Post a more effay crew. Protip: you can't
Post a more effay crew. Protip: you can't
Crew thread?
Crew thread.
>be op
>like garbage artist who got bad debut album
>after debut album*
Holy shit goth boi clit fucking kill yourself
mad cause wicca is the most handsome man alive
Mad because I like literally all of them but your idiocy enraged me. Also Bladee is better than everyone so whatever
>more autotune than voice
>better than anything
Are you trying to say that's a bad thing? It's like using a musical instrument, and he sounds amazing
lmao your both autistic. just stop now
he sounds like garbage tbqh
damn this is a great picture
>no young gud
>random roastie on the left
Almost perfect
Not counting am I crazy for thinking everyone posted in this thread is dressed badly?
Do I just not belong here?
3D crews can't compete
>not posting the most iconic crew photoshoot of the century
umbrehla are meant to be blue they sold themselves to red time to get sifnos island sunk
holy shit lol
the people in that photo and the others wearing clothing they do not care for and other sexual abuses are being abused at sifnos island Greece and require to wear the colors black white and blue
the picture i am linking is an example of abusive sifnos island cruelty a money holder with spiked sides a fist weapon be cautious
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can anyone translate this for me
fuck me on the right, i look so awkward in this,, little less awkward here next to le ebin potion man
Nothing will ever come remotely close to this.
stop posting, you cant dress
the only appealing thing about a "crew" is finding uglier people to make u look better. still too much work tho
Who is the guy on lower left?
what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?
Your fit is trash, but if it means anything it's still significantly better than that cosplayer next to you.
rate this crewpic.
can't be more fly than this squad
yung lean is like 5'3
get rekt
whole thread is retarded
everyone here never post again
guy in the red is trying so hard its unreal
yo nigo really went emo after bape and bbc
Ignore the spy
Thank u
who is in top right?
Yung Gud
My crew can probably rob your crew, and all of your crew's sneakers and tops.
not a chance
Pretty sure that guy on the far left sold me acid
Not gonna lie that crew look pretty cool
Most Veeky Forumscist
Only crew i would want to be in is OPs tbqh
Hillary Clinton
I hate this faggot
the only real answer here. now im just imagining doc and wyatt in a fight with all the other crew here
or... having a group of friends with whom you enjoy spending time? wtf
we already sucked yalls dicks last time you posted, get over it
>le fashun squad photos
absolute cringe
What the fuck I look exactly like the leftmost guy.
Like not just a little kinda same but it's like i'm looking on a mirror. It's all 1:1
I teach at a high school and I'm pretty sure all high school males have like 5 different faces in total, it only seems more because they're further varied by bodyfat and amount of acne on face
Now that I think about it you just might be right
the spy is on the left i assume
vesa is a crew of his own
women are such fucking posers
Absolutely. Absolutely.
i look just like bladee
Was it a good jacket?
Look at that scuating, kill that high hell scuating spy
honestly. if people just admitted that most of their love of ideology is based around its aesthetic and not actually its morals and dogmas, i think we would be better off.
Actually, this is a core tenet of fascistoid thinking and all those who truly understand it freely admit this. You should not interpret the hodge podge ideology of angry american middle class kids as fascism.
most effay in this thread for sure.
rest is shit
Sad boy gang bitch
is this the nu male general
chad stalin, decent FDR and absolute pig churchil
>no lil tracy
guy on the left did big pwoo in his diapey :3
Virgin churchill
I like the chick with the red belt and mini-skirt made out of a garbage bag - that's not an easy look to pull off, but she sure does