sire a human child?
>You have to believe in polytheism to participate in monotheistic religion
OP religious conversions to Judaism happen all the time. Sometimes they take awhile because the rabbis want you to know shit, so you'll end up studying Torah and Rabbinical law for the better part of a year but anyone can do it.
Lol what? Jewish rabbis are suppose to discourage you from converting because they only want those really dedicated. Unless you are reform, but those guys aren't really jews they shit over their own book, and allow female rabbis.
Lol. Yeah right the guys who allow female priests and make gay weddings are the closest to god. You are insane if you think some new liberal religion less than 100 years old is closer to Christ god's message than the ones that actually have apostolic succession.
>asking how God can do things
How did he create the Earth? How did he create the human soul? How did he create the strong nuclear force? Your objection is meaningless
Christ was not God. God is not a man, he can't have a son.
Modern Judaism is historically a novelty compared Church Christianity. It has very little to do with the worship of early Abrahamists. In fact, even Rabbis admit that Judaism is primarily a cultural identity than a religion - Christianity is centered on personal belief and discipline but you can be a Jew with correct cultural practice.
God finally had enough of them in 400 BC, and turned His back on them.
When He came to earth as Jesus, and they rejected and murdered the Son of God, He STILL kept His promises to them.
They don't have a God right now.
How can you, a mortal, tell God what He can and cannot manifest as?
The Trinity is One God; a hyperdimensional being that we have difficulty perceiving as One.
The confusion is all on our side.
Who are you to tell God what He can and cannot do? What He can and cannot have?
The sheer arrogance of Ba'al worshipers is really unbelievable!
Matthew 3:17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 17:5 While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!”
I prefer Jewish theology myself
>Christian calling anybody else polytheistic
>quoting the Christian bible to prove to a Jew that Jesus is the son of God
Are you retarded?
I really don't care about the new covenant lol
Polytheists are polytheists.
People who worship the devil can also be called godless.
The qur'an confirms that the bible is the Word of God.
You will.
Who here worships the devil?
Oh, you're Muslim? I won't even bother.
The qu'ran also disagrees with pretty much everything in the bible.
>Abraham went to Mecca
>The OT prophets were muslims
>Jesus could speak as a newborn (this was literally stolen from apocryphal texts)
Also Muhammed was a pedophile.
Not that guy but you have to keep in mind ''muslim'' means a submitter to god not a guy that follows the quran.
Those things don't really disagree with the Bible. Except maybe the second, but I'm guessing there's something akin to the concept of anonymous Christianity* working there?
*(being a "Christian" without knowing)
Why would you ever base your religion on shit like the Pentateuch or Quran? New Testament literature is a decent highlight of western monotheism, if you want to be more "pure" you should be Zoroastrian or worship ancestors or some shit.
>New testament
Christianity is the purest form of monotheism since it's just a continuation of greek philosophy, which developed God outside of any previous religious dogma (Parmenides, Aristotle).
The Trinity is logically sound.
>The Trinity is logically sound.
Kek. Three beings cannot be one being.
>The Trinity is logically sound
Even catholic theologians hand-wave the mathematical impossibility of the trinity because it's a "holy mystery". You're talking shit, polytheist.
>Literally worshipping a thing called the TRINITY
>Still call it monotheism
Whatever helps you sleep at night mate but that in itself makes no sense,and it's only logically sound if you're an expert on mental gymnastics.
>all this butthurt
Okay, call it trinitheism if it bothers you so much. What the fuck does it matter? God is outside of your reference whether he is composed of parts or infinitely simple.
Knowing God
Pick one
>Okay, call it trinitheism if it bothers you so much
We already have a word for what Catholicism pretends to be. It's called "polytheism".
>pic related
It really comes down to whether or not you want your cock chopped up and if you want to be persecuted in the inevitable next time the jews gets get targeted by someone genocidal.
One threefold God. One being. Manifesting Himself to us as three persons so that we might get to know Him just a little bit. Enough to choose to love Him back, or reject Him forever.
You're a Flatlander trying to persuade me that a cube is a line.
I know it's a cube. I know you can only see the line, because I used to be a Flatlander like you.
It's really not that difficult.
Father is God.
Son is God.
Spirit is God.
There is one God.
Question,do you believe all of the 3 exist at the same time in heaven or whatever.
Nope, sorry. Three distinct beings are not one being. That's not how math works. No amount of mental gymnastics will change this.
Let's say I have a cup of water and put it through phase changes.
>I cool the water. Ice is water
>I heat the water. Gas is water
>I cool the water again. Liquid water is water
I still have a glass of water. The water doesn't become fire, or orange juice. It's water. So too is the nature of God.
an object or something transforming =/= a single existance being split into three at the same time,weak arguement.
Yeah, nah. At no point are any of those distinct or separate from the glass of water. They're still the same glass of water. But the father, son, and holy ghost are supposed to be distinct entities, they are not state changes of one entity, they are three distinct entities capable of acting autonomously from one another.
There's only One, and He has always existed, and will always exist, and is not limited as to where He can be.
Okay Flatlander. Keep thinking that cubes are really just lines, because that's all you can see with your eyes. Lines.
>The Father is not the Son, but both are God
>Ice is not steam, but both are water
What don't you understand about this again?
There is only one God.
The fact that ice and steam do not become separate when one converts to another. The trinity is pretty explicit in that the son, the father, and the spirit are all distinct entities. Boiling water converts water into a mass of steam, it does not make a separate cloud of steam while the water remains unchanged.
Okay moron, keep engaging in doublethink. Three cannot be one.
They are distinct persons, but they share the same essence. They are not separate, but one.
>They are distinct persons
Tell me again how this isn't polytheism? the fact that they are still seperated means they're different entities otherwise there would be no point of being kept seperated.
Thats modalism an ancient heresy confessed by Sabellius that states that god is not three distinct persons, but that he merely reveals himself in three distinct forms. It was declared a heresy in 381. Try again heretic.
Polytheism = More than one god.
Monotheism = One god.
We believe in one god, who has revealed himself in 3 distinct persons which share the same essence. They are not separated in any way, as the fullness of God exists in all of them. God is complex in his unity. This is what has been revealed.