why is prostitution considered morally wrong?
Why is prostitution considered morally wrong?
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I don't consider it morally wrong.
Most people do though because they're idiots who don't understand crime and economics.
Because some rules needed to exist in order to preserve society. Prostitution undermined marriage and theoretically led to kids that wouldn't have been cared for as well as husband and wife would. VD was also an implicit danger that threatened society. Nowadays that's not as important, but tradition remains
Because prostitutes are selling their body (the true temple of God) for paper printed by jews
I think prostitution's ubiquity through history, despite this, is a pretty good sell for giving people what they want with some ground rules. It doesn't even seem that the most authoritarian, morally rigid regimes could stamp it out completely. Instead, the poverty they often make through instability seems to draw people to it.
Good post, nonetheless.
Because prostitution leads to anal sex.
And Anal leads to pic related
the pussy union controls consensus and is ruthless to scabs. Prostitution is necessary to correct the sexual marketplace, once women no longer have the leverage of sexual promise they require more to offer.
Would you want your daughter to be a prostitute?
Cool only deadbeats would answer otherwise. The idea that people can't understand the detrimental effect it has on the females is mind boggling to me. Muh dick
So as long as they sell themselves for food, its alright?
most of them come from single mother homes, they aren't going to integrate as a housewife they've becomes oversocialized and imprinted.
I'd want my daughter to do what makes her happy and secures her a prosperous future, whatever that may entail. I don't own her.
I wouldn't want my daughter to be a McDonald's worker either.
There are many arguments against prostitution but I don't think this is a good one.
If she enjoyed it, and was good at it, and my state actually did something to support and protect her; as opposed to throwing her in jail?
Yes. My daughter isn't my tool. She's my daughter.
>Would you want your daughter to be a prostitute?
This is a poor argument. Virtually no father wants to think about his daughter fucking any more than most children want to think about their mother and father fucking.
jamal's her daddy too
What my nigga said>Controlling what your daughter wants to do
All the more she is gonna do it to spite you
Trying to play on racist insecurities doesn't work when the other person doesn't have them.
I can't even give you a score for effort in this situation.
not just jamal but john too
If I don't mind my wife having sex with black men why would I mind my daughter doing it?
Sex isn't a commodity to be sold
It's a sacred act between a husband and wife
Prostitution is utterly degenerate
Trying to play on fear of cuckoldry is pointless too.
You're like a toy that shouts "Cuck!" "nigger!" "Jamal" when I press the animal buttons.
Well one major thing is.. it's not wrong in Nevada
2. If any random person could do it how could they be taxed?
3. The spread of viruses
4. Our taxes would go up to support the women's kids.
Because Judeo-Christianism. Free prostitutes could have more autonomy than regular women (hetaerae were often educated and well paid) and sacred prostitution was a prerogative of several female priestly groups.
That's a creepy smile lol
clearly you are not afraid of cuckoldry
Would you pick up your own daughter if she was good at it?.... sounds like you would lean towards yes with your comment
1. sanctioned business practices, like anything else. We've reigned in our ridiculous tobacco and alchohol firms, we can manage sex if we manage drugs.
2. See above. Legislature should focus first and foremost on doing THE most to protect practitioners. I think we can all agree that prostitutes put themselves at risk. But we can reduce that risk, and make it a choice instead of a must for the marginalized.
3. See above, this is included within their safety. If safety procedures are set for anti-contraception, this won't be a problem. The taxes these women pay will go to other women's children, mind you.
4. It's ironic that some(not necessarily you) might lament this, but oppose abortion, which would solve the problem altogether.
This. Although it is also worth remembering that christian europe had brothels all over the fucking place, some of them were even sponsored by the church, hilariously and hypocritically enough.
You obviously haven't read some of these comments. . There are a lot of "supportive" dad's out there lol mind blowing
Proverbs 23:27-28
"For a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men."
God forbids involvement with prostitutes because He knows such involvement is detrimental to both men and women.
"For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of hell" (Proverbs 5:3-5).
I hadn't actually thought about it until you mentioned. What does that say about the two of us?
I am, everyone is afraid of a breach of trust of that magnitude. I'm just not afraid of the value judgements of anonymous shit posters as to how prevalent it is in my life.
What do you mean?
I know you don't care about being a cuck
Just because he supports his daughter having autonomous control over her own body doesn't mean he supports incest, you fucking freak.
God doesn't exist and the bible is a load of horseshit so this whole line of thinking is retarded.
Fuck off.
Hmm any proof of this? Post for a pat on the back
Without God, there is no objective basis for morality. The question was whether prostitution was moral. God says no. And thousands of years of civilization say no.
>Without God, there is no objective basis for morality.
So? Subjective morality is just fine.
>God says no.
God's an asshole, an idiot, and an tyrant by his own admission. There's also no reason to believe he exists.
>And thousands of years of civilization say no.
Which civilization? Plenty of civilizations have had legal prostitution in some form or another. Hell some have even made it a fucking sacred religious duty.
By selling her body, a prostitute objectify herself and lose any individuality and humanity. It's morally wrong because it's a mark of self-destruction.
What I was referring to is illegal prostitution.
Yes if it was under a controlled setting it would probably reduce a lot of the risk but there are still risks.
Porn actresses in a sense are prostitutes and they still run the risk of std'z even with the controlled environment they work in.
Also again if someone doesn't know who the father is of their child then guess what, tax payers get the bill. Even tho she has a "legit" profession.
i can see Veeky Forums has summerfags too
>Prostitution undermined marriage
no more than any female coworker. it's your responsibility not to give in to temptation
Religious nuts and idiots that think women who suck dick for money are being "exploited."
Many countries (now including Canada) punish the male and do not punish the prostitute.
Are you sixteen? Genuine question. If not, you site think like a sixteen year old.
Well then you didn't read his next comment.
2 who says "if my daughter is good sucking and freaking wit random guys then I support her. That my buddy is a freak.
Yes, yes, anyone critical of Christianity must be underage. Now do you have an actual argument?
Not him, but hurting your feelings doesn't mean he's a kid. Trying to use your religion to justify laws is moronic and is not accepted in most western countries.
What's being a wizard like?
Yeah, they thought whoring helped men keep their lust in check.
Not really. That's just someone who supports his daughter's bodily autonomy. Not all of us are obsessive control freaks.
But there has also been prostitution since the beginning of time.. what does that say
Sure, but I was saying that those who don't have children end up paying for others' children. But we couldn't actually uantify just how much unless we actually had widespread, government sanctioned prostitution.
Anyways, you have to hope that these people have educated themselves, and have the agency to where they don't need to be nannied over. Prostitutes will protect their own rights, too. Some of the actual ho's I've known are far from helpless.
What religious groups are these you speak of?
Just google sacred prostitution or temple prostitution.
The Greeks had a ritual; where a woman would go to the temple of Aphrodite and wait for a man to give her a sum of money to fuck. The sum of money didn't matter. She just had to stay there until someone gave her some coins and boned her.
This is the best argument here. No religious beliefs no , it's OK if she wants a to . This is probably the most accurate response to the post . Self destruction. Some people can't live with themselves after succumbing to it
Because our society believe or used to believe that adultery and sex outside marriage in general is morally wrong. Those who have nothing against breaking this taboo are normally not willing to defend prostitution since they don't necessarily need it. It's easier for them to find new reasons to demonize it.
Subjective morality is just your opinion, a completely different concept from morality.
*tips fedora*
There has not been prostitution since the beginning of time, no. There was no prostitution in the Garden of Eden, and there will be none in the New Jerusalem.
Whores are dangerous; whores who want to be paid are doubly dangerous. Avoid at all costs.
>Many countries (now including Canada) punish the male and do not punish the prostitute.
My country seems to be headed this way too. Doesn't it strike people as insane?
No more so than any other job. Do you think McDonalds workers possess the full autonomy and dignity they wish?
I guess I am a control freak because this would piss off. I wouldn't disown her but I would be hurt and disappointed in her. Remember as a parent we always want what's best for our kids we don't want them to be used or walked on by nobody. Maybe that's just me being protective of my blood line
Yet it's the basis of our society. Not being able to handle ambiguity is a sign of autism.
At least you're willing to accept it's a personal thing. We don't want to force you to accept it in your personal life. In many ways, you and others here -do- have valid points about prostitution. But most of us see legalization as something that would minimize these issues, not exacerbate them.
We just chafe at the idea that it is prohibited for all, it seems arbitrary.
No, but I don't want her (or a son) to be a truck driver, stock girl, waitress, rubbish-woman, etc. And I use the services of all these people. I understand they're all needed or benefical to society despite being shitty jobs.
paid whore are cheaper than free ones.
once it no longer is viable to be a free whore, women have to offer more like filial piety.
But there was incest in the "Garden of Eden" so that wasn't wrong at that time? Just pointing out there is always something OK until someone says OK that's enough I don't like it.. so it's wrong..
so let me rephrase since we don't exactly know how or when "men" first walked the earth. We will go with first historical "civilizations".
>>garden of eden
>>new jerusalem
Oh look, fictional places and events.
>>Whores are dangerous; whores who want to be paid are doubly dangerous. Avoid at all costs.
Fuck off christcuck, I live my life as I deem fit, not how your stupid collection of hebrew fairy tales tells me to.
It does user, but the problem is that it sounds good to the people in power at the moment and also the people who have the ears of the people in power.
The idea is to eliminate prostitution by killing the demand for it, rather than attacking the sex workers themselves.
That worked pretty well with drug users.
It just seems like a ludicrous double standard when you look at the other things whose sale we've decided as a society to ban. The argument seems to be that someone offering sex for a fee shouldn't be considered a criminal because of the possibility that they were forced out of necessity, when this argument could be applied to literally anything else
Because men in power who had more pussy and boipussy than they could possibly fuck, realized that the same rules of sexual liberalism and hedonism couldn't apply to their subjects because if they did their subjects would produce less offspring and those offspring would be less subservient to the people in power.
So the people in power invented the idea of sexual 'morality' and also the idea of an invisible sky father who you can communicate with telepathically that makes sure you practice sexual 'morality' or else be damned to eternal torment.
Godcucks, being the massive shitlord cucks they are, ate this shit up and asked for a second and third helping and honestly came to believe that one person was made for one other person for life and that all sex had to be strictly heterosexual and done within marriage for reproductive reasons with no abortion or contraception allowed. They even romanticised the idea as love without realising that it was all just a giant fucking scam to create loyal subjects for men in power who could then have higher tax collections for a larger population, cheaper labor and more expendable soldiers to throw at their enemies.
Obviously the one person for one person doesn't work with prostitution, so godcucks voluntarily started persecuting them, and that continues to this day.
It's the perfect strategy for feminism. They can claim to protect woman while not controlling her right to do what she wants to do with her body, but at the same time they don't have to confront yet another traditional social taboo. Believe it or not mainstream feminism doesn't try to subvert literally everything, because they know they have to sell themselves to the mass.
Bro...that's fucking weird
Normal dads aren't cool with that
I'm not an atheist. I'm a Satanist.
Indeed. But I really don't care, because I see no distinction between sex work and any other form of entertainment work. I don't consider extramarital sex to be immoral or dehumanizing.
I can see the point on non-medical marijuana, but why would be the medical one illegal?
he just wants an excuse to smoke weed
Aren't Satanists atheists though? Generally speaking.
Are you a theistic Satanist? Or a Luciferian? Or what?
>Aren't Satanists atheists though?
Well yes, if you want to be accurate about it.
some are. some aren't. there are two branches of satanism. luciferians are the theistic ones that believe in god and hate him or believe satan is the one true god or whatever. and then there's laveyans. which are the atheistic ones that don't believe in satan.
If he accepts the premise of a literal satan, I don't think he can't accept the premise of god.
Accurate about what? As concepts the two above can't really exist without one another. That's how they've been framed for the last two thousand years.
As an atheist that is not a satanist, this is a false equivalence. But I am undoubtedly called one because of the theological notion that life is a zero-sum game of chess between good and evil.
> Because prostitutes are selling their body
So... Like any other physical worker?
Luciferians are way cooler than Laveyan fedoras tbqh famalam.
Most logical theory in this thread, to be honest.
they're about as cool as those people that call themselves "brights" tbqh familiar
How so? The thinking of the new atheist "brights" is by and large in line with that of Laveyan fedoralords while the beliefs of Luciferians are more akin to the gnostic veneration of the serpent as an avatar of Holy Wisdom or Sophia.
One was invented last Thursday just to trigger your Christian dad while the other is the modern continuation of an ancient school of thought.
>last week
>last thursday.
i can see why you corrected that user
>ancient school of thought
That was probably invented by ancient fedora to trigger his ancient Christian dead too.
Then he should campaign for whole legalization of marijuana like a growing number of people does.
Laws are the basis of my society. Not sure what hellhole you're in.
>the gnostic veneration of the serpent as an avatar of Holy Wisdom or Sophia
sounds real cool, breh
btw you're usage of 'cool' and 'fedora' leads me to believe you are underage
Pussy market done crashed; you bitches givin' it away for free!
--Dave Chappell