/thinspo/ - Thinspo General

yuri edition

Last Thread: Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

Other urls found in this thread:


1) yuri is sin
2) we already have thread, just post the pastebins as a reply there

yuri is not sin. gtfo

>want to be thinner
>also want donuts
I'm just gonna peek into that new bakery

this is how you get bulimia :/

find a low cal donut recipe

>tfw passed my calorie goal by like 9 yesterday
>tfw drank a couple glasses of wine
>tfw drunkness made me want to eat a bunch of random shit
>tfw woke up hungover so i made a big breakfast
just kill me desu

drink a liter of stilled water before you drink anything to not get drunk.
or just don't drink poisons in first place.

I'm not scared of that at all
Throwing up is gross and violent, and fasting/exercise/just my metabolism itself burns calories as is. Donuts are toi sweet to binge too hard on, pizza is a much bigger threat especially since it has white flour

>low cal donut
maybe a cake donut that uses a mix of every sugar alcohol

you know I wrote that to make it sound like a lowly alternative but that doesn't sound too terrible. You gotta find a cheap bulk supplier for all the xylitol and others though. I still have 4lbs of xylitol that is lasting me a long time for my coffee

drinking is probably one of my bigger barriers to being /thinspo/ tbqh im not gonna stop tho, why would i not want to get drunk thats sort of the point i just need to not binge when i get drunk

>why would i not want to get drunk thats sort of the point
I drink cause I like the taste of the alcohol I drink, I couldn't care less about getting drunk. to each their own.

noodles 750 kcal
mango 300 kcal
biscuit 100 kcal

1150 kcal + 30 min workout

>i just need to not binge when i get drunk

You just need to find something that doesn't make you hungry. Red wine does that for me and I can end a long day with a half bottle of red, not be hungry, and sleep like a baby.

il try it out thanks

I'm 49kg at 163cm and I stand before the decision of lowering my weight to 45-46kg. My UGW before was 50kg (hw 62) and I'm pretty happy but my body just isn't like I wanted even though I do workouts once-twice daily.
Common sence tells me not to, losing weight is exhausting, much more than maintaining, even though meanwhile I'm used; and I already get calls from everywhere to please not go any lower. It will mean more pressure from my family and friends and more wasted money on new clothes - I already had to throw away old clothes. Not to mention health issues.

Any tips? I don't ask you to spoonfeed me. But how did any of you act in that situation if you were confronted with it?

working on reducing dat waist

No we had a failed thread where the OP couldn't be bothered to copy the shit from the archive.

If you're making a general atleast make it consistent.

do actual workouts 3x a week instead of whatever useless meme workout you're doing now

the problem is you people can't seem to understand the concept that lowering bodyfat (which should be your goal) is not the same as losing weight

Alright I'll try it out, issue is I never measured my bf since I own no measure tapes

your torso is completely out of proportion to everything else, wtf are you doing?

i guess i just have broad shoulders.. tried to get big once like 3 years ago and did a bit of upper body gym work, might be that


Maintain for a month while exercising to get toned. If after the month you want to get lower, then start dropping, but if you find that you're fine with your weight, just keep maintaining and exercising. Also buy a tape measure, they're cheap as fuck.

Is it true that once you fast for 3 days you lose the ability to feel hungry, or was I memed on again?

not forever but during the fast yes kinda.
"hunger" is a matrix-tier mirage, it's in your head. tell yourself you're not hungry or will eat later and it goes away. regardless of fasting.

that's... basically whay I've been doing. well, since October, and it's at end now so i can say a about month. this idea is new anyway, i think i'm pretty happy where i am now. maybe i should work out harder. still thank you for your advice.

The focus is on the "exercise" part.

I fucked a thinspo girl after going for built girls only and it was shit, it was just bones everywhere jesus christ it was so bad. I’ll go out with her again tonight though because she is so feminine it gets me going anyway

How thin was she? Normie-skinny or Auschwitz tier?

like girl on the right in op’s pic

weird LARPing

What are my options as a tall thinspo dude? Because right now, the SLP look is the only thing I can wear without looking ridiculous

Stop posting Korean girls ;_;

Will 8 calories from a cup of coffee break my fast?

what are you adding to your cofee user? Black is nice and no calories

How do I sate hunger after working out. I've been giving into my appetite more and more.

nothing, the coffee's package says it's 4 calories for a tbsp and I usually use two.

Arms are too strong for thinspo

The way I personally count it is that

Yeah, I heard that too so I didn't used to be afraid of drinking coffee in the morning but I read that even a single calorie will break your fast so I started panicking about doing it wrong all this time.

True for me
Day 3 is when the nausea starts, if you can power through that, you've gone through the worst. If you're still hungry, you're taking in something besides water and you're fucking it all up. Fasting needs some planning.

But seriously drink/sip your water and limit it to two weeks

1500 calorie per day diet. I need a snack, what should I choose.
Some salt and vinegar crackers or a glass of chocolate milk?

small bowl of soup of your choice


What was it the page that tells how much weight you'll approximately lose if you eat X amount of calories? Sorry if I'm shit at explaining myself.
Also, I DID look for it on Google like and I can't findit halp


Nah those are my two options haha

the crackers then

I thought it was a joke lol
Thank you user, nice dubs.

Yeah I chose the crackers. Only had a few though. 1500 calories is surprisingly easy when you only eat 2 meals a day

>1) yuri is *the purest form of love

How to beat hunger?

I want look like this guy.

I'm on "low" calorie diet (~1800kcal/day), and it's work until I can stick to my diet. Usually I eat boiled eggs, chicken breast, rice, vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, pea, corn, potato, cucumber), my protein intake around 200g/day.
My stats:
175 cm, 82kg
I work out daily, lifting, calisthenics and boxing.
The main problem is I'm always hungry. For years I do strongman (then fucked up my lower back and my knees) in that time I'm always eat a huge amount of food, and frequently ate junk food.
Now after 5-6 days diet I can't countinue because of the hunger.

Any tips?
Also what else can I do reach my goal?

PS: I think Veeky Forums thinspo can help me better than Veeky Forums and thats why asked you guys.

Fucking posers.

I'm on a medicine that makes it feel like i'm always starving to death, yes, even after completely pigging out and eating for 3 people.
The solution? Ignore it. Make a schedule, stick to it. You're never going to get there if you make stupid excuses like "I can't continue because of the hunger".

If you ask me you look pretty close to the goal body already. The only difference is that you have higher body fat. Looking at your lower part of the belly it's visible how much excess fat you have. It's not a lot by any means but you need to cut on the carbs and fats or add cardio to your workout

>Eat slower, this helps a lot, it helps you digest the food better too
>Drink water between bites (Important! It will feel stupid at first but it makes a huge difference)
>Hunger comes in waves, usually around when you'd normally eat, if you wait ~30 min it will get better
>Drink skim milk if you can't stand the hunger
>Green tea is also good
>Eat a lot of fruit/vegetables
>Low calorie vegetable soups are good
>If you're fasting, the two first days will be bad, then the hunger will go away
>Avoid exposing yourself to foods you don't want to eat, throw it away, don't look at it in the store, walk on the other side of the road when passing your favorite junk food stores.
And good luck. You're pretty close already.

Moar pics like this

saw pics of myself in a crop top yesterday and i still had a noticeable stomach pooch thing (disgusting) whats the best way to get myself out of being a gross skinnyfat without eating over maintenance?

I'm doing a 1500 calorie per day diet, and have lost 1.5 kg in the first 3 days.
Is this normal or am I over doing it?

nah that'll be mostly water weight, the weight loss will slow down

Work out, especially sit ups

>water weight
quick rundown on what this means?
Is the weight change permanent?

just eating less makes you lose a bunch of weight at start, because of less food or something(?) someone else could explain better. It'll go back up just as quick if you start eating more calories. It's not fat loss so it's not really real weight loss.

ah ok, i think i get it.
I'm eating at 1000 calorie deficit, and about 1500 calories less than I am use to, also my first diet ever, so I just wanted to make sure

Eating less makes you retain less of the water you drink, especially if you drastically cut down your sodium intake.

My oneitis is fucking thin
I fear she's anorexic

How thin? Is she obsessive over counting calories? Does she see herself as fat even though she's not?

174 cm and barely 50 kg
She is obsessive over calorie intake but she knows she's very skinny and jokes about it occasionally

Ah, yeah that sounds right.

Fuck you thinspo, gaining weight is infinitely harder than losing it

I don't want to he a hungry skeleton anymore

Pretty sure that's normal. Check your posture as well, standing up straight means flatter stomach

What is that in real units?

hi thinspo what's ur favorite fruit

banana unfortunately :(

You are right, it's just a stupid excuse, but i can't get used to it. My natural weight around 90kg (not so fatter then this pic but my abs completely dissapier and I'm looks like bigger because of the lifting), for reach my goal I need to be around 72-73kg. Thats a huge different not just in the weight but also in calorie intake. I'm always decide to stick to my diet but always fail. Once I bear for a month but usually failed after a week. Thanks for reply, I will try harder, I know it's just a mind game.

Yeah, my body stores fat under my skin not deep in my guts. Thats why I don't have a huge guts and thats why I look like a sock filled with shit.
What type cardio do you do and how often?
I can't run (my knees is fucked up) and I swim like a hammer, but the bicycling, walking or something will be ok.

I didn't even think drink between bites, this will also force to slower eat. Usually drink 0.5l water before I eat and another 0.5l after finished. I will try!
And I'm think try green tea instead a extract and now I'm going to search for a good soup recipe.
The fruits are tricky, when I'm eat one apple right after want another, and when I'm look around I ate 2 two fucking kg without any problem and I feel same hungriness. My stomach is like a black hole. Thanks for the tips.

You are the lucky. If you want gain some muscle and weight, try a pork, beef or horse meat. The beef contains some creatine which help you in bulking. The best food for gaining weight, is the stew with green peas with white rice or pasta. In my country the recipe is slightly different but the result almost same: bigoven.com/recipe/croatian-lambbeef-stew-with-green-peas/166921
I can kill this shit after few days diet.

>no breakfast
>no lunch
>snack on chocolate if anything
>eat something filling late for dinner like oatmeal and some veggies so I'm still full the next morning
I usually get 300-600 cals for the day and my appetite is so non existent I have to force myself to eat dinner
On the other hand I'm weak and dizzy the whole day so there is that

10 more kg's and I'm good uwu

hey guys, what do you think of dietary supplements like reduxcut? do they work? or will i die eventually?

I'm 5'8 130lb, i only really wear skinny jeans.. What should I try instead?

helo me too


im a dood

>182-183cm, 167lbs,male, 22
>max recorded record: 210lbs last august
>goal: 160lbs
>been doing keto and carb cycling, feeling great
>whatever shape my body wants to take but it seems like its gonna be ottermode

anyone from /thinspo/ in stockholm?

Not that far, I'm in Oslo

Another Norwegian reporting in. Also currently residing in Oslo.

Ooo cool. I don't want to come across as a creep, but want to hang out some day? I know very few /thinspo/ people irl



I just want a /thinspo/ best friend

Any other thinspo's Australian?
How are you all holding up

I am so fucking huuuuungry. I ate around 1300 kcal today but I have been in constant movement cause I work in a kitchen


>I'm weak and dizzy the whole day so there is that
That's because your nutrition is shit. Cut the chocolate and make sure to get enough protein.


Watermelon, red grapes, blackberries


ålder/kön/intressen? bor i stockholm

Irl friend not some dumb bitch online

23/kvinne/tegning og psykologi I guess, hva med deg?